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Need a car on STJ
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We've been looking for a car on STJ and haven't had much luck. 1-2K is about what we can afford. There isn't much for sale, so I was curious to hear if anyone had any suggestions.
Connections seems to be the go to spot for info on STJ, but any have idea where I could find classifieds or people selling vehicles on STT?
Any suggestions would be appreciated - thanks!
MattTheRed at gmail dot com
340 - 643 - 0053
Posted : December 9, 2008 5:33 pm

Certainly check the Island Trader each Thurs. -- most of those vehicles are on STT - one barge trip and you are home. For $1-2K make sure you have a good toolbox and see if you can get a manual that covers your model car.
Posted : December 9, 2008 7:53 pm
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