Well, that's because the majority of welfare recipients weren't doing drugs. Duh!
I'm saying drug testing proved wasteful for one demographic. You think it will magically become productive and not wasteful for another? Ok. I will go for that if all the people who want drug testing agree to have their taxes raised to pay for it. Seems fair.
So you think the majority of government employees are based on 1. A dude with a bunch of coke in his carryon. 2. A claim by a corrupt governor that a police officer died in a pile of cocaine? Did you see the police report of the dead officer? Never mentions pile of cocaine. So either Mapp is full of b.s. now or someone purposely filed and signed off on an incorrect police report
Hopefully, you'll pay your share.
I don't want drug testing. I'm not paying squat.
Yes because passing a drug test one day you ensures drugs will need never be used. Yeah. I'm the idiot. What a f@cknozzle. If you think I don't check drug interactions myself for anything I'm prescribed well I guess I'm not the only idiot.
Strawman much?
Yes you are the idiot
If I had a $1.00 for every guy that got run off for pissing hot, I'd be a very rich man
Keep spewing your non-sense, your ignorance is shining thru
I'm going for organic popcorn!
Did you see the police report of the dead officer? Never mentions pile of cocaine.
So presumably you saw it. One hypothesis is that there was no "pile" of cocaine but a very small amount on or about the deceased and that the cause of death was a result of a pre-existing heart condition which may have been entirely unrelated to the ingestion of cocaine. Merely a hypothesis.
It might be in welfare recipients but in my experience it's very effective.
I'm so glad you knowing a pilot passed a drug test 2 months ago makes you feel all warm and safe but that test means squat the day you get on a plane with him/her. If you truly think drug testing makes it easier for you to get home safely to your family you are sorely mistaken.
Sparty, I do think your position on this is based on the unfortunate situation with your sister which has obviously been a painful personal ordeal. But I also think it's really clouded your judgment and ability to take a rational approach to the subject of drug testing.
Pre-employment and then random testing is the key. Once and done just isn't, well, done. We culled quite a few people with the ore-employment. Substantially less with the random. Knowing that you can be pulled in at any time has that effect.
Did you see the police report of the dead officer? Never mentions pile of cocaine.
So presumably you saw it. One hypothesis is that there was no "pile" of cocaine but a very small amount on or about the deceased and that the cause of death was a result of a pre-existing heart condition which may have been entirely unrelated to the ingestion of cocaine. Merely a hypothesis.
I did see it. Mapp's quote and the official statement don't jibe. That's all
This has little to do with my sister other than knowing how easy they are to beat. I think they are an infridgement on personal liberty. Period. Now I'm going to have to go research all the time people passed drug tests only to have killed people doing their jobs while on drugs or drunk. If you think drug testing makes you safer, you probably also think the patriot act made you safer.
Did you see the police report of the dead officer? Never mentions pile of cocaine.
So presumably you saw it. One hypothesis is that there was no "pile" of cocaine but a very small amount on or about the deceased and that the cause of death was a result of a pre-existing heart condition which may have been entirely unrelated to the ingestion of cocaine. Merely a hypothesis.
Yet, governor Mapp made it public "several months" after the fact.
Does it take a "pile" or just a little?
Whatever the circumstances, which are subject to conjecture, there was no mention, (to my knowledge) of this at the time of occurrence.
Why hide it until now?
Is he insinuating Chesterfield might've been his dealer to get heat off off government house?
(Sorry but I'm so over this administration.)
Bye Felicia.
40% of workplace accidents and deaths are caused by someone drunk or on drugs. Tell me again how much safer drug testing makes everyone? Drug testing is a way for corrupt insurance companies to cover their @sees. I guess it also created a whole new business onto itself as well. Yep. So. Much. Safer
Yes because passing a drug test one day you ensures drugs will need never be used. Yeah. I'm the idiot. What a f@cknozzle. If you think I don't check drug interactions myself for anything I'm prescribed well I guess I'm not the only idiot.
Strawman much?
Yes you are the idiot
If I had a $1.00 for every guy that got run off for pissing hot, I'd be a very rich man
Keep spewing your non-sense, your ignorance is shining thru
3% of all tests, on the high end, come back "hot". You couldn't afford to buy a house in Savan, let alone be a rich man with the TOTAL number of positive tests for all of the United States. Yup. I'm the idiot.
Yup. I'll agree.
I would really like to know the demographics of this forum as it relates to being in favor of drug testing. I have a hunch I know.. but...
I don't know exactly why you're opposed to drug testing for certain postions especially as it pertains to the topic. Not welfare recipients.
I'm sorry that your sister had to know how to beat a drug test.
That must be difficult.
Have I stuttered here? They are ineffective. They do not stop people from abusing substances on a daily basis. They are cost prohibitive. They are an infringement on privacy
I don't know exactly why you're opposed to drug testing for certain postions especially as it pertains to the topic. Not welfare recipients.
I'm sorry that your sister had to know how to beat a drug test.
That must be difficult.

40% of workplace accidents and deaths are caused by someone drunk or on drugs. Tell me again how much safer drug testing makes everyone? Drug testing is a way for corrupt insurance companies to cover their @sees. I guess it also created a whole new business onto itself as well. Yep. So. Much. Safer
Now ask Jane how many workplace accidents happened at Hess/Hovensa due to drug use. Where pre-employment and random testing was required. In my 27 years there (and yes, I've read the reports) I do not recall a single one.
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