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Bat House

Posts: 54
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Has anyone thought about or actually put a bat house up by their home? They are very easy to build. They eat thousands of mosquitos a night (I think that's correct. I'm just too lazy at the moment to look it up). I believe this would at least help with the population around the house. Thoughts???

Posted : February 4, 2009 3:41 am
Posts: 1085
Noble Member

They will help control the insects. There are lots of plans on the web.

Just mount them up as high as you can.


Posted : February 4, 2009 11:30 am
Posts: 3111
Famed Member

If you have mango trees, think about this. They will eat the mangos, chew up the skin and pulp and spit it on your house. It takes the paint off.

Posted : February 4, 2009 11:38 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

they did that in the florida keys and the bats took off never to be seen again

Posted : February 4, 2009 5:10 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

hey speee1dy, what did they do in the florida keys that made the bats leave???

Posted : February 4, 2009 6:29 pm
Posts: 580
Honorable Member

My cats seem to be taking care of the bat population on the east end - sorry about that! :-X

Posted : February 4, 2009 7:31 pm
Posts: 389
Reputable Member

We have some bats up here in the rain forest, Juantia I am laughing my a** off over the idea of them spitting magno juice on your house... perhaps it is personal? 🙂

Posted : February 4, 2009 8:12 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

islandjoan i dont know and i think could be wrong ,i think it was government money that built it. i guess they just didnt feel welcomed there. i loved it there and felt very welcomed.

Posted : February 4, 2009 8:28 pm
Posts: 3111
Famed Member

Unfortunately I may not have a problem with the bats this year. Our hugh mango tree fell in Omar. We have tried to save it, kind of re-shaping it and letting it grow on it's side. I noticed today, it isn't looking too healthy. Bummer, but we are getting ready to paint the house though, so at least we won't have to worry about the paint. I'd rather have the tree!:-(

Posted : February 4, 2009 8:46 pm
Posts: 389
Reputable Member

Well, you can come visit us, I'll let you know when our mangos start coming in. Or, we can take a drive through the rain forest and pick them off of the wild mango trees... yum.

Posted : February 4, 2009 9:05 pm
Posts: 3111
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Just coral the spiders before we get there!

Posted : February 4, 2009 9:13 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

If you are on STT you can get a free bat house through Dr. Renata Platenburg with the Fish and Wildlife Department. She will even come out and help you find the best place to put it and sometimes can help mount it. The only catch is you have to monitor the bat house and make periodic reports such as if there are any bats living in the house, etc.

Posted : February 10, 2009 12:28 am
Posts: 219
Estimable Member

Okay, I am resurrecting this post after a search on 'bats". My question is this, though... What if you don't want the bats so near your home? Any suggestions? We moved to a new rental and the bats looove swooping low to the ground and into our garage, which has fruit trees next to it. We can't cut the trees down, and I have turned off the patio light at night, but they are still annoying close to my head every night when I go outside. I would rather have mosquitos dive bombing me! Anything? Even if I stay inside, I am worried they will bite the outside dog if they smack into him!

Posted : December 17, 2010 10:42 pm
Posts: 142
Estimable Member

I'm no expert, but I don't think they will bite unless they are sick. We have some that swoop down when we are in our hot tub (in Kentucky) but they don't bother us. We have a bat house but I don't know if they live in it. They just live their lives and we live ours and so far so good!

Posted : December 18, 2010 2:58 am
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

I doubt that they would run into you or your dog. They have very poor eyesight but excellent radar. Haven't you seen them change directions that almost seem impossible?
You would probably have to swat at them for contact to be made.
Don't watch so many Horror movies and you will be fine.:@)

Posted : December 18, 2010 2:28 pm
Posts: 695
Noble Member

On a somewhat related point, we got a bunch of tadpoles at our pond up in the states in order to have them grow up into frogs and eat some mosquitoes. The ones that weren't eaten by the fish in the pond grew up and hopped away. I guess we just weren't hospitable enough.


Posted : December 18, 2010 3:41 pm
Posts: 219
Estimable Member

Terry, you are probably right. I will cut down on the 'When Animals Attack' episodes and deprogram my mother telling me that bats will fly into my hair and get tangled up!! They do get awful close though, and it is creepy.

Posted : January 5, 2011 12:07 pm
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