Bin Laden is KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!

that shoulda been titled "OT" for off-topic alongside the subject, but yes. it was reported last night that bin laden has been removed from this mortal coil.
DROP THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have mixed feelings on this, although I am relieved that Osama Bin Laden in no longer a threat I am worried that there will be uprisings in the Middle East over his death. My son is currently in Afghanistan and due to come home on the 15th of this month. I'm more worried today for his safety than I was yesterday at this time.
Now hopefully we can move on to other pressing issues since that has been accomplished. Now that Osama's no longer a target, we can deploy resources to something else. Job well done, troops! Thanks.

i feel that once you have struck a serious blow to an opponent, you must be ready for the comeback.
when one draws blood is the most dangerous part of the fight.
so, while i realize that many feel that osama bin laden operated in a vacuum, we must realize that there are more like him and that they will not simply pack up and go home because their leader is gone. a common train of thought is that someone else will rise to take his place.
at this point it is up to us to continue to reach out to muslim nations (particularly their civilians) who have been oppressed for so long by the likes of the taliban and who have had their reputations dashed by the likes of al qaeda... to let them know that we do not put them all into one basket and that they are not the enemy.
to live in a country ruled by a despot or run by warlords leaves everyday people like you and me so very vulnerable.
we have reached out to Muslim nations particularly Pakistan who we give 3 BILLION DOLLARS a year to help us fight al Qaeda. Where was BinLaden -al qaeda master mind found? Pakistan. We need to stop payment immediatley this man lived there for years. The compound is 8 times the size as any in the area with 10ft walls,come on! Telling Muslim nations your not all bad seeds sounds ridiculous.we need to stay on the offensive that's where our country can use the 3 Billion.
I'm not going to state my opinion of this whole deal.
What I am going to say, is that dropping Pakistan is not that easy. They are a nuclear power. That's right, they have a nuclear arsenal. You all really need to take that into consideration.

i agree that pakistan's accepting our foreign aid with one hand and apparently abetting osama bin laden is reprehensible.
however, the average citizen in pakistan is a human being who happened to be born there. anyone who lives in a despotic country or one where dissent is soundly squashed with as much brute force as possible, cannot be held responsible for the actions of the oppressors.
many around the world associate americans with our "representatives" which include politicians, corporations and media images (a la "real housewives of where-ever")).
i maintain my position that this is an unfair assessment of the entire populace of the nation. the average person is wanting his or her children to grow up or even make it home from school, and wants to be happy and live life just like i do.
i feel the response of the pakistani government is weak at best and we need to re-evaluate that aid! but i don't condemn the citizens of pakistan. let each individual be responsible for his or her own actions.
So paying them off will keep them on our side for ever? They will go where ever they get more $. Now remember that China in the next country to pay them off. Do you think, given our financial shape that we could compete with China? What if they said they would offer them 30B? China as well as OBL followers are just letting is spend our way to a third world county. It may take another 20 years but it will happen of we don't do something.
So stop paying these clowns off!
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