Dengue fever
Oh crap! I'm pretty sure that I have it again. Muscle and bone pain. One hell of a headache. I'm shaking uncontrolably. I'm so cold and this house is so hot! Typing this was nearly impossible.
Hmmm...the temperature inversion is a red flag to me for ciguatera, not dengue. Been eating any fish recently? In particular barracuda, snapper, or other reef fish species?
BTW, I'm not a medical doctor so this isn't medical advice per se but you might want to see one...

I'm definitely not a doctor but the reason most restaurants only serve deep water fish like Mackeral, Wahoo, Mahi-Mahi (Dolphin), Tuna, etc is because of the possibility of getting ciguatera (fish poisioning). Shallow water or reef fish (parrott fish, angel fish, trigger fish, etc) feed on and around the coral reefs which contain this "ciguatera". Deep water fish don't have this issue. Unless you know the correct way to clean & prepare reef fish for eating, your potential to get sick is much greater.
Jumbie -STX
You've got my sympathy. I've had it a couple of times and it is miserable! And yes, to the naysayers, there are seven kinds and you can catch all seven of them.
Drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest.
thanks pamela!
no fish. better. sweating profusely. bad bad headache. pressure around eyes. muscle pain. intense bone pain. nausea. called doc.. no cure. drinking fluids. feel awful. can't think. back to bed
That sounds awful Aussie! Hope you start feeling better soon.
For those reading this that may not know Dengue is spread by mosquitos.
Yuk Aussie, feel better soon! Damn mosquitos
🙁 Feel better soon.
Drink a lot of fluids.
For anyone who knows, is dengue similar to malaria? It sounds like it - fever, chills, dehydration, extreme muscle aches, ... yuck.
Many thanks Sky, Cheryl, and newarrival!
I didn't eat fish and I have no cold symptoms - none
The headache has backed off just enough this morning to allow me to take a breath. I think you could've cooked an egg on my head at some point during the night. That was followed by another round of uncontrollable shaking and chills. Miserable just miserable. The site of the bone pain is red, puffy, hot to the touch. and painful.
I'm going to call the health dept when I get back up and see if there's a way to give them some blood for testing without being charged an arm and a leg.
Heads up, folks. It's unconfirmed but I'm reasonably confident that there's dengue on the west end of St Croix.
The very last thing I want this morning is another glass of water but staying hydrated may be the only thing that keeps me outa the hospital and my critters need me here. Back to bed.
Aussie, if the site of the bone pain is red, puffy, hot to the touch and painful, you might have been bitten by a brown recluse spider. You can be bit and never know it, and then start suffering the effects. Or, less possible but still something to consider (esp. if this red puffy area spreads and gets worse) is that it might be necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) If you bumped or injured yourself recently you might cosider this as a small possibility.
Get to a doc. No way should dengue have red, puffy and hot to the touch spots. Dengue is through all your bones and joints and place you didn't know you had. Sounds like something other than a skeeter got you! Let us know.

Pamela is right. Perhaps you can see a doctor about this awful thing.
Hope you recover soon from whatever this may be.
Aussie - I think it might very well be a brown recluse spider bite. Definitely get to a doctor soon!!!!!!!!! Also when you go to the doctor, please mention necrotizing fasciitis as a possibility, just in case. It is very rare, but people do catch it with awful consequences if it is not diagnosed soon enough. You might suspect that you have it if the red area spreads very very rapidly (like within a day) and starts to hurt much much worse.
This came in an email to us today. from a local health care provider.
We are passing it on..... On of our friends has this Dengue. her blood platlets are low.
To all my fellow Virgin Isanders'
There is a very BAD form of Dengue here and it has been here for months. I strongly advise anyone with flu like symptoms : fever, headache, rash, muscle pain.....go directly to seek medical help and get a complete blood count including platlets.
There have been many deaths in Puerto Rico and several here. There are alot of cases on St. John and St. Thomas. Take this seriously.
Do your mosquito control on your property, suit up and spray...I know I hate the smell and all too!
Please pass this along so we are informed......the health department has not been informing the public of this health threat.
Many, many thanks for your help and advice folks! Without a nudge from you, I probably wouldn't have seen a doctor today.
I'm being treated for some sort of aggressive staff infection with 3600 MG of antibiotics daily. Wow. That's a ton. If I don't see marked improvement by Monday, into the hospital I go.
It looks like I was dead wrong about it being dengue. Sorry about that! I stand prepared to accept the flack that may be coming my way. 🙂
Thanks again for your help!
No flack, baby. Just get well - and keep us posted. We will razz you later when you can handle it *-)
Aussie - Keep an eye on it... if it gets significantly worse before Monday in either size, pain, or swelling, you might consider going to the hospital. Some types of Staph infections (MRSA) are drug resistant.
Will do, islandjoan, and thanks! My doctor said that we have some nasty, nasty bugs down here.

Get well soon.
Any bullseye to the rash? It sounds like Lyme, been to the east coast lately?
Good luck! Hopefully you will have quick response to the antibiotics, You may want to take some acidophilus or probiotics if you are on a heavy dose of antibiotics, ask your doc.
Again good luck.
Glad you went to the doc aussie. Feel better soon.
Get well soon, aussie!!:-)
I've no idea if this is better or worse than dengue, but I'm glad you went to the doctor. This may sound like a dumb question, but when your doctor said we have nasty bugs, was that bugs, as in infections, or bugs, as in insects that might have bitten you?
Thanks so much for your support folks! You're very kind.
loungestx, nope. I haven't been stateside in quite some time. I've had tick fever on 2 occasions - nasty! There were a lot of deer ticks where I used to live. Ticks carry so much more than Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. They can really make you sick.
Jaunita, I have no idea if this is better than dengue either! LOL Both can be bad news. My doctor was talking about bacterial infections that enter through holes in the skin as small as an insect bite. He said he's seen a lot of very strange, very aggressive bugs here. The reason given was that it never freezes here. These things just forever mutate and get more and more powerful.
My wife got a very bad staff infection the last time we were there. It took several shots of high powered stuff to get rid of it. She was starting to get a red line going up her leg. I had a very small spot on my back, but got rid of it with pills.
Good Luck!!
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