WAPA hearing what a crock

I just love the article on the STT/STX source talking about the senate hearings regarding WAPA.
Sen. Young wants to try and cap the LEAC at 9 cents/kwh which would cost the government 170 million that they don't have.
Sen. Myron Jackson wants to declare an "energy crisis" in the territory and wants DeJongh to do the same, gee ya think ?
An outside company testified that with privatization of WAPA his company could get the cost per KWH down to 20 cents or so. PSC and WAPA said that the company was misrepresenting figures but how could a outside company do any worse than what we have. Would have been interesting to been in the chamber for that as Chucky was in the room and we all know she was one of the ones that got the Southern Energy deal shot down.
Some good news our rates SHOULD go down at some point later in the year or some vague time...... believe it when I see it.
I am just at a loss for words at how this situtation can be allowed to continue. WAPA's only response is that they know everyone is hurting and that they are trying their best blah blah blah, but you CAN'T CHANGE anything or there will be dire consquences. In the mean time businesses are tanking left and right because of electric bills and closing up, which means less revenue for the government and WAPA as well.
Something drastic needs to happen to show WAPA that they can't continue in the same way as they have been going. It is obvious to everyone that they are not capable of running a efficient utility and that maybe it is time to revisit the idea of having someone else step in. The excuse of "Soon Come™" lower rates is not accomplishing anything except closing up long standing businesses and creating a environment that is not condusive to attracting new businesses to the islands.
Maybe rather than a LEAC we ought to have a small part of the bill that is earmarked towards capital improvements and can only be used for that. Maybe then they wouldn't be trying to provide power with 30-40 year old hamsters on a treadmill.
the government is not going to sell to an outside company, first of all because they are not from here. but secondly because they want to continue to squeeze the life out of everyone while they can and they know that with wapa not owned by an outside company, they do not have to pay their bills
I read the article this morning.
It was especially amusing (NOT) to read:
"The committee approved a resolution sponsored by Sen. Myron Jackson declaring an "energy crisis" in the territory and urging the governor to make a similar declaration. [30-0140]"
Duh! Where have these people been over the past couple of DECADES!?
Only now they believe we may have an energy crisis?

If you have time to watch the Senate shenanigans on the Innovative channel 17 you can get a good idea of why things don't get done - reading the Daily News short encapsulation of the testimony barely scratches the surface - at times you will be rolling with laughter and minutes later your TV will be in grave danger of being thrown off the balcony in disgust - but you can come away with some real understanding of our elected Senators ability to grasp the matters under testimony. I try not to watch it while I am having lunch.
so as not to barf
Bitch Bitch Bitch
Here's a related article from the Daily News:
Hugo defending this fiefdom:
he is going to defend it because he still wants his over payed job
did i really spell paid that way lol

I thought it especially interesting when 'King Hugo' threatened black outs if anyone even dared to touch his monopoly. Can't wait to get invited to Chucky's next fish fry.
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