ATV, 4-wheeler
Hey folks!
Okay, I've read all the posts about motorcycles and I've done a search with no results.
What does anyone know about ATVs (4-wheelers) on the islands (most importantly STX)?
Is there anyplace to ride? Are they allowed on the beach anywhere? I know alot of people are not fond of them.
When I googled it I found a place in BVI that had ATV 'tours' for the tourists, but that was about it.
Thanks for any thoughts or info.

I, too have only heard of the ATV tour on Jost. Never seen it operate. I have also never seen one on STT or STJ in the 8 years I have lived here. STX, anyone?
Thanks Marty. That's the impression I've been getting. You mentioned the tour place, do you mean their no longer operating, never got off the ground?

I'm not sure of their business situation, but I, personally, in the jillions of times I've been to Jost, have never seen an ATV operating. Maybe contact the new owners of the Sandcastle and see if they have any info?
Thanks again, Marty
That clears it up some.
Hello,does anyone know about riding on trails or back roads?In Montana some quads are legal on the streets,I have been to many islands that have vehicles that would not be legal in the states what about there?
I'm sorry, guys. Please leave the ATVs in the states. It is bad enough that they have destroyed JVD. We don't need them here, especially on any beach. And while you are at it, you can ship all the PWC back with 'em. Not that I have an opinion on this or anything. 😉
EastEnder What is JVD and PWC?

JVD is Jost Van Dyke. PWC refers to personal watercraft, which includes junk like waverunners and jetskis. I agree with East Ender, the islands are not the place for ATVs or PWC.
dnt: Are you my alter ego??
Even though I do not share the feelings of the angrey and bitter East Ender and dnt, the simple facts are that the county in Montana where you live is bigger than all of the USVI. I ride off road in the North East on established dirt roads and trails. There really arent that many miles of dirt roads and no suitable trails in the USVI. The beaches are small, too small for any type of motorized activity. If you want to ride sand, try the Peoples Republic of Oregon. It's leagal to ride the dunes (keep off the grass, it stablizes the dunes) and there's no one on the beach to be bothered.
As far as PWC go, I think it would be neet to drive between the islands that are close enough. But buzzing around a beach where there are people trying to enjoy peace and quiet is not cool. There is a time and place for everything. We all need to be conciderate of others rights and not impose our opinions and beliefs on them.
"Angry and bitter East Ender and dnt"? Where did THAT come from?
In total agreement with the negative comments about PWC. Not only does their noise impinge upon the peace, quiet and tranquility but they're also destructive to marine life.
I did get a chuckle about EDGBO's question about riding an ATV on "trails and back roads" and pictured anyone attempting to ride through the bush getting in a frightful tangle of prickers and vines and so snared in them that they'd probably never be found...
Sorry if I came on too strong. But, just because someone else enjoys an legal activity that you don't is no reason to use disparaging language. I don't like skiing but I don't call ski resorts "junk". Maybe it's just my persepsion that they come across as feeling morally superior to others at times, that anyone who has a different perspective has no right to exist near them.
Please note that I do agree to a point concerning ATV's and PWC but it's based on reason not emotion.

You bring up the legality of ATVs and PWC but the legality of an activity in the US does not, and should not, make that activity immune to negative and disparaging opinions. Plenty of folks have negative opinions about activities that are legal in some places, like abortion, drinking while driving and dolphin encounters. Not all of us share the same perspectives but it is unreasonable to characterize those who disagree with you as adopting a "morally superior" attitude or infringing on your "right to exist near them" simply because your opinion differs from theirs and you don't like the way they express their opinion in writing. This is not Afghanistan and nobody's threatening the safety of you or your family for having differing opinions, people are just writing on a message board, so morality and your right to exist aren't issues here. Since you claim that, unlike me, you base your opinions on reason, I'm surprised that from some posts on a message board and without knowing me personally you believe yourself able to discern my moral status.
You live in the states and vacation in the USVI so you surely know that people who choose to vacation or live on island opt to come here over someplace like FL because they don't want to share their beaches with ATVs and their snorkel space with waverunners and jetskis. I'm sorry that you find my use of the term "junk" offensive but it was the least disparaging term I could think of to apply to ATVs and PWC in the USVI.
Hi Bass: The angry and bitter East Ender said: "Not that I have an opinion on this or anything." The punctuation for the sentence was: 😉
Now, sometimes I wear my little East Ender heart on my sleeve. I am sorry. I wish I could be as good as Islander is. In fact I am practicing to be good- I really am!! 🙂 However, I do give my opinion at times. Hey, you want bland??
P.S. I am thinking of adding the "angry and bitter" part to my signature. 😉 😉 🙂
The angry and bitter East Ender...I like's got a nice ring to it. You'll really need to ditch the smilies, though.
Peace, brothers.
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