medical field job info
need help finding info about the jobs available in the usvi. real estate help too.
What type of medical jobs?
thanks cheri for replying. sorry about being so vague.
imaging technology ( mri, ct ).
i find it difficult to find or research any info about jobs or moving to the carribean in general.
You'd probably have to get in touch with one of the hospitals on STT or STX - my husband is a pharmacist and we had many friends in different medical fields - one thing you will find is that salaries are significantly lower than stateside unless you are possibly with a travel company that supplies medical personnel to the hospitals.
This board is your best source of info for moving to the VI - whatever your head can think of can most likely be found by using the search feature or just reading the moving stories on the home page - at least that will give you an idea of what to start searching for.
Good luck!
Advanced Radiology, LLC is a jointly owned venture between the Juan F. Luis Hospital and a local radiology practice. Btween them and Island Imaging (owned by the same group of radiologists) these two organizations do all of the medical imaging on St. Croix. The manager of both organizations is Marcel Galiber, brother in law of our newly elected governor, John deJongh! Its a small territory!!!!! The number for Advanced Radiology is 340-778-6311, ext 2376. Good luck. Becky R is right, medical personnel are soemwhat underpaid, relative to the mainland. Couple that with a higher cost of living, inadequate-antiquated equipment makes the work moer challenging than it needs to be, at times.
On St Thomas, the MRI is owned by St Thomas Radiology Associates 340-774-0265. You can talk to Schneider Regional also, as they have a CT scanner. Their website is
You will find plenty of information about moving to the VI here. Many jobs are found by word of mouth, so you usually have to be here to find them. A look-see visit is a good idea. Check the archives for what has become known as a PMV- a pre-move visit.
STX has just finally gotten a used eeg machine. Talk about being behind the times!
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