ATT STJ East End
Dropped Calls every day all day for the past week. sometimes after 2 minutes...sometimes after two words.
This is new for us.
Is it common in Cruz Bay? STT?
Thanks for your reply,
Sloop - I'm having the exact same problem
Think they were having issues yesterday as I wasn't able to get my email or go online early afternoon. After a while it worked.
Sloop - my phone works in Cruz Bay but not at home - this I think is day 3 (maybe 4) of only being able to talk for 30 seconds - 2 minutes before the call is disconnected.
we had that problem about a month ago. seems to better now? stx
Northside, STT - my cell here using ATT seems fine.
I know several people on STJ who have reported very spotty coverage and lots of dropped/disconnected calls in the last week -- Upper Carolina, Hart Bay, and other spots. Cruz Bay seems fine.
I have Sprint, but have had dropped calls in Cruz Bay and Gifft Hill for over a week. Shoot, even my landline in Cruz Bay has been dropping calls!
Anybody know what number we all need to call at ATT to report this problem wi. the Bodo STJ tower?
or just call billing and refuse to pay till they fix it?
this is week # 2.
Sloop, can you please keep us posted on what they say if you can get in touch with them & if/when it is fixed. I just recently switched from Verizon to AT&T because I will be moving to STJ in 3 months. Would hate not to be able to use my phone when I arrive. Are the problems only with phone calls or is anyone having problems sending/receiving texts as well? Thank you!
here's the local ATT number 774 0005.
Call if it is happening to you.
Not only is my AT&T okay, but my data is now LTE, just like in cities in BIg America. Smoking hot! (Have I told you lately I love my iPhone?)(tu)
I tried to call - connected to AT&T rep then the call was dropped - what a surprise !!!!!
Sloop (and everyone else that is having an issue) PLEASE call 340- 774 0005 - I have been speaking with a GREAT AT&T rep - she keeps calling me back - she told me we have a tower down but is expected to be fixed by tomorrow.
The message below came to my mail box today.
good info here about how to get ATT to respond.
I haven't had reliable cell service for 3-4 weeks now. I've been online chatting with ATT several times and finally, today, got someone who was willing to give some information. All the failed and dropped calls are due to congestion on the network, which is very high because a section of the local tower (Bordeaux) is down, forcing all users in the area onto one part of the tower and it can only hold so many users, causing new people trying to connect to fail. The ETA for having the issue resolved has now been moved to 6/30 to allow time for someone to physically go on site and work on the tower, which is only just now happening.
According to the agent I spoke with, there weren't that many complaints filed initially so it wasn't upgraded to a higher level of tech. support. I found out that their system does not automatically detect issues with the nework, it is totally dependant upon users calling in, or going online via their chat feature, to advise them. Once enough users call to report problems the tower is listed as "degraded" and it will show how many case files are active. When enough case files are created the status is upped to an area outage, as opposed to just an isolated tower issue. He saw "over 10" case files listed for the Bordeaux tower but I know there are more people than that having cell issues.
Regardless of how accurate this info is (maybe he was just trying to get me off his back) it's important for everyone having issues to take the time to contact ATT and let them know, otherwise they say they have no idea that there is an issue. Plus, the more people who demand credit for time with no service the more likely they are to do something about it. (I asked to have my month's bill credited and they did.)
Please pass this on to anyone you know who is having cell issues.
Sloop/Pia, has your service improved at all? I'm still hearing from friends who aren't getting calls or text messages with any reliability....
Maybe they're still working through some kinks with the LTE/4G network?|mk-att-wireless-networks
I'm sure they are, but we don't have 4G/LTE on St John yet.
Service is getting a little bit better but not much in Coral Bay but I know they have arrived on island to fix the problem as 6 men from Puerto Rico came into my husbands Real Estate office on Wednesday who were looking for accommodation and told him they were here to fix the Bordeaux Mountain tower which, in their words, is a mess
Well, that's a good sign!! Thanks for the update, Pia.
after some improvement
we are half way back to where we were a month ago..
for ius
calls work
data does not.
A text message I sent yesterday morning to a recipient in Cruz Bay never arrived. Phone calls work intermittently in South Shore, and texts are still being delayed. Frequent dropped calls and "no service" outages still intermittent. Seems to happen more to iPhone users, but I suspect that's because the antennas in those phones are weak compared to others.
Keep calling.....!
I had serious issues for some time on the west end of STX. I got many credits by calling the 1-800 number or dialing 611 on my mobile. I also started my conversations with "Our call will get dropped so please call me back when it does". I finally had to upgrade my phone or continue to have dropped calls.
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