Transferring to UVI...STX or STT campus?
Hey Folks,
I am new on this message board, and I have been reading about the various topics on here for some time now. A little about me, I am 31, recently laid off as a gov't contractor, and now using my GI Bill to get my college degree. I will graduate with my associates degree this fall, and looking into transferring to UVI to finish my bachelor's degree in Business Administration. I will be making a PMV this fall to tour the campus, meet with advisors, and register for the Spring 2015 semester. The deadline to apply is in October, so I will be coming in August/Sept time frame. I would like to get some input/comments on helping me make my decision on attending the STX or STT campus. They both offer my program, but I am also interested in off-campus housing, part-time jobs while going to school full time, and most importantly the availability of internships/networking/meeting other professionals to help with my transition to a career after graduation. I know the STT campus has an internship program with several businesses to help students gain professional experience and get hired, does the STX campus offer the same opportunities. Seems like there may be more opportunities for part-time work in STT as well, but STX seems to be cheaper with housing. Any input in helping me make this decision easier would be greatly appreciated!
dont know much about the campus so will not answer that, i think stt would have a better selection of pt jobs available that stx
I agree, you'll find a job easier here (STT) IMO. The crappy thing is that since your not "a resident" you're gonna pay TRIPLE the cost for tuition. IDK how transfers work here thou. One of my good friends does marine bio and she pays $6k a semester where she said for locals its 2k. I believe she said 1 yr residence to be consider local.
Aug-Sept finding a job will be rough IMO. Most of the servers that Iknow go back to the states since our tourism industry slows to a crawl that time of year. If you're not picky, you can ALWAYS find work. It might be bagging groceries but who cares, right? You'll need a car on STT, the university isn't close to any off campus housing. You can find an apartment up on the west end, thats pretty close (10 min drive) and a safe area too (IMO)... although maybe more expensive out west. I don't know about the UVI helping for placement but you will make lots of friends in school I'm sure. My friend is always meeting new people and hanging out doing fun things. Then again she is super hot and a single girl lol! (rotor, insert comment LOL!)
I am glad I have my design degree, I use it still even though I am DONE with the corporate world. IMHO knowing what I know now, i would have gone into hotel management. I think that is a degree you can use in many beautiful tourist destinations all over the world.
Sorry I can't talk about the STX campus - don't know much about it.
I am using the Post 911 Gi Bill on the STX campus. Tuition full time is about 6600 and the VA is paying for all of it, however I am told that any semester the VA will only pay at the resident rate. Pay is 2300 a month and A few hundred more on STT. Good plan to live off campus as I have heard no A./C and could not open windows on campus. School is small only around 700 students and a lot of classes at night. Finding a place to rent is really easy on this island as lots of options. I never did a PMV.
Oh first semester I did not get a check from the VA until 2 months after school started. Second semester they sent money the first week of class.
Internships seem really easy as a few profesors have made suggestions(different field of study tho). No idea about part time jobs.
AandA2VI- Yes, unfortunately I will be paying TRIPLE the tuition, but only for one year, so it's not all that bad. I plan on my PMV being in Aug/Sept which I understand is a very slow time in the VI. I made the mistake of going to Jost Van Dyke for a week during Labor Day!! I do plan on bringing my car to the VI, but not much else as many places might be furnished, or if I get a roommate I Will only need a small amount of furniture. I am sure I will have no problem making some new friends, but the most important item is getting registered for classes, and getting a part time job. I do like the Hospitality Management concentration in the Business degree track.
ikory - I am using the Post 9/11 GI Bill now and I get 70% paid for tuition and BAH and $700 a year for books. I am assuming you get 100%? I will probably have to get a student to cover the costs that the GI Bill will not pay for such as the difference from resident to non-resident rate. When you say the pay is 2300 a month, are you talking about the BAH for E-5 with dependents? I do plan to live off campus on either STT or STX, and would like to rent a room or find a roommate situation. Since you did not do a PMV how was your planning/transition to move to STX and attend UVI on the post 9/11 GI Bill? Any tips to save me any headaches or make things go more smoothly? I can't believe it took 2 months to get a check from the VA. I am already using the GI BILL now, and all I do each semester is have the VA certifying official send my credit schedule to the VA so they know how many credits I am taking and how much money to send me. Maybe it won't take that long since I am already in the system.
Yes I am at 100% rate and they use the E5 with dependents(was already in the system). They use the Georgia office down here so I think they had to approve everything again. I think it's all luck with the VA. Also school would not let me register for classes until a week before classes started which is annoying as I arrived a month early to register. Hope for the best but plan for the worse with the VA.
I followed these forums and monitored Craigslist housing for about 6 months before arriving. Forums are negative but gave a general idea what what to expect. It can be a renters paradise. I just moved to a new place after going on a war path looking at a dozen places in a day. I had a few landlords knock off money on rent if I would move in because I let them know I had many other places to look at.
I don't like crowds so I picked STX(I can find an empty beach any day of the week). I have never been to the Caribbean before when I moved to stx and it was a shell shock first week. I love STX now but I think in three months I will be moving overseas. I should really go visit STT and see if I missed something cool. If single I would pick STT.
Edit: books can be 200 dollars a piece at Uvi. Which I hate. First semester I needed a thousand dollars for books. So instead I used my tablet and took photos of the pages I needed. Had a great camera. 8 classes now at Uvi and only have bought one book.
I am using the Post 911 Gi Bill on the STX campus. Tuition full time is about 6600 and the VA is paying for all of it, however I am told that any semester the VA will only pay at the resident rate. Pay is 2300 a month and A few hundred more on STT. Good plan to live off campus as I have heard no A./C and could not open windows on campus. School is small only around 700 students and a lot of classes at night. Finding a place to rent is really easy on this island as lots of options. I never did a PMV.
Oh first semester I did not get a check from the VA until 2 months after school started. Second semester they sent money the first week of class.
Internships seem really easy as a few profesors have made suggestions(different field of study tho). No idea about part time jobs.
Thank you for your service and I'm thrilled to see that the VA are treating you right:)
ikory - That really stinks that they would not let you register for class until a week from the beginning of the semester! I plan on starting the Spring 2015 semester next January, since I will graduate with my associates degree this December. I was thinking of moving after Christmas with the family, but maybe I should wait until closer to the start of the semester? Your right the boards can be a bit negative with some exceptions and have have been watching craigslist as well. I would like to rent with a roommate to start off for a while and once I get settled I could always move on my own. I am sure it is a renters paradise, all the landlords want you to rent from them. Gotta love the competition! I am leaning more to the STT campus, mostly for better opportunities with internships and part-time jobs. Books are expensive here in at my college too, I usually spend about $350 per semester for them. Any idea what the BAH rate for STX or STT is for E5 with dependents? I have been to St. Thomas and St. John a few times so hopefully it won't be a complete shell shock like it was for you.
UVI STT Campus is very nice. There grounds are lovely plus it is right next to Brewers Beach for a dip on your lunch break or before or after classes. You will need a car to get around so consider bringing yours. Dec. - April is high season here so picking up a job may be easier but there will probably be more rental availability after April/May and summer approaches. Landlords want oggd tenants that will keep their property clean and in good condition, are responsible, drug, drama free and pay rent on time. Most require 1st, last and a security deposit and won't necessarily include utilities. Easier to rent without a pet. Most will want a pet deposit in addition to the regular security deposit.
Here is the link for housing:
E5 with dependents. They show utility allowance as well, but Sadly the VA only uses the first number. So for STX it shows 2222 and you would get around 1500 of that.
You may want to arrive early just to get situated and start job hunting. Always plan for the worse. In case you cannot find a job, make sure you can survive on 1500. You really do need a car. I drove my car to Miami to ship it with sea star as they were the cheapest.
What is the utility allowance? I saw that E5 with dependents for STT is 2556, and the utility allowance is 797 per month. So I would get 70% of that. Unless I am calculating that wrong. I am going to arrive a few weeks early to hunt for part time jobs. I will bag groceries or work at Home Depot, it doesn't matter. I am not afraid to work. I do plan on shipping my car, good plan to drive to Miami and ship from there. I was even thinking about joining the National Guard of the Virgin Islands and make some extra money for drill pay.
You will get the 2556×.70=1789.2. ignore the utility allowance. They only use the first number.
Sounds like you are motivated and have a good plan.
I should be able to survive on $1789.20/month on STT. If not then I will get a part time job. You mentioned that it is a renters paradise, and I have seen many Craigslist ads for 500-750 a month for rent, is that pretty reasonable in your opinion? I do not have a car payment as my housing will be the biggest cost for me.
You will only get a very small studio for that unless you get a roomie.
I could not survive on $1800 per month!
$500-$700 is very cheap for STT and won't get you much nor include much unless you really "Luck Out!"
You are going to need a car.
Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.
I live an a very nice clean one bedroom with AC for 700 with nice furniture. I doubt I spend 1500 a month. I don't have a car payment so might help. If I guessed my bills maybe come up to 1200-1400. I eat out twice a month and don't drink. Rent is probably more on STT.
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