Truthers of Sandy Hook show their colors, and what about gun laws?
This man helped save six children, is now getting harassed for it
I do not think executive orders are legal, but that is just my uninformed view - after all, we have three parts to the government that are meant to check and balance each other.
What I think should be done is law through congress. Close the gun show loophole, and require registering of all guns. Clip size limits don't strike me as a big deal because it is damn easy to change clips. A list of mental patients will never fly because of doctor-patient confidentiality which, in my opinion, will never be breached.
Jamison, was that a accurate enough title?
I wasn't just calling you out. Lots of people will leave info out of a thread title to over dramatize it and get more views, like some lame message board version of conquest. Sorry if that offended you.
I find this video going around offensive, claiming Sandy Hook a hoax. It's effing disgusting. This man is a hero. A strange hero who might raise some flags, but what he did was the right thing to do and he called the parents of the kids. I don't know why he didn't call the cops though.
We need wacko conspiracy theorists lurking around - especially on the internet and in chat rooms. It's a great reminder of the ignorance of the masses.
These conspiracy nuts make me f'n sick.
As far a guns go, I'm against any style assault weapons, and handguns, so flame away. These weapons only belong in the hands of the military, and possibly specially trained law enforcement.
If you want a rifle or shotgun for hunting, no worries. I think you should be entitled to a legally registered firearm with appropriate safety locks etc.
Listen folks, we live on an island that is not expected to be invaded any time soon. There is no real need for guns. We need stricter enforcement of gun laws AND PENALTIES (as opposed to our somewhat selective application of a justice system).
If the population of STX stood up and said as a majority "No handguns or assault weapons allowed!", then we could make it happen. I personally enjoyed growing up in an environment where even the cops don't carry.
But in the words of Dennis Miller "That's just my opinion - I could be wrong".
we have been invaded, by criminals.
I wasn't just calling you out. Lots of people will leave info out of a thread title to over dramatize it and get more views, like some lame message board version of conquest. Sorry if that offended you.
Oh no big deal I was joking with you!
I would suggest catching The Daily Show for 1/16/2013. The video is not up on the web yet. Jon talks about how the ATF is only allowed once a year to review the inventory of gun dealerships, and in reality this only happens once every 17 years. He also says that 1% of gun dealers account for about 57 percent of guns were original sellers of guns used in crime. Also, the federal government is kept from keeping a database of gun sales.
Edit: you can catch old daily shows at
I suggest COMPLETE OBJECTIVITY & viewing material with out bias.
Such as this:
if you still have no questions after watching that; well go back to watching TV I guess 🙂

Fox News poll: Twice as many favor more guns over banning guns to reduce crime
Fox News poll: Twice as many favor more guns over banning guns to reduce crime
World’s Highest 25: Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population
World’s Highest 25: Rate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 People
Not sure what else you can say besides that, two great charts on reality.
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