A bit concerned about moving to the V.I's now.
"You will have lizards and flying roaches in your home even though you keep it sealed. Dunno where the come from, maybe thur the sewage and then up the drains in the bathroom and kitchen
Your electric bill will be over $200.00 at a minimum but this will be the least of your worries.
You will experience frequent blackouts on the hottest and most humid still summer nights, especially when your favorite movie or sitcom is about to begin. The power plant here is antiquated and all to frequently grids shut down leaving parts of the island in darkness. Don't bother calling them, you wont get an answer.
You will meet more rude and obnoxious people in a week than you have in your entire life who will think they are superior to you and always treat you like an outsider.
This is not aloha island. On your arrival, the beautiful girl with flowers will not show up; Instead, they are sending a big burly (and exceedingly rude) taxi driver who hates your guts and loves your money.
You will get poor service in places like banks and utilities.
You will find (or maybe not) normal people an rare and unusual species and so much so that you will instantly want to fall to the ground and worship this wonderful person whom you just met and want to befriend for life.
You will go through the five stages from Anger-----Acceptance in a few short weeks.
You will live on the beach or just a short ride away but will be so busy making a living that you will never visit one.
You will wait for your tourist friends describe one to you, how they spent the day in crystal waters and satin sandy beaches and you will repeat this story to anyone who asks you which beach is best to go to.
You will wistfully glance at the sky at every passing plane, visualising a load of people going back to that promised land called the United States."
I really want to know how much of this is actually true, and how much is ranting of a "bitter" person.
Any help would be great.
Well that certainly paints a pretty picture! While I can't say that ALL of that is horribly inaccurate, I can say it is leaving out a lot of the good parts of living here. Life is different here than it is in the states, and it's not for everyone, but many of us lovingly call it home. If you can't learn to go with the flow, and slow things down, it will be hard to adjust. It's not perfect, but it's more perfect, but it suits me just fine.
Not to say that there aren't positive benefits to living here as well, but I agree with every. single. one. of the sentiments quoted in the OP's post. Anyone who tells you differently is either: (1) pathologically optimistic; or (2) so obscenely wealthy that they are able to live in a money bubble that permits them to insulate themselves from these things.
10-year rez of STX who does not have the privilege of living in a money bubble, but for some perverted reason can only find work here.
ETA: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT move here if you require any kind of specialized medical care. The ER and most of the rest of the hospital on STX is an abomination, and I have little to no respect for most of the rest of the physicians here. If you gotta birth a baby, fine, but anything more complex, and you better have access to resources to get to at least SJU, if not MIA.
IT,10-year rez of STX who does not have the privilege of living in a money bubble, but for some perverted reason can only find work here.
An attorney who can only find employment in the USVI? My morning chuckle was easily found today - in fact it was an outright guffaw!
nathanv: if you seriously are reconsidering your move because of a few negative opinions from obviously negative people then you really should stay where you are and forget about coming here. With all the wealth of information available right at your fingertips on this site, including a plethora of first-hand moving stories written with honesty but without unbridled anger, you should have formed an opinion that wouldn't be overturned by such scathing remarks. OT, 28-year rez of STT who does not have the privilege of living in a money bubble but for many good reasons has made this her home and which indubitably will be her last. 😀
I really want to know how much of this is actually true, and how much is ranting of a "bitter" person.
There is some truth in most of it. It's also exaggerated and misleading.
"You will meet more rude and obnoxious people in a week than you have in your entire life who will think they are superior to you and always treat you like an outsider."
If you are rude and obnoxious, then you will meet rude and obnoxious people. The reverse is also true.
"You will live on the beach or just a short ride away but will be so busy making a living that you will never visit one."
That's entirely up to you.
"You will have lizards and flying roaches in your home even though you keep it sealed. Dunno where the come from, maybe thur the sewage and then up the drains in the bathroom and kitchen
Never been bothered by a lizard and, personally, never seen a flying roach in my home.
Your electric bill will be over $200.00 at a minimum but this will be the least of your worries.
WAPA least of my worries? I wish!!
You will experience frequent blackouts on the hottest and most humid still summer nights, especially when your favorite movie or sitcom is about to begin. The power plant here is antiquated and all to frequently grids shut down leaving parts of the island in darkness. Don't bother calling them, you wont get an answer.
Not sure how you define frequent. Is frequent once a week? Once every couple of weeks? It's not a daily thing.
You will meet more rude and obnoxious people in a week than you have in your entire life who will think they are superior to you and always treat you like an outsider.
Pure exaggeration. The reason newcomers are treated like outsiders is because many come here with grand plans, can't hack it, and leave. Just smile and LISTEN and be patient and you'll be accepted faster than you think.
This is not aloha island. On your arrival, the beautiful girl with flowers will not show up; Instead, they are sending a big burly (and exceedingly rude) taxi driver who hates your guts and loves your money.
No, but the girl with free rum will show up. PM me. I have the phone number of an extremely nice and pleasant taxi driver.
You will get poor service in places like banks and utilities.
Depends on which bank and/or utility you choose to do business with.
You will find (or maybe not) normal people an rare and unusual species and so much so that you will instantly want to fall to the ground and worship this wonderful person whom you just met and want to befriend for life.
You'll need to know them much longer than an instant to know if they are 'normal.' What the heck is 'normal' anyway?
You will go through the five stages from Anger-----Acceptance in a few short weeks.
It will take longer than a few short weeks.
You will live on the beach or just a short ride away but will be so busy making a living that you will never visit one.
You will wait for your tourist friends describe one to you, how they spent the day in crystal waters and satin sandy beaches and you will repeat this story to anyone who asks you which beach is best to go to.
No. No. No. No. No. You make time. This is probably why whoever wrote this originally is so bitter.
You will wistfully glance at the sky at every passing plane, visualising a load of people going back to that promised land called the United States."
First off, this land is called the United States. Second off, when I see a passing plane, it just reminds me how lucky I am to live in the Caribbean.

I would say everything that the OP mentioned is spot on.....question is, can you put up with that.
Intelligence and motivation are low on this Island, but it is what you make of it.....
I just got back from my 1st trip to Puerto Rico, and I love that place.......if you are looking to make a move to an Island, explore that option if you can.....
I always chuckle when people call this the United States.....the only thing US about this Island is the currency.
I always chuckle when people call this the United States.....the only thing US about this Island is the currency.
And DOJ.
And HUD.
And welfare (how many down islands do you know that have welfare?).
And ...
Intelligence and motivation are low on this Island, but it is what you make of it.....
Is a 28 year resident to whom STT is home supposed to say, "gee, thanks!" in response? OK, gee, thanks.

My post is not meant for every individual on the Island, but only those with blinders on would fail to see the truth in what I wrote.
I'd respond to the OP, but for some reason I'm just not that motivated. 😎
But - on second thoughts in sequence with the OP's post:
1) Lizards rule. They are the coolest little guys and are welcome to hang out everywhere. Small poops acceptable.
2) There are bugs everywhere, of every kind. Hell, it's the tropics dude!
3) We don't keep our homes sealed up - air is life, and we get great breezes most of the time.
4) Electric bills are high - conserve as best you can. Oh, but your heating bill will be nothing!
5) Electrical outages are part of life down here. Yes the infrastructure needs work, and if you are that concerned about missing your favorite sitcom then make sure you have a generator. I'll be sitting on the deck, hanging out with my lizard buddies.
6) Even though we love to give WAPA a hard time (what's blue & yellow and sleeps 4?) there are some dedicated and communicative employees. They make repairs timely when possible and will answer the phone sometimes.
7) There are rude and obnoxious people all over the world - here is no exception. And yes taxi drivers like to make a living, albeit a fairly good one based on the fares we get charged. Yet, I've found more of a sense of community living here than most any place back on the mainland. I think the concern around rudeness may be more relevant to STT than here on STX. Be pleasant and people will respond.
8) You won't necessarily get poor service at banks and utilities - you are more likely to get slow service. Pace is different so get used to spending time waiting in lines. Every encounter is treated more as a social engagement than a simple transaction. This is why a proper good morning/afternoon is always required. If you don't want to be polite - you better learn, or get used to poor service.
9) There is no such thing as a 'Normal' person on STX so don't go looking for one. We all need to be a little off-center to enjoy life here.
10) If your referring to the 5 stages of the Kubler-Ross model (although that would require some intelligence on my part to discern, and, according to some, we are all lacking in that regard) the first stage is Denial - which I think is a river in Egypt and therefore totally irrelevant. Anger is next, and this is not the place for it, I'd suggest skipping that stage too. Bargaining - now here we have a winner! This is how we manage to balance the pros and cons of island life - by bargaining that it's better to be here, warm, and for the most part happy, even though we have to deal with the many trials and tribulations. Stage 4 would be Depression. That usually affects those who are trying to hard to 'make change' too quickly, and have hit too many of the roadblocks at once. This is real and results in people either leaving for good, or just taking a trip to get off the rock for a while. Lastly, Acceptance - Hmm, I think this one takes many many years. I'll let you know.
11) I don't think any of us really go to the beach as much as we would like. We have jobs, volunteer work, social engagements, and all those pesky bugs to take care off. The important thing is that the beach is there, like a good friend, waiting for you to stop by any time and just dig your toes into the sand and waves, and smile.
12) Personally, every time I see a plane load of folks jetting off over the horizon back to the mainland, I can help thinking "you poor buggers" having to go back to the over consuming hectic society where you don't even know your neighbours, and it's cold too!
Of course this is just my opinion, I could be wrong! 😎
No heating bills!
"This is not aloha island. On your arrival, the beautiful girl with flowers will not show up; Instead, they are sending a big burly (and exceedingly rude) taxi driver who hates your guts and loves your money."
Just as an FYI as someone who has pretty much grown up on HI, that aloha stuff is complete crap. We just hate tourists under our breath. If you go to the wrong side of the island or leave Waikiki, good luck being treated with the Aloha spirit. You think we actually ENJOY catering to your every need?!
Sorry just had to put that in there. Paradise is only what you make it. We're looking to move to STT with no disillusions that someone will be waiting on us 24/7 with happy go lucky smiles on their faces. If you're a nice caring person, people will treat you the same. If you're expecting some grand welcoming, then you really do need to stay at home. I can't speak for anyone on VI but as a Hawaiian, you live on an island because you like to live simply and to enjoy what nature is giving you.
IT,10-year rez of STX who does not have the privilege of living in a money bubble, but for some perverted reason can only find work here.
An attorney who can only find employment in the USVI? My morning chuckle was easily found today - in fact it was an outright guffaw!
That's really uncalled for OT. Why do you insist on continuing to make ad hominem attacks against me and my profession? It's kinda getting old. I don't believe I've ever insulted you.
Clearly, you know NOTHING about the current legal market if this statistic surprises you.
I would say everything that the OP mentioned is spot on.....question is, can you put up with that.
Intelligence and motivation are low on this Island, but it is what you make of it.
Agreed. 100%.
This has clearly gone the other direction. I just was looking for opinions. As far as "Staying where I am" Thanks but no thanks. As far as this site alone being reliable to base "all" research on is a bit "bold" to proclaim in my honest opinion. My career path is in Agricultural science. Considering the Islands geological and botanical layouts I think I'll be fine living and working here comfortably.
As far as determining wether to go or not "based on stories" growing up how I did if something sounds to good to be true it is. That given before running into "negative" posts. I really only thought utilities and milk were the biggest problems. Was just wanting to get a real insight. I am pretty sure that "horrible experiences" would not be posted on this site, that's just a bad idea all around. So you could see why I would want to look outside the looking glass on this one. I am certain we are moving in April.
If others can see problems stirring in "forums" what makes them believe being there is any better? I lived in St. Croix for three months 12 years ago and even had a nice taxi driver named "Bobbsie" Him and everyone we met were friendly in every way. Had to know if there were now angry bitter people running around like described. It would be a shame is all. They are everywhere, but are there a plethora of rude bitter people? :}
Great post, IslandHops!
IT, just out of curiosity, what type of law do you practice? Do you litigate? I have the feeling you're a terror in the courtroom (a good thing).
This has clearly gone the other direction. I just was looking for opinions. As far as "Staying where I am" Thanks but no thanks. As far as this site alone being reliable to base "all" research on is a bit "bold" to proclaim in my honest opinion. My career path is in Agricultural science. Considering the Islands geological and botanical layouts I think I'll be fine living and working here comfortably.
As far as determining wether to go or not "based on stories" growing up how I did if something sounds to good to be true it is. That given before running into "negative" posts. I really only thought utilities and milk were the biggest problems. Was just wanting to get a real insight. I am pretty sure that "horrible experiences" would not be posted on this site, that's just a bad idea all around. So you could see why I would want to look outside the looking glass on this one. I am certain we are moving in April.
If others can see problems stirring in "forums" what makes them believe being there is any better? I lived in St. Croix for three months 12 years ago and even had a nice taxi driver named "Bobbsie" Him and everyone we met were friendly in every way. Had to know if there were now angry bitter people running around like described. It would be a shame is all.
Rose-colored glasses only work for so long. But I wish you the best of luck with your pair.
This has clearly gone the other direction. I just was looking for opinions.
Uhh, think that's exactly what you got!
As far as "Staying where I am" Thanks but no thanks.
Ok, well then be confident in your decision.
As far as this site alone being reliable to base "all" research on is a bit "bold" to proclaim in my honest opinion.
This site is, IMHO, the BEST source of valid info about what life is like here. I started reading this site regularly long before I moved here, and by local standards, I am still a newbie. That said, EVERY DAY, the stuff I read on this site way back when (and today) rings more and more true. I, as someone who lives here, and those thinking of moving here, are very lucky this site exists.
I really only thought utilities and milk were the biggest problems.
Wow. Seriously? I wish. I truly wish.
Not quite "Jbatl" opinions are opinions. Bickering and arguing over opinions is NOT what "I got".
"This site is, IMHO, the BEST source of valid info about what life is like here. I started reading this site regularly long before I moved here, and by local standards, I am still a newbie. That said, EVERY DAY, the stuff I read on this site way back when (and today) rings more and more true. I, as someone who lives here, and those thinking of moving here, are very lucky this site exists." Still why "base" it on one site? Still not seeing it.
Still why "base" it on one site? Still not seeing it.
Find another that is as informative and post a link here, please.
"Sarcasm" has never been "classified" as an "opinion" thanks though.
I am not being sarcastic.
I think in terms of "researching" before something this important I should get more "insight" with a number of informative sites. I would think getting a ton of info and different perspectives then putting them all out and deciding then would be smarter is all. "I WISH" theere was an "easy" button.:}
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