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Joined: February 21, 2018 11:35 pm
Last seen: March 25, 2021 2:28 pm
Topics: 10 / Replies: 58
RE: Possible changes to AT&T cellular

Just sign up with Google Fi and you wont have any roaming issues...I never had any issues when we were in STX and had good cell service.

5 years ago
RE: What do you think?

I was really grateful for the initial insight and information some of the people gave her. Unfortunately it became frustrating reading the arguments t...

5 years ago
RE: Ballpark cost sq. ft. for electrical and plumbing

Surly at those prices it would be cheaper to bring in your own crew to do the work from the mainland?

5 years ago
Replies: 30
Views: 2652
Replies: 9
Views: 1119
Replies: 17
Views: 1396
RE: Realtor Commission Fees

Anyone know how I can list on the MLS without going through an agent? Google is showing so many companies who will list on the MLS under a For Sale By...

6 years ago
RE: Realtor Commission Fees

Odd. The one agency I called last week told me 10%. Granted this is land, but not sure why there would be a difference between land and a home/condo?

6 years ago
RE: Realtor Commission Fees

Sorry to bring up an old thread but can anyone tell me what the current rate of commission is to realtors when selling/buying, and who pays it?

6 years ago
RE: Rosy Real Estate Market Rises in V.I. Recovery

This is interesting. Very good if true. I just wonder what will happen once all the workers have completed their FEMA assigned work and go back to the...

6 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1128
Re: Climate Change is Not 'Coming' to the Caribbean – It's Here

Gator's Mom wrote: stxdreaming - Look in the mirror and read this to yourself please. The comments below confirm you in no way should think o...

6 years ago
Re: Climate Change is Not 'Coming' to the Caribbean – It's Here

Gator's Mom wrote: Since when is being a called a Fox news viewer considered an insult? You forgot to include Alana being called "Chicken Lit...

6 years ago
Re: Climate Change is Not 'Coming' to the Caribbean – It's Here

NugBlazer wrote: You're both so ignorant it's laughable. I'm not even going to begin trying to change your minds because facts don't matter to ...

6 years ago
Re: Climate Change is Not 'Coming' to the Caribbean – It's Here

CD You're both so ignorant it's laughable. I'm not even going to begin trying to change your minds because facts don't matter to people like you...

6 years ago
Re: Climate Change is Not 'Coming' to the Caribbean – It's Here

Fishbait wrote: NASA just landed another probe on Mars, a planet that is 140 million miles away. They dropped it right where they wanted to safely ...

6 years ago
Re: Cost to build

Afriend wrote: 2 years + or - sounds about right. It took our architect about 7 months to complete the plans and specs and then it took another 2 1...

6 years ago
Re: Only 2 Under $800,000?

singlefin wrote: Another recession in the next 12-24 months? Highly unlikely... unless you watch MSNBC, CNN, etc, etc, etc... I certainl...

6 years ago
Re: Only 2 Under $800,000?

SkysTheLimit wrote: Prices will rise even more with the start up of Limetree Bay Refinery... While I hope you are right, unfortunately, the si...

6 years ago
Re: Another Murder at a Popular STX Eatery

Does anyone know how the crime on STX compares to say the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands etc? Is it comparable?

6 years ago
Re: VIYA ad on this page about MLB and World Series

Buy a Mag box 254 and get IPTV. For $120 a year you can get worldwide channels, movies, Pay Per View events, all sporting channels.

6 years ago
Re: How To Make STX The Best Place In The World???

I did say this was not a political post. Any practical ideas that you feel would make STX better?

6 years ago
Re: Williams Delight

he is all about race and color, he doesnt see beyond that for anything I'm still trying to figure out what crime in the Tampa Bay area has ...

6 years ago
Re: New home financing

Very good point. I could be wrong, and maybe you can confirm, but my understanding was that as long as a local electrician, plumber etc signs off on t...

6 years ago
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