correctional facilities
I have a ten year backgroung in corrections. Are there any jails or prisons on the island?
Golden Grove Correctional Facility. They are often hiring.
Thank you.
Ummmm, you might want to check out Golden Grove first - 3rd world, contraband oozing from its pores, understaffed, equipment failure leading to unsupported officers - frequent staff no-shows leaving isolated officers (sometimes with no radio contact)...but it does have its' own goatherd!!!!!
Maybe if we get some new blood here in the VI. Mkoz, do you have any fellow correctional officers who want to come down and live in paradise? It might turn things around here. You know, be part of the solution. Good luck to you.
Tammy, that would be great - again, I believe this falls under the heading of "government job" (I could be wrong on that, but I'm thinking so) - and preferece will be given to local Crucians or at least Virgin Islanders.
The stories that come out of Golden Grove are atrocious, scary, whatever word you want to use. Remember that the ..... um....well, the insane and the criminals are there mixed up together unless there has been a massive change.
This is not a place the unsuspecting want to go. The reason they are hiring is because the attrition rate is so high. Jane's right - this one needs to be checked thoroughly before even considering it - however, I am not sure you'd have an iceberg's chance in hell of ever getting hired there. A local is at a disadvantage with no radio...a transplant ...well, let's just don't go there.
mkoz, the language barrier can be a little overwhelming at first - and I can only imagine with screaming incarcerated people it could become a cacophony of sound that would deafen and disorient you. This may be where your past experience is, but be careful about it for your future. Also, if by some wild stroke of luck you were to get hired and it IS a government job, it could take months to years to come to fruition. Island time and all....
I had occasion a few years ago to hear "both sides of the story" from prisoners, guards and administrative staff--it was a quite scary picture they drew..for both sides. It was really upsetting to even hear about it. Can't imagine how it would be to work there, OR be incarcerated, even for a crucian.
wow, an eye opener, thanx

It's a rough place. They house both those waiting for hearings and those who have been sentanced in the same facility - just different parts of it. Pretty harsh. I witnessed guards accepting dope from a regular visitor. Inmate phones didn't work for the 6 weeks my son was there - single young white boy * 1 of 2 at the time*= He had access to cell phones (for a cost) and drugs on the inside. Got beat up a couple times. It was a good learning experience for him, but he knows enough now to not screw up again.
Again, with the drug problems, corrupt workers, it's no different from state side facilitites. Look at the ones at the state level - prisons - because that's what Golden Grove is - and the local county jail if you will - combined.
I'd check the website first to see if there are any positions more like in the border patrol area.
U.S. Custome is hiring right now and has a job fair on STT at the Wyndham on the 29th. also the following Monday on STX, not sure where, but I can get the location if someone wants it. Also the process is opened until the 31st on CBP anounced 2600 new officers for fiscal 08......Considering how short they are in STT and STX, that should inclucde several local jobs.
The U.S. Customs job fair on St. Croix will be held at UVI on October 31, 2007, from 9:00 until 4:00. There should be an ad in the AVIS this week.
Are the youth housed with the adults or is it a separate facility?
I was wondering what services are available for the mentally ill ...are they housed and treated in the same facility?
Where can I find information or stats about the youth, adults, and metal health cases in the facilities on STX?
Youth are housed at YRC (Youth Rehabilitation Center).
I'll talk to you when I'm back about the stats you are looking for which may, in fact, simply not exist.
Hopefully someone on here might have something more to say about mental health services available. Last I heard there was not a treating psychiatrist at Golden Grove. Anyone know anything different?
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