If she has "asked" the DOJ to unseal the records, she should post a copy of the motion on her website. If she does that, I'll consider voting for her.
It's my understanding it's one of the things she intends to do if she's elected.
does anyone have any information on the Scallion/Quinn ticket as far as platform or personal history/details? I had not even heard the name until this thread...
She's supposed to be at the debate so try to watch. Her background is in some type of alternative health. Very liberal.
Scallion didn't come across too well in last Monday's televised debate.
Despite some difference in stance on conservative issues, I think Coffelt is the clear best candidate by far - never thought I'd be saying that about a lawyer! And her running mate seems to be an intelligent guy too. If you want a better possibility of change - this is your ticket. Of course it would still be a battle against the senate.
For those who oppose her based on her conservative views, I think the question she needs to answer is would she allow her views to interfere with the will of the people? If she answers that honestly (to the negative) in some public forum, she may gain more votes.
I know Sheila and do not have confidence in her ability to handle issues. I also do not believe she has the education, skills or experience for the job. Just my personal opinion.
There is a community move afoot to get this to the Third Circuit Approvals Court in Philadelphia to have this criminal woman completely off the ballot.
Send your contributions (to keep Chucky off and to keep justice on)
Andrew Simpson, PC Trust Fund
PO box 2618
kingshill VI 00851
This is the same attorney that gave Coffelt and the voters of the VI real justice in the appellate court. Or you can call the attorney himself to make your contribution. No cash please.
So now that Chucky is on the ballot, where does this stand? I heard on radio today that US Attorney general hasn't seen "criminal activity" in 2012 elections, so wants to know how our community wishes them to proceed.
If moneys were sent to attorney to keep Chucky off ballot, will they be returned? I prefer crowdfunding sites that have global recognition and reputation if I'm going to donate online. That would have elevated the credibility, imo.
I have already donated $200. This is bigger than Chucky. This is about corruption and hijacking of the local and federal lower courts. If the place is corrupt without enforcement or recourse then Nothing else matters.
Coffelt is the only one I trust to end corruption. She and her running mate are intelligent. They are both conservative, but there are also about the constitution. I see a tide turning with most if the locals from Donna Christensen to Diase Coffelt. I actually think she can win, especially in St. Thomas.
You forget Mapp is in the race, and he has a HUGE following. Check the poll on viconcortium.com. Go to events and see how many followers show up for him. He is a skilled liar (I saw him in action and googled one of his statements) and I hear he's done other unethical deeds.
Can't figure out what they see in him, but he's the closest to Chucky in terms of motivating their base.
The most skilled liar was deJongh and he managed to beat Mapp twice.
1. "I did not use public funds to build my home." DeJongh 2009
2. "The territory's coffers are doing well." DeJongh 2010
3. "I will pay all retroactive wages owed to government workers." 2010
4. "I have signed and will pay all union contracts."
5. " I will not lay off any government workers."
6. "I never hit my wife."
7. "I have three children."
8. "I was not aware that the three businessmen that I tried to sign a $millions contract with to build the f'sted sports complex had no legitimate business, experience, or that one was a convicted felon." 2012 the other 2 plead guilty day after revelation
DeJongh isn't running. DeJongh had support from business community as well as government workers. Mapp, as far as I can see, has mostly government workers supporting him.
Good grief! I can't see a worse case scenario than having both mapp and chucky in leadership positions. Even donna would be better, if it comes right down to it. However, my vote is still for coffelt.
Yes, it could get worse.
Mapp and Chucky win!! http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2014/10/17/mapp-hansen-win-elementary-school-vote
Do you think that polling an elementary school is a legitimate sample for the electorate? 😉
Wish that one had been televised. Mapp and Chucky probably promised free candy to all the voters.
All it shows is an ignorant population and that these kids need a better education, classes in ethics, integrity, responsibility. It's shameful.
Very ignorant indeed. These same children and their parents voted in a vindictive corrupt thief named John deJongh in the last polls.
And you think Mapp is a pillar of honesty and integrity?
On another note, the "chucky issue" is heading back to court.
Episode 5!
DeJongh and his attorney General have never accused Mapp of being a thief. But the Federal US Inspector General did say that "he improperly" removed government funds to repair his private home. More is coming out about the library money also being used, which is why Diase Coffelt demanded release of those documents.
And yes Alana, the populace, both school children and continental transplants from the Eastern ends of both islands were easily fooled where deJongh was concerned. It is the same reason they, like DeJongh, support Chucky Hansen.
Mandatory lie detector tests for everyone in politics or running for office. Wouldn't it be a refreshing change to know you're not voting for a liar, theif or slacker?
And yes Alana, the populace, both school children and continental transplants from the Eastern ends of both islands were easily fooled where deJongh was concerned. It is the same reason they, like DeJongh, support Chucky Hansen.
Versus the thousands who don't feel that they were "fooled"? Is there something in the air on "the Eastern ends of both islands (I'm assuming STX and STT but excluding STJ and WI)" which particularly addles the brains of residents - particularly schoolchildren and "continental transplants"? How and with whom did the present Governor conspire to contaminate the air/water to effect this mind-altering effect - or was it mass hypnosis? Have you considered the mass market appeal of putting together all your conspiracy theories into a novel?
And the newest liar is Donna whose running mate Basil Ottley has been voting and paying taxes in the states. Judge Gomez refused today to see the evidence. And Diase a Coffelt is simply asking for Basil to confirm or deny that he did not vote or pay taxes. And deJongh's attorney General filed a subpoena to block his tax records from the DC area. The corruption continues. And whether you live in the east or the west you are suffering from it in some way.
The Virgin Islands cannot be good place to live with unequal application of the law. Corrupt courts. Corrupt Donna.
And the newest liar is Donna whose running mate Basil Ottley has been voting and paying taxes in the states. Judge Gomez refused today to see the evidence.
I thought just a few hours ago you didn't know whether this was fact or fiction although of course you presumed it was fact. Hard to keep track of all your conspiracy and corruption theories and I guess we should now assume that Judge Gomez is also on the list.
Says you. If you think Judge Gomez's actions constitute a conspiracy, then so says you.
I didn't know for sure earlier but now I do know for sure. Thank you for noticing. It's called being honest, Tart.
Something Basil Ottley has not been.

Just curious but, shouldn't this topic be on the 'other' thread so as not to freak out the good folks trying to get information about living here in paradise? Or not...
Says you. If you think Judge Gomez's actions constitute a conspiracy, then so says you.
I didn't know for sure earlier but now I do know for sure. Thank you for noticing. It's called being honest, Tart.
Something Basil Ottley has not been.
Your petulance is bizarrely quite charming in a "toddler in the sandbox" sort of way. Thanks for the morning chuckle!
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