I hope it is not true as well.
Well I don't know about a rumor, but I will follow up with my friend on Friday and see what happens. I'll post here if I here anything, eitherway.
OMGosh............say it isn't so about the lay-offs! Betty's right, Hovensa folks do help our lil island's economy...............sad sad sad if true. 🙁
Sorry to post more bad news...this time STT...
"Body Found at Brewer’s Bay Beach
According to police reports, the body of a Caucasian male was found hanging from a tree at Brewer’s Bay Beach on UVI’s St. Thomas campus at approximately 6:30 a.m. today (Thursday, Jan. 29). While the Virgin Islands Police Department is conducting an investigation, the initial indications are that the individual was not a UVI student. UVI President Dr. LaVerne Ragster has taken this occasion to remind all members of the University community that the University’s campuses are open to the public and that everyone should remain mindful of their personal safety at all times. "
8 bucks, and the papers never get the story right,it was not a drug transaction gone bad it was about a drug debt owed,the kid grew up here and left for a couple of years,came back got involved in the scene,owed money,they threatened his mother and then they shot him,end of story
OMG...... is that what really happened. So sad. There seems to be alot of crime on the islands, Drugs are the #1 problem it seems.
just wanted to say hello to this thread. haven't posted in a while. was supposed to be living in paradise at the end of this past october , but had a great opportunity come about, and so that has put off my move for a year and a half. i thought i was going to have my toes in the sand but they are in about a foot of snow! would have never guessed it, but........it just delays my move a little bit and i will be in a much better position when i get there. i can't tell you how nice it is to feel like i am there anyway with all your posts, information, and descriptions!
anyway hello from the little ky wildcat - ha
have a good day everybody!
has anybody heard if the hovensa rumors are true. we live in town and usually hear all the shootings but somehow we missed the one on monday night at 8:30 sad that someone died.
I'll ask about Hovensa layoffs at the Super Bowl party tomorrow.
well i've been trying to think of something to talk about but my mind is a blank so i guess i'll go and veg in front of the tv
yes juanita i still do not have a cell phone,but my boss told me i need to have one while he goes sailing for a week because i do not have a phone in town,so i'm taking tims today and will have it until the 14th.
Hey there question... how did it go with the layoffs in Hovensa??
well according to an email sent to downtown businesses,the taxi drivers association feels that the taxi drivers need to be subsidized because the tourists feel that the taxis are too expensive and therefore do not use them all that frequently,now this bit of stupidity is a typical example of the problems with lack of intelligence that plague these islands,perhaps now that gas is cheap maybe you should lower your prices you idiots. last saturday i had to ask 3 different drivers to take me to lavallee, the first 2 did not want to drive that far,so i guess they can't be hurting that bad if they can afford to turn down a 24 buck fare.
I love how everything someone does wrong is attributed to some lingering "lack of intelligence" in our islands. What logic!
In my book if someone does something wrong it always shows a lack of intelligence. For some it may just be a temporary lack of intelligence, for others it terminal.
I'm sorry but your statement dl lacked any logic.
case dismissed,all charges dropped
case dismissed,all charges dropped
TRW................which case?
islandtyme go back on this thread to september it's all there,the ex and i had some issues,lol
had to get smokes from bongo's last night,nothing but dealers, thugs and hookers,just like the moonraker before they closed down and i hear the landlord is starting to come down on the owners of the bar,but i did have some really good hardshell tacos at luncheria last night,oh and a couple that have been on island for about 9 months(he works at hess) have signed a lease on the old soaps and scents spot,she's going to open a new soaps and scents in march,so once again we'll have handmade soaps and things,and DL you and i will never agree on anything
Oh......TRW, I thought you were talking about one of the many cases involving criminals or animal abusers!
Hope all is well with you & things are better 🙂
Ok, a personal issue..............sorry I too was thinking you were talking about some drug dealer or gun charge being dropped (per usual).
thanks!!,hey i just took a walk along the boardwalk and the restaurants are packed with people off the boats,looks to be an older crowd,oh and theres a guy under parrots cove selling the most beautiful conch shells and abalone shells,he's shined em up with shellac or varnish and the colors just pop,i'd really like to see the book thrown at the guy that beat the dog to death,this is a test case for the island,the article in yesterdays paper about the horse and today about the dog are just awful to read,makes you wonder
well one of our customers dog died suddenly 2 days ago,apparently it's something that gets big dogs every now and then, their stomach flips and their intestines get tangled up and they die in a couple of hours and there is nothing you can do about it,theres a name for it but i can't remember,this is the first i've heard of it but others have told me it happens,this man just doted on his dog,took him everywhere,he was in for dinner last night with one of the lawyers and his wife and he was stunned to say the least,i met my first ever people from finland last night 6 of em in for dinner,just here for a couple of days and then over to STT,nice people with a good working knowledge of english,lol they all had some type of fish,oh juanita i got the tims cellphone and went to att to have it refilled and they told me it had sat idle for too long and needed to be reactivated for 65 bucks plus the cost of adding minutes which makes no sense to me so i told them NOOOOO
The intestine flip thing can also rawhides. If you have to use rawhides only use the all natural ones. It happens mostly with bigger dogs that gulp rather then chew. But the rawhides that aren't all natural just won't break down sometimes and it can cause the intestines to twist and the dog will be dead with in 24 hours. One of my good friends told me about this 3 years ago and I don't use any type of rawhide anymore.
our BIG dog will only eat dog food or table scraps,if you give her a bone or a rawhide or anything thats not really considered food she just takes and buries it,we find our shoes socks sandals ect buried outside alot of the time
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