STX Get Together - Sunday Nov 26th
Is anyone on STX up for a small message board get together in Nov.? My wife andI will be there the 16th thru 28th. Then she has to leave and I will be there until Dec 13th.
How about a picnic or lunch gettogether Sun. Nov. 25th. evertone should have lots of left overs from Thanksgiving. 🙂
My husband and I would love it. We will be arriving on Nov. 22.
Doug, Tammy and JJ
Anyone else??
Any ideas where?*-)
Ric & Linda?
Beth and Tabra?
My personal preference would be something VERY easy. Perhaps Sunday brunch at Full Moon beach bar at Cane Bay and then an afternoon sitting on the beach visiting. No food preparation, no muss, no fuss. And there is live music at Cane Bay starting at about 3.
But Ric and I are up for whatever.
cane bay has new owners and Im pretty sure they have suspended music till they return....
We are now underway on the sailboat and I don't expect to be back on STX until early December. Then again, I may jump ship somewhere along the way. lol
In the past when David owned Cane Bay Beach Bar, and then afterwards when Joe and Vic owned it, we held a large potluck Thanksgiving dinner for all the Continental transplants and any locals who wished to join in. Since most of us don't have family on the island, having holiday gatherings with our newly adopted family of friends makes a lot more of the holiday. I don't know if Jeff & Mikki (new Cane Bay owners... and they also just got married this past Saturday, so be sure to congratulate them when you meet them) will be up for having the beach bar host the potluck this year when they are just brand new to STX. In the past, the restaurant was shut down for service but the bar still sold drinks and everyone brought dishes to share. There was usually a LOT of food and more than 80 people. We did this for both Thanksgiving and Xmas day dinners.
But even if Cane Bay isn't an option for a venue, the point is that you might want to have your message board gathering ON the holiday instead of the following day. Restaurants aren't open, so you wind up either cooking your own big holiday dinner or not really celebrating the holiday at all. Having a potluck with dozens of families bringing dishes to share works very well. You just need a venue.
That sounds ok also. Either way is okay with us.Can someone there check to see if Cane Bay will be open. I hope we can get it figured out before I leave on the 15th. I won't have access to the internet when on island, unless maybe Beth has internet.:)
Cane Bay is open and, at least as of last Sunday, still has music. Outlaws in Paradise last week.
Do they serve on Thanksgiving? If not, is that plan ok with you and Ric? Or do you perfer to do it on Sunday?
We have plans for Thanksgiving, so we'd rather do it on Sunday.
Sunday's fine too with us. Everyone esle ok with that? What time, around noon??
We haven't heard from;
Linda from Mich.
or many other regulars.
Terry, you can always come to the bookstore and use my computer! 🙂
I think that Sunday is good for us, too, we are going to someone's house for Thanksgiving (they took pity on us non-cookers, I guess) but should be ready for some beach time on Sunday.
Thank You:)
We will see you soon.

Terry -
Just let me know what to bring (if anything) and when to be there. I agree with Linda J - the simpler the better!
I think that Linda J. just wants to eat the food at Cain Bay. Just bring yourself.
Count me in!
Hi Everyone,
Like Alexandra has mentioned, Jeff and I have bought the Full Moon. I (and my dog) will be coming in on the 15th of Nov. Jeff will hopefully be coming a week or so after me. I would love to get together and meet new people. Sunday will be good. No holiday for us I think because we will probably be a little overwhelmed. Oh and Tammy - thanks for Laurens name, she is going to help with a charter for the dog and me. Hope to you all soon!
Hey Flounder,
The music stays.
I agree with with Linda as well. The simpler the better, but I am flexible if there are other options.
Hi Everybody,
Doug, JJ and I would love to get together. Are we supposed to bring food or eat at cane bay? We will be getting in the day before Thanksgiving, so I don't know how much time I will have to cook or if the grocery store will be open. I'm sure we can find something. Mikki, you are welcome. Lauren is great. I can't wait to meet her in person. Have a good day.
It's my impression that Cane Bay will be open for food and drinks. So that makes it simple.
It looks like we will have a good turnout.
Ok so how about 11 am on the Sunday after Thanksgiving at Full Moon Beach Bar? That will give us time for brunch and bloody marys at the bar and then some hang time at the beach. Folks will need to bring whatever they want to sit on (chairs, towels) and make their own arrangements for snacks and liquid refreshments during the afternoon. In addition to Full Moon, Spratnet is on the beach and Rosies Road Kill will probably be open also.
What could be simpler? Should we get some kind of head count so that we can warn Full Moon?
Ric and I make 2.
Hi Mikki and Jeff,
I am a little shocked that Jim is no longer the owner of Full Moon Bar? Did this all take place in the last month? Do you know what happened to Diana, Kelly, Chris, Jamie, Dave, Ronnie, etc. Are they still working there or have they moved on to another place. I just left the island after spending 5 months there and would like to keep up with that group since I have known most of them for the past 6 years. Thank you for any information and good luck with your new venture.
Dear Jazzy,
Almost everyone is still working away at Full Moon, a state of affairs I don't see changing. But of course this is STX, where the only constant is change.
From what I hear (and mind you, this is NOT 1st hand information--you know how that goes)...Jim is going to buy, or has already bought, Off The Wall and some of the employees are going to move back there when it's back up and running.
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