Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Animals have no voice. People do. How a society treats its animals shows in how they treat their families & children. It starts there.
Most employers don't hire until you're actually in front of them. It might be worth the $$ to do a pre-move visit, especially since you're moving wit...
It was hovering around on the south side as well briefly.
I will say this once more, more clearly I hope. 🙂 The average amount a hotel guest spends in a store or on-island is more than a ship passenger s...
Nice article, Bombi.
Oh, no. I hope he's OK.
Some good tips there but the crying baby thing is a fake.
Where ya been, Anita?
Sorry, I can't find the number I was looking for. I hope someone else knows of somebody.
Never mind - I looked at previous posts & it's STT. Let me see if I can find a phone number.
What island?
So sorry this happened to you...
Why, thank you, Rotorhead! I'll take that as a compliment since it's coming from you! 😀
That's not what I'm saying. A hotel guest who shops on average spends more than a cruise ship passenger who shops. Add to that the $$ spent on hotels...
A little boomer at 8:11 AM unless it was an explosion somewhere.
The French in Paris don't walk around in wife-beaters & fanny packs with hairy legs sticking out of baggy shorts & think Americans who do are revoltin...
Good! I didn't mean to offend you.
Sauceress, that's not what I was saying. Of course, ship passengers are valuable but they really don't spend as much per person as a hotel visitor do...
It's not a question of prudery, it's a question of what's appropriate. I don't care what people wear on the beach & I doubt anyone else on this threa...
And I'm talking about per cruise ship passenger vs per hotel guest not the groups as a whole. St. Thomas needs more hotel guests because they do spen...
It's the culture. I had some gals working for me who were highly offended that another girl wasn't wearing a slip under her long, gauzy skirt. It's ...
Why not just go naked then?
I think there was somebody on island a while back who was building bat houses. I see them swooping from my deck every evening.
No, I tracked sales of hotel guests vs ships including EACH ship. I was well paid for it too.