Animal Warden
Greetings all
There are no animal control officers in the island? Specifically St Croix? I was told that they don't exist here.
2 German Shepherds frequently escape from their yard and, in an extremely aggressively manner, hit my fences from several sides trying to get my dog and my cat. They bit my dog through the fence tonight. I've had it! I'm from a rural area and I know how to deal with this problem stateside but how do I deal with it here?
Heaven forbid that I ever try to walk my dog outside the yard!
Any suggestions?
Call the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center at 778-1650. I don't know the details, however, there is some arrangement between the government and the shelter to provide animal control on the island.
There is one animal control officer, but he carries no gun and has no power to arrest. He has an awful time getting the police to respond to any of his requests. I would call the police (start at the top of the food chain) and let them can anyone else they need to.

I would probably do whatever necessary to protect my pets and property...
aussie, so sorry to hear about your problem with the aggressive dogs. Do you know who they belong to?Did you need to take your dog to the Vet after it was bitten?The owner of the dog that attacked is responsible for that bill. I feel very strongly about this because when I first moved to the USA, one of my dogs was attacked by a neighbours dog that was known to be vicious, but allowed to roam free. To cut a long story short, that dog was shot, but I am now very nervous when I'm out walking my dogs. To see my dog almost get his throat ripped out in a completely unprovoked attack, filled me with rage. I wasn't the one who shot the attacking dog, but I would. I am a totally non-violent person, and I love animals very much, but I am not going to stand by and watch my dog getting killed. When I walk my dogs now I always carry pepper spray (mace doesn't work on dogs), a stun gun, and a knife.
I use a Dazer ultrasonic dog deterrent repellent. It works only when the dog is within 20 feet of you, the sound stops them, you can't hear it but they (the Dog can). This is not for the faint at heart you must stand your ground and "hope" the batteries in your dazer are still good. The sound doesn't hurt the animal, but stops them in their tracks. You can buy it on line several sites just google dazer and make sure you get a Dazer ll.

Or you could electrify your fence! That'd do the trick! Or a slingshot!
Many thanks for your responses, folks!
Pepper spray...that just might work.
Lizard, I checked out the Dazer. It's not directional, is it? If my dog is beside me, I'd be tagging him with it too, wouldn't I?
I'm very much an animal lover and I believe strongly in responsible pet ownership. You have to control your dog! It's so different here in the islands. My dog used to go everywhere with me. Everyone would pet him and give him treats 'cause he's such a cute and well-behaved little fella.. I used to keep treats in my pockets all of the time to greet other dogs - with the owner's permission, of course. Here, most of the population seems to be afraid of dogs. I had a spot on St Thomas where I could let my dog run free on the beach and swim with me. He loves to swim. I've been on St Croix for almost a year now and my dog has never left the yard.
The folks that own the shepherds also raise chickens. Their dogs regularly kill their chickens. Their solution was to pen the dogs at night and turn them loose in the neighborhood during the day. A dog that bites is in need of a serious correction. A dog that kills needs to be put down.
I have little faith in the police here. The glass was taken out of my truck for a second time at the end of April. The thieves stole my check book and cashed a check at my bank while I was trying to close my account. It took over 3 hours to close the account. Someone presented a social security number and voter's ID card when they cashed the check. They were probably caught on the bank's video surveillance tapes. To this day, to my knowledge, not a single thing has been done about it. The police haven't even talked with the person whose ID was presented at the bank. Does the FBI investigate fraud here?
It's not directional, your dog at your side will hear it, he won't like it either, but it will not hurt him. It's better than being attacked by another dog. Pepper spray is good, if you don't miss the eyes, you may not be able to get a second chance with it.
Yes it is! Many thanks, Lizard.

Isn't the bank thing Federal? I would assume the bank should have reported it & the Feds would get involved.
aussie, the other thing that was suggested to me was bear spray. Apparently it is like pepper spray, but more powerful. The down side with the stun gun is that if the attacking dog already has hold of your dog, it will get zapped too. If you are confident that your fence will hold up, I would go outside, wait for the dogs to attack, then spray them with pepper spray. It might be enough to teach them a lesson...Did you speak to the owners of the dogs? Unfortunately, it often seems that vicious dogs have equally vicious owners.
Aussie, you need to get the police report and if the problem persisits you go to the AG's office. Just like all problems here nothing is fix easily or simply you have to keep at it. Unless you've lived here long enough to make some connections. Most of the locals will try to get along. If you talk to the people you had trouble with you might get some cooperation. Its always worth a shot before it turns into a neighbor war.
Sabrina pepper spray will most likely get all over you as well as the dogs. Invest in a electronic high pitch whistle that dogs can't stand and a shock gun. Washing the pepper spray off of yourself and the dogs is a nightmare. I have been there done that, and if it gets on any of your furniture its worse.
Betty, I know it is hard to get rid of afterwards, but well worth it if it could save your dog's life. A friend of mine used it in the course of his work, and said it was very effective. When my dog was attacked, a helpful bystander emptied a can of mace into the dogs face - it didn't even blink, but my clothes smelled so bad afterwards that I had to throw them away. I know for sure that mace doesn't work, it has to be pepper spray.
I had pepper spray, it didnt work, glad it worked for you, think it really depends on the dogs. If dogs are determined to fight its very hard to stop them.

An interesting site --- -- information, strategy and legal ramifications
Betty, I haven't used pepper spray personally, I carry it just in case. Now I'm worried it might not work.....
The dog that attacked mine only stopped after it was shot (twice). There was no fight - it charged and went straight for my dog's throat.
The St. Croix Animal Welfare Center can help you. Call Moises Carmona... he is the head warden. They will come by and talk to your neighbors about their aggressive dogs and give them a warning. This is critical in the battle and you should insist on this. Once your neighbors have been warned that they have an aggressive dog(s) and that they must keep them confined, then the next time they are loose they are susceptible to a very hefty fine. If the dogs have bitten or killed another animal (even chickens) the owners could be forced to keep them chained, get hefty insurance or take other measures.
The STX AWC, like the STT Shelter have contracts with the local government to perform animal control. They are working in this capacity under the Dept. of Agriculture. They have the authority and obligation to help protect you and those shepherds. If they need assistance, they will contact the police and bring the police with them. It is important for all of us to work with the shelter, and be persistent, in getting them to enforce the laws. Call them. Talk to Moises. Tell him about the aggressive shepherds, the running loose at night, the chicken killing. If Moises does not agree to come out and talk to them.. Ask for Stacia Boswell... she is the Director there. If you get no action from that, contact the board of Directors. Keep on them until action is taken... they will respond. Take video if you have to of the dogs behavior. Push it. If those dogs are as aggressive as you say then they are a danger not only to your dogs but to children. Won't we all feel bad if they actually hurt or kill someone because nothing was done.
I believe in responsible pet ownership too and I love taking my dog out for walks. Ha'penny beach is a great dog beach. Once you get passed the first 200 yards there is a long stretch of deserted beach where you can swim with your dog, run and play on the beach, and take a nice walk. Carry a leash and leash your dog when others approach. Carry baggies and pick up after your dog. Be a good example.
Everything we do teaches others. If your dog is socially responsible and you want to help promote humane treatment on our island, contact Therese at the shelter and ask her how you and your pet might be able to help her in her humane education efforts. She makes visits to all the elementary schools on island throughout the year and teach about responsible pet ownership and kindness to animals. It is very rewarding and a great way to get your pet out and an example to others as to how great a companion they can be.
Good luck.
Thank you so much for your post! Excellent information! I will absolutely make the calls. A chance to get my boy out on the beach again.....he thanks you too!
Go online to a hunting supply store. Buy some skunk oil and load your super soaker squirt gun with it.
Spray the offending pups liberally with it when they get within range.
No harm to the dogs, but when they go home, the owners might think about not letting them roam the neighborhood any more.
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