The only time its hard to grow is Sept Oct when we get the tropical rains. A litte shade cloth can help. I used drip irrigation on a timer. My growing spot (raised beds) gets sun from sunrise till 2-3 in the PM depending on the season. I face east and get all the wind .
Right now the man o war are here, they bad. The sting is painfull and lasta long time. The tenacle lines are evident. They will blow away soon. If I swim I wear a ras guard. If one gets you dive down and they may let go.
The little ones sting too. I got stung at Buck Island and it was't bad. I had vinegar wth me. They are here in the mid to late summer,that's when I see them
Vinegar may not/doesn't work on Man O War. Flush with seawater, not fresh, and see a doctor immediately.
Take Benadryl if you begin to have an allergic reaction. (Benadryl should be part of every snorkelers/divers/boaters kit. It's magic stuff)
Man O War have extra long tenacles, so don't get near them, even on the beach.
They have them by the truckload in Corpus Christi - Padre Island this time of year. The tractors would rake the beach in the morning and you'd hear them 'pop' under the tires.
i heard you should pee on them
i heard you should pee on them
Them being the person stung or the man o war? 😀
Film....maybe both - HA!
i heard you should pee on the person at the sting area. dont know it it works. have not been stung.
LOL! I've heard this before too, but boy would I want the pee-er to be a really close friend.
Peeing on a person doesn't really work unless the person peeing has a lot of ammonia in their urine. Ammonia works best on stings.
So if I understand.... If I am stung by a man o war... I should ask a really close friend to drink ammonia and pee on the me at the sting area and then also pee on the man o war? Just so I understand.:D
film you got it
Ok. Cool. Thanks:-)
All this pee talk...............now I have to go to the bathroom :$)
so i see ANOTHER ONE from the turbull administration got in trouble,Pamela Richards,LOL this is the woman that verbally attacked roger morgan at a trade show in vegas because she thought he had no right to be there promoting STX,she was a tourism director that knew nothing about her job.
TRW -she was so qualified to be tourism commissioner....let's see was it her retail experience at Foot Locker or the fact that she is the God-Daughter of the former Gov. Turnbull that lead to her qualifications?? Such a surprise that she was in on the corruption too...not so much!
i say anyone who promote stx tourism is wonderful. she just sounds like a spitful jealous person
Yeah, I've heard there has been some rain . . . at least that is what the company that trims the yard tells me 😉 we've been away 5 weeks and back then the ground was crunchy in the rain forest . . . be back next week . . . yeah again!
All the recent talk about pizza has me craving Lost Dog although I am tempted to try the pies at OTW.
This is probably a stupid question but does a Man O'War look really different than jellyfish? I heard cheap liquor is good to use . . . true?
By sight the main difference between a jellyfish and a man o war is that the body consists of a gas filled (mostly nitrogen) bladder like float tinted pink, blue, or violet which may be 3 to 12 inches long and extend as much as 6 inches above the surface of the water. Their tentacles can extend over 100 feet in length. They move about by means of the bladder above the water which functions as its sail. Unfortunately they travel in groups so if you see one you are likely to see more.
On a lighter note. I believe they prefer top shelf liquor over cheap liquor.
Giving them cheap liquor is like meeting someone at a bar and plying them with cheap liquor, you may get stung in the end.:D
lots of rain today, i just read "the secret scripture" about ireland in the 20's and the 30's great book and i just finished "a house on fortune street"
TRW--we need a good gossipy post from you............what's the status of the Cane Bay beach bar?
On the Cane Bay beach bar, I was just there a week or so ago. Calvin is apparently trying to make a go of it. Last I heard, he was installing POS devices to allow credit and ATM cards for payment (about time). Don't know if the IT guy ever showed up to install or not.
On another note, what's up with the orange cheddar cheese on this island? Does anyone know where you can get gourmet cheese on STX. If not gourmet, at least a good variety?

Cost u less has a nice English aged chedder and a few others. Schooner Bay has a few good cheeses.
I didn't mean Calvin's Sprat Net, I meant Full Moon Beach Bar, sorry.
Try Schooner Bay Market or Food Town for cheese.
sometimes plaza by cost u less has some nice cheese. its like with every thing as soon as you see it buy it.
Got this in a weekly newsletter today. Don't know if this is the bar you were referring to.
"In other island news, the folks from Parrot's Cove have sold the business and are now running the restaurant and bar out at Chenay Bay. It's now called Mahi's at Chenay Bay."
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