Noble Member
Joined: March 8, 2005 2:10 am
Last seen: April 17, 2020 12:37 pm
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2230
RE: Flag disposal

@exit-zero Yes, American Legion is where I have taken mine over the years. I think they save them and burn them on Flag Day, June 14th. Hopefully th...

5 years ago
RE: A bit different than most

As a person working a federal job, is she allowed to live on a boat? I know they have restrictions.

5 years ago
RE: Police Officer Relocating to USVI

Hopefully they will get some off island officers. Mapp sent some off to New York for training. One I know of moved off island and I suppose got job s...

6 years ago
Re: Need a room to rent

I rent monthly rooms at Crystal Palace. Send me a private message.

8 years ago
Re: Update on "Possible Scam" from September 16

Good of you. Hope this doesn't cause another firestorm. We have to be careful on the world wide web for sure.

8 years ago
Re: Rum vs MJ

I find the aroma from MJ nasty these days. What did they do to it or what have they put in it?

8 years ago
Re: Tiny Vehicles?

I have a small electric car. A Wheego. Goes everywhere I want it too! I test drove a Smart car as well as a Scion IQ. The IQ was pretty impressive.

8 years ago
Re: Why you should be careful of news on social media

Apparently he was a drunken lawyer. I hope his name will be on the blotter in tomorrow's paper.

9 years ago
Re: Campground at Neltjeberg

Off the Grid opted out due to the public outcry.

9 years ago
Re: Planning Temporary Move

I do offer special rates during the summer months at Crystal Palace. PM me.

9 years ago
Re: rental and transportation suggestions for pre move STT

Again thanks OT for the plug. I have fostered many a newbie to the island. Have some already lined up this year.

9 years ago
Re: Just booked my pre-move visit to STT

Thank OT for the recommend.

9 years ago
Re: Why is stj so expensive to live on. Mostly in property value for buying and renting?

Just a FYI, Rockefeller acquired the land in the mid 50s. He purchased Caneel and just about that time a man named Frank Stick purchased land out by L...

9 years ago
Re: WAPA out, Northside, STT

Seems like it was everywhere. Someone said a generator is down. Mine came back shortly after.

9 years ago
Re: Headline: Niagara Bottling Company Recalling its Spring Water Due to E. Coli Bacteria Contamination

Someone wrote this on Facebook. The Niagra plant that has the problem doesn't supply the Virgin Islands area. We get the Niagra bottles of water her...

9 years ago
Re: People who dread hair on stx

They have been looked down upon years ago when people did it to be cool. Also aside for the Rastafarians that did it for their religion, folks did it ...

9 years ago
Re: 28, single male, chef, moving to St. Thomas next week

Think I meant lots of, but lost sounds good too!!

9 years ago
Re: 28, single male, chef, moving to St. Thomas next week

During the summer months I do offer special rates at the Crystal Palace. Been fostering lost relocating souls for many years.

9 years ago
Re: And now the LT Governor is to get housing?

Schneider lived at his house until Catherineberg was ready for moving in. He stayed there after repair work was done. Turnbull was housed up in Estate...

9 years ago
Re: No Fireworks for Carnival this year!

Ms411. The committee is all pretty much volunteer. It has been known in the past to have sticky fingers. Audited statements? Yeah, right. Maybe they h...

10 years ago
Re: No Fireworks for Carnival this year!

Quite frankly what needs to be done is Carnival needs to be privatized. The government will make money, businesses will make money, and the is;land wi...

10 years ago
Re: Just got back from my PMV to STJ/STT

Yes, Sub Base rum should be up and running in a year or so. I have had the pleasure of housing and meeting the principle. Bob Apfel. Quite an interest...

10 years ago
Re: Caller-ID

I get caller ID even on European and 800 numbers. Don't know why nor do I think it is At & T specific.

10 years ago
Re: King Gov's Extravagance

Quite frankly he never used mold as an issue. He had a kind word for old. Mold can be removed quickly. I doubt there is any there. It's a well ventila...

10 years ago
Re: Need someone to top some trees in STT

Doesn't hurt to seek his advice. He may have some expert tree climbing trimmer dudes.

10 years ago
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