Big Dog lost on East End of STX
Friends of ours are missing there Big dog. He has a body of a Mastiff and a face like a boxer. Weighs about 96 pounds.
They had him on the beach down by Coakley bay condos last week. He got spooked and ran off.
They only had him one week. They adopted him. He is a very scared, skittish dog. His name is Big Dog or they also called him Buddy.
Please look out for him. He may be getting into trash cans by now. He most likely will come if you have food or a treat to give him. He is a kind gentle dog.
There are several flyers up on the East end with his PIC and the owners numbers.
PM me if you see something.
Thanks for your help.
Hopefully the dog will be found. Hopefully the adoptive owners will thereafter realize that when you adopt a "scared skittish" dog then that dog (not a puppy) has some serious issues and should never have been unleashed. I'm sure the owners had every good intention but they seriously screwed up letting this dog run free on a beach.
Please even if you have a "good dog" who nver runs it should always be on a leash. Too man y times unleashed dogs have ran up to mine. No problems yet but you never know.
I know they feel bad about what happened. He was playing with another dog and got spooked by something. 2 dogs playing on a secluded beach. They never thought he would run off. He was having so much fun.
There was a siting of him on Friday night around Miss Bea rd. He will only come out at night. Hiding in the bush during the day. He is going back to his old ways.
The dog was on our property for months before I could get him to come to me. Unfortunately, we could not keep him. We socialize him for months before this couple took him. We were so Happy to find him this wonderful couple and home. They are very devastated and want him to come home.
Still missing.

I was wondering if they found him... I hope they find him soon. Joe is out that way a lot he has been keeping his eyes open.
Call radio stations, vets offices, your local shelter, put up "missing" posters at Cost U Less, etc., where lots of people will see them.
Good Luck. Hope the pup will be found soon. 🙁
Saw him in front of Carden Beach Gate tonight (Friday) around 8pm.
Turned around to try and catch him, and he was gone.
Beeski, he is so scared. He only comes out a night.
Thanks for trying.
How about putting a kennel with food in the area along with his favorite toy?
Can you trap him if need be?
I saw him at about 8 in the morning on route 38 about a half mile from coki. That was friday. Near the puma gas station. Beautiful dog.
Alana, you cannot trap this dog. When he was on our property back in Dec. the animal control guys came out to set a trap. We told the guy the trap is too small. He said it was the biggest they had. He went into the trap to get the food, but his rear end was sticking out so he got his self out of the trap after eating the food. We also made a large trap, he got out of that one also.
He didn't have a favorite toy. He was afraid of balls or toys.
He is going back to what he knows. Living in the bush by day and coming out at night to look for food.
The only way I was able to get him to come to me is by feeding him steak. This took months after he appeared on my property. I fed him dog food every night. He finally came to me when I was throwing steak at him.
I'm hoping he will come to someone who has food.
He really is a sweet dog.
The couple that lost him are doing their best to find him. They have flyers all over, especially out East.
I keep thinking he may find his way back here. I'm a good 45 minutes away from where he was last seen.
I am sure everyone is doing their best to find him and I hope he can be reunited with his new family.
It's too sad to know his location and not be able to get him. The trap was just a suggestion as a last resort.
Too bad they don't have larger traps. Poor fellow..........hope he gets home soon. Good Luck.
Any luck?
He is still missing.
will say a prayer you catch him and also willl keep a look out.
Thanks DixieChick.
I just keep hoping he will found. It is driving me crazy knowing this dog is out there living and hiding in the bush and possibly starving.
As far as I know he still has his green collar on.
Please be on the lookout. Thanks!
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