Estimable Member
Joined: March 11, 2011 10:18 pm
Topics: 10 / Replies: 112
Re: Internet Speed

If you have a single mailbox in front of your house, I don't know what they do. Leave a slip, or ring your bell, or leave the package on your doorstep...

13 years ago
Re: Internet Speed

Just wanted to know if there is no house-to-house mailbox system there. It's not a big deal, I'm just curious. By the way, thank you for all you...

13 years ago
Re: Internet Speed

Guice- How would I go about getting the PMB once I am there and how does it work? Also, just to check I had been trying to use my works addr...

13 years ago
Re: Internet Speed

Ah my bad Guice 🙂 Alright cool, yea, Im not really getting my hopes up, I plan on buying a bunch of RPG's to keep me entertained on the rainy ni...

13 years ago
Re: Internet Speed

Quice- you strike me as a gamer with your references to online gaming. Do you play xbox live at all and if so how does your connection fare there?I my...

13 years ago
Re: Internet Speed

1meg is your median average speed around here. Innovative DSL only goes 1meg. BBVI cap is 1.5megs (BBVI is also wireless DSL). Choice cap is 3meg. I d...

13 years ago
Re: Hurricane here Sunday?

The current forecast is for the tropical storm to track right over STX, but weather is not a precise science and conditions can change quickly + unpre...

13 years ago
Re: DC area still w/o electricity

Okay. How often does the power go out in places like Mami, without a hurricane? Do they get bad feedback, causing week long power outages cause somebo...

13 years ago
Re: DC area still w/o electricity

I guess WAPA isn't that bad after all compared to the stateside utility companies *-) /blockquote> Not really. See. We're in an area prone to...

13 years ago
Re: WAPA Monday morning

Got power back today, too! Yay! But alas, all my milk went bad. 2 gallons down the drain. 🙁 (and this isn't the cheep stuff - costs $10/gal at Cost...

13 years ago
Re: WAPA Monday morning

Estate St. Peter Mnt (North Star Village) still out as of this morning, 8:30am. /sigh

13 years ago
Re: USVI License Plate Trivia

So after we issue 676,000 plates on St. Croix with the 'C' prefix do we have to rename the island? If we ever get to that point, I don't want to...

14 years ago
Re: WAPA is the worst excuse for a power company ever!

A dishwasher? ha. I hadn't use those in years, even while I lived in the US. I never dirty enough dishes to constitute one. Plus, why would you waste ...

14 years ago
Re: wireless internet

BBVI is wireless DSL, but they require direct line of site to their tower, and mounting an external modem. Innovative advertises "MobileNet" on their ...

14 years ago
Re: individual health insurance

I got Blue Cross Blue Shield, using my Texas address. Have a state side address you can get mail from? Try that. It's skirting the rules, but works. M...

14 years ago
Re: Mosquitoes in the house

BUG LIGHT! I've read about those. Did you buy it on island? I'm going to get one!!! I would LOVE my place if only I wasn't chasing those pesky wabbits...

14 years ago
Re: individual health insurance

I got Blue Cross Blue Shield, using my Texas address. Have a state side address you can get mail from? Try that. It's skirting the rules, but works. M...

14 years ago
Re: Mosquitoes in the house

Yeah, that's normal. It's mosquito country; tropical environment. Oh yeah. mosquitoes will be a nuisance year around (at least, that's my thought; I'v...

14 years ago
Re: Any rock climbing gyms on STT?

Been there, done that. This is Philip (dude with the big german shepherd, if you've ever met him). I'm located west of Charlotte Amalie (in Barrett) n...

14 years ago
Re: Opinions on WAPA

Meter estimations is normal. It's done that way state side all the time, too. In most cases, however, estimations don't generally garner a new bill as...

14 years ago
Re: Running out of Internet options...

Innovative and Sprint are on my list to check out. Innovative before Sprint. Definitely can't do AT&T - my last month's iPhone usage was over 9gigs, a...

14 years ago
Re: Running out of Internet options...

Interesting timing: Innovate just went through a site redesign, and their prices even dropped. No more "Advanced Member" prices (or what ever they cal...

14 years ago
Re: Running out of Internet options...

Maybe it's a defective modem??? You could ask to try another. I know you didn't want to go with Innovative and don't need the phone line they ma...

14 years ago
Re: Running out of Internet options...

If you are using the free standing modem from Choice, and it's not working, you might try the outside mounted option. If that is a Choice tower, that...

14 years ago
Re: Running out of Internet options...

Oh, right. Guess I should have mentioned this is all on STT, too. My last landlord had Innovative, and it was crappy ... however, I think it may have ...

14 years ago
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