Medical Care For Veterans
Thanks to everyone for their posts and opinions and thanks for all the great info to my original question!!!!!!
Thanks Mike...and thanks for your service!!!
Hello all. As a future resident of St. Croix and possibly a neighbor to some of you, AND a veteran, I had to put in my two cents regarding this matter. I have been following this site for years (bought property 5 years ago and have been building a house a little at a time) but never felt compelled to respond to any of the posts. However, when it comes to anything dealing with veterans, I am compelled. Being a veteran of another vastly unpopular war, and one that never happened (i.e. the secret war in Laos, waged from '62 to '75) I saw men give all for their country, I saw men die 25 years later as a result of exposure to agent orange. This is a very emotional topic for me to discuss. I have tears welling up in my eyes right now. The poor man fights the wars to support our way of life so our elected officials can break the law, get fat and rich, and send filth over the internet. A veteran deserves anything he can get. He answered the call. He sacrificed his future to protect the future of others. My dad was a WW II combat veteran, wounded on New Georgia in the Solomon Islands. I was doing my part for my generation. There was never a question about going or not. I felt it was my duty. I was lucky. I came back and raised a family and enjoyed the benefits of living in a free society. I hope we will continue to have young men and women who see things the same way I did.
I am glad to see there are veterans services available on St. Croix. I give my best to the young disabled vet and his family. Best of luck to you in the future. Let us all thank our veterans. Remember "all gave some, some gave all".
Well put gottaluvit . As a veteran who has done some traveling, St Croix is a pro veteran ---they care and appreciate the veterans and currently serving members of the Armed forces.
For instance, Plaza Extra markets give veterans a 5% discount of groceries.
Road Runners give veterans a 10% discount on gas.
And most of all, when interviewing for a position or even just wearing a veteran t-shirt or hat, I can not say one day has passed while on St Croix someone doesn't come up to me and say ".....thank you for your service......"
God Speed
In LindaJ's defense, I'm sure she genuinely wanted to know what Diabetes had to do with serving in the military. I myself had no idea that anything that happens to you while you're in the service can become a disability and even be cause for medical retirement! All of this has been very interesting for me to read. And thank you to all the veterans out there. While I personally may not always agree with the reason for the particular war, I appreciate all that the service men and women do to assure my freedom!
I didn't realize that the VA had clinics on the islands! That will be fantastic news to my husband. He is in need of a hip and knee replacement (which we will have done before we move), but knowing there is a VA facility will excite him. He would be REALLY excited to learn if there was an American Legion or VFW posts on any of the islands...
American Legion Post 85 ( 340/ 773- 0345) Hospital Street Christianstead, St Croix USVI
Ahhhhh...... isn't it nice to see the difference in how we veterans relate to each other and our connected families of other past/current service members.Then there are the arm chair Quacks who have no clue what HONOR ,COUNTRY, DUTY,CORPS DE SPIRIT actually mean to a VETERAN.If you've never worn the uniform ,had a lump in your throat just by seeing the American flag",pledged your life to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic" then please just step aside and allow the dignity a Vet has earned and get out of his way when duty calls(tu)
ARMY SAYS HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as an ole' Navy "pecker-checker" with a Green past, Sempre Fi!!! "DO or DIE"
This thread got to me.

The Office of Veterans Affairs, in conjunction with Benefit Counselors and Caribbean Health Clinics, will conduct outreach services for all veterans who have questions about health issues, claims filings, or other concerns. General counseling services will be available at the Community Base Clinic in the Medical Foundation Building behind the Schneider Regional Medical Center on St. Thomas on July 11 -12, 2011 from 9:00 am to 4:30pm. On St. Croix, general counseling sessions will be held at the Community Base Clinic at the Barren Spot Mall on July 14-15, 2011 from 8:00 am to 4:30pm.
“Every month, the Office of Veterans Affairs holds general counseling sessions in both districts to get to know our veterans and to answer any questions they may have, especially on health issues or regarding other benefits and services. I encourage all veterans to visit these informational sessions in their community and learn more about the benefits available. We recognize that veterans have concerns on various issues, and we are here to assist and provide answers. If you are a veteran, and have not registered with us, I urge you to do so,” Veterans Affairs Assistant Director Harry A. Daniel stated.
The Office of Veterans Affairs will also hold community town hall meetings. The schedule is as follows:
July 11, 2011 at the Julius Sprauve School Auditorium on St. John from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
July 12, 2011 at the American Legion Hall on St. Thomas from 6:00 to 9:00pm
July 14, 2011 at the American Legion Hall at Post 133 at 15-16 Prince St. Frederiksted on St. Croix from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
“Our Territory owes a great debt of gratitude to our veterans for their dutiful service, honor, and sacrifice. Their patriotism and dedication to duty helped build our Nation and this Territory, and we wish to recognize their contributions, as well as the patience and endurance of their families. These sessions help us do just that, and we always look forward to providing assistance, information and friendship to all Virgin Islands veterans,” Daniel continued.
The Office of Veterans Affairs encourages all veterans to attend the scheduled sessions and discuss any and all issues concerning benefits and health concerns.
For further information call 773-6663 or 774-6100.
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