56 Murders: USVI's Deadly Record for 2009
The above article compares our 2009 murder rate with other US towns, cities, and Caribbean nations. Our murder rate is ten times the US national average. It also discusses the USVI's homicide patterns, and some of the factors contributing to our high rate.
I have come to realize most of the murder rate is Thug on Thug. Let hem have each other. Gangs and Drugs are everywhere, When they get through with each other,the good people of the VI will be left standing. Remember the old Hell's Angel saying. Three can keep a secret if two are dead.
When you hear the sound of a firearm,don't hesitate get your butt flat on the ground .
What about those innocent little babies born into a life of rape, murder, and mayhem?
I'm sorry but let them kill each other off is inhumane and if that's not enough as a practical matter will it not work.

It appalls me that some decent (I hope) people here believe that as long as it is a life being taken of a "thug" it's alright. Like their life has no meaning.
Perhaps if some that think like that were to work towards teaching these "thugs" that there is a better way in life - that they are capable of more in life we wouldn't have so many "thugs" here. You know - to dismiss a life because we as a society (a small midwest sized town here called the USVI) have failed to provide the support and encouragement these young people need is shameful.
When was the last time you sat down with one of these "thugs" and asked them why they do what they do - and where they see themselves in 2 to 5 years? And speak with them about options that will bring them into a legal, respectable position in society. I do this regularly.
I once lived a totally different life. I didn't see that I had any future or could ever achieve anything (and I was raised in a upper middle class family). Had someone not shown me - by pushing me to try a training program where I actually succeeded - that there was a better way for me to go in life - and got me to actually SEE that I was capable of more - I would be living a totally different life this day.
These people - these "thugs" are all someone's child, brother, sister, father, mother. They just need direction and to be able to see that there is a different or better way. We need to show them that there is a future for them here.

you know, i'm starting to side a little bit with those of you who argue the interpretation of the crime stats are askew.
i'm a stats buff and where the article cited an author who i think was also a statistician, a lot of variables are ignored when you compare STT/STX to mainland cities. primarily...land mass....
take charlotte, sc that was cited in the article. the pops for charlotte and the USVI as a whole are similarbut the land mass of the city (147 sq miles) is larger than that of any of the individual islands. then take into consideration how much of the islands' land mass is actually inhabited?
i mean, if only a % of STT/STX is actually developed, then that means you can't directly compare a charlotte to an STT/STX solely based on population. you would need to find a city of equally inhabited land mass AND population. if you can find that, then a more direct comparison can be made.
then you have to ask, how many visitors do charlotte or lafayette get in a given year? is anywhere near the number of people who visit the USVI? are those visitors typically concentrated to a small portion of the city or do tourists explore the expanse of the cities?
so you have small islands (significantly smaller than many of its counterparts), you have a decent sized population, concentrated in an even smaller area, with a specialized job industry and a high cost of living...is it any wonder that some folks do sinister things?
i guess the sad part is, i don't see how one can escape the reality currently faced by USVI. i'm not sure what tactics the local government has decided to take (if any) but i'd be interested to find out.

take charlotte, sc
i'm not sure what tactics the local government has decided to take (if any) but i'd be interested to find out.
The local government has taken the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" tactic.

my bad...the article cited charleston, i was thinking charlotte. i'm heading there next month 😉
I love life and people as well. The sooner you learn that there are people who will take advantage of you,rape and kill you no matter how nice of a person you may be, the better off you will be to deal with this screwed up world we live in.
There will always be someone who wants to kick your ass for no more of a simple reason of, they can. I am glad you all believe in helping even thugs who want nothing more than to take what you have worked for and earned. That I guess is the true meaning of Turn the other cheek. Until you find this perfect Utopia of an existence,which you will never find in your life time,just keep doing, what you are doing and sooner or later you will be led like Lambs to the slaughter. Who's going to help you then ? It is and always will be survival of the fittest.
There is a whole lot of bitching going on and no,Nada,zip,zilch action being taken by a few who claim to have been victimized. Stand up and grow a pair or lose the life you claim to love. Lets all sing Kum buy ya,hold hands and let the riff raff take over. I am sure they will have kind hearts and really care about you. And to answer your question, I did not check the spelling of that freaking song. Just keeping it real on my end.

Two arrested for murder on STX today. It's a start. Wish more were being done to educate and encourage our youth, but those in Gov't are too busy feathering their own nests to care more than a pittance. Such a shame.
Right on Chockman!(tu)
What I was thinking from the beginning was what is the percentage of those who WANT to be helped.
What is the percentage that CAN be helped.
What is the percentage that WILL be helped????
The rest that cannot/will not be rehabilitated, will terrorize the beneficial populous(who doesn`t burden society & does pay taxes for government services that benefit them(& benefit the non-beneficial as well).
In the core, is the generation to generation of those who won`t work, & feel entitled to have that which they didn`t earn.
Then it goes on to getting even more, more than the government will give them...
To get it, they will need to STEAL it, as they haven`t learned to earn it.(nor do they know, or understand the hard work & patience it requires).
To get back to the matter at hand, yup, the murders are (mostly) thug against thug, &...GREAT!!!!!!!
We need less of those!!!
To the pacifist that i`ve enraged, how many good, beneficial people have to die, be rapped, or otherwise have their life ruined for each one of these cockroaches that are maybe temporally rehabilitated???
Um, F(_) ( `em!
Tubby, I've lived in the VI for several years and I've never heard anyone refer to Charlotte Amalie as "Charlotte". People usually either say Charlotte Amalie or simply "town" or "downtown".
She was speaking of SC. Reference to stats in a news article.
You're correct. I misread. Linda
When I make it permnent Dun,which will be fairly soon. Please feel free to drop in any time.

is someone going through menopause? 😛
The local government has taken the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" tactic.
LOL here dnt!!:@)
And I hear tourists calling town "Charlotte" occasionally. I guess I am being snippy when I ask if they are talking about North Carolina, huh?

i meant charleston as discussed in the article and the stats i provided, 147sq/mi is a charleston stat. they also compared the islands to lafayette, la. which is smaller in land mass than charleston. but anyhoo...
Double Wammy East Ender, SC is not NC. I even got confused:S
I'M lost,just get me to Key West,I'll figure it out from there.
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