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Offering Full Time Work on STT
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I am in need of an intelligent, honest and hard working individual that is willing to learn. You must be able to take direction but also work independently. Must be computer literate, able to lift 70+ lbs, pass a pre-employment drug screen and you must be a resident of St. Thomas. You must have exceptional work ethic. You show up on time, listen well, learn quickly and be willing to put in an honest days work for an honest days pay. We are a large U.S. based corporation offering this full-time, permanent position with full benefits and commensurate pay. PM with contact information and be prepared to forward your resume.
Posted : January 24, 2013 12:31 am
what kind of work? Seems like that would be the first bit of info you'd post.
Posted : January 24, 2013 12:22 pm
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