Thanks to you and everyone else for the helpful information, with all the suggestions I think we'll do fine I like the idea of going to PR, that slipp...
I'm new to this, sorry to ask a dumb question, how do you have the ad removed? Thanks Butch
It's people like those who make the internet suck, and the ones who create virus. Good luck and stay safe. Butch
I went ahead and posted the ad as a scam on Craigslist. I hope it saves some innocent naïve person from losing their money..
I was thinking about asking a bunch of questions and to string them along, wasting their time and raising their hopes to get them to think that they'v...
elroddanielle; I'm in the same boat, but I'm going to STT. I'm moving there in May and I'm shipping my car. I found a affordable service that wil...
Carl Very informative link, I like the way you think. The last thing I want to do is to come across as one of those guys who moves to a new ...
I was hoping the inspection would be as one person described it as a "money grab" I can deal with that. It's when some tight-asses inspector goes over...
ms411; That would be awesome, but only IF you are going there, from what I'm reading, ATT&T is a long wait. Butch
About getting the car inspected, I have a "RED" light for the airbag on the dashboard, it's disconnected. The reason I disconnected it is because ther...
Alana33 Thanks for the useful information, I was hoping to have a phone with the (340) area code before I landed, I don't think that is going to ...
you read my mind, I just got back from the local ATT&T, the answer is NO, I'll have to wait till I land on STT, do you know if there is a store at the...
It seems ATT&T is the way to go, but I'm trying to find out how to get a local phone number with the 340 area code. I don't want to get coverage for ...
I want to thank you and the others for all your help, you guys are awesome. I own the car, I think until I know what is going on, I don't need an...
thanks a lot guys, I got a hold of Daniel at Beep Business Services he's going to get the car cleared for me Again, thanks for your help But...
stjohnjulie That was what I was wondering about, getting a internet connection with the speed needed to stream movies or whatever. As for su...
gac1818 You really should get one, it's like our old military ID's but are brown. With the ID you can go on any military base in the world, shop ...
how about mental problems, or is that a good thing lol
I don't know about other airlines but AA has a direct flight NYC STT, if you book in advance, it's $181 coach or $380 Business class. Here is what AA ...
You're recommendation to bring 10k, is that with or without having a job somewhere on USVI? I thought 10k would be enough, but I found out by the...
gacc1818 I'm a vet as well, (100% T/P disabled) I'd be willing to bet there wouldn't be a problem with any of the banks, after all USVI is a terr...
The way to avoid electrical power outages caused by storms is not go digging into the ground, but rather reaching for the sky: There is a paper entitl...
I always assumed the concrete poles in FL were primarily there for hurricane resistance. Hmm, might we be able to benefit from that in the VI where ...
It would be a good idea if USVI used concrete poles as well. A lot of countries use pre-tensioned concrete poles for obvious reasons, they don’t decay...
That is scary, I have all the respect in the world for high voltage power lines, and those that don’t do not get the opportunity to repeat their mista...