"Don't Stop The Carnival"
Thank you everyone for the wonderful suggestions!
I ordered several of these books today.
They will provide me with some interesting summer reading and will help me get even more excited for my move to St. Croix in August!
Thanks again,
Glad to hear it, Doug! These books will be great to read again too after you have been on island for a few months. You will certaiinly get the humor in them and be able to relate! When you think you are having a crappy time in line at Pueblo or whie driving, you'll remember the antics from the books.
I must be the only person in the world who thought Norman Paperman was a sniveling idiot who would have had trouble whereever he lived. I got halfway through the book and just stopped. I found I cared not one whit about him, his life or his future.
Ric, on the other hand, loved it. There's no accounting for taste, I guess..
I'm sorry for my off-topic comment that was here. Becky R is right about the sandbox.
Whoa, there, sistuh, back it down a notch! She's stating her opinion on the book - and you obviously don't know Linda J, a totally delightful person - very caring, very witty, and she and her husband are friends to everyone new to STX. Wow - as the Brits would say, I'm gobsmacked by your comment....really bad off topic, and tacky too....if we want a nice sandbox for everyone to play pretty and make nice-nice in, Rule #1 of Sandboxes is: Don't pee here.
Thanks, JeN, for the apology - that was a big gesture on your part and I appreciate it, as I know Linda would too.
I too found Mr Paperman hard to relate to ....I guess it is different strokes etc.

NIJane, LindaJ-- you're not alone. I also found Paperman and the whole book annoying in many ways. I did enjoy comparing the insanities of Caribbean life portrayed in the book with current USVI realities, but that was about it. I chalked it up to the era in which is was written. Women were to be pretty and amusing-- pat them on the head and leave the thinkin' to the men... Makes me grind my teeth. Wait, I mean makes me *suck* my teeth 😀
ah, the good ol' days.
Speaking of Books....
If you've read "Desiring Paradise" and "Life in the Left Lane" ...the two books widely advertised on this website, what do you think of them? I'd be interested in hearing people's opinions.
These two books are written with a much lighter touch than DSTC. They are short, easy reads and I related to them immediately. They are also written in present time. Well worth the price.
I would suggest reading the mango books by Rueben D. Dowling. Three books, Mango Madness, Sweet Julie Mango and Big Mango. The 4th should be out soon. These are about the life of a cruzan boy beginning in the 60s to present day. They give you quite a bit of insight to the cruzan mind and culture. I greatly enjoyed them.
I read Life in the Left Lane. It's short and a cute story. Good airplane material.
I loved Life in the Left Lane. I would surely reccomend it!
To me Life in the Left Lane wasn/'t a must read for anyone thinking about moving to the islands. I found it to be a piece of fluff.
I'm In the 7th chapter of "DSTC" I do find Paperman a weak man, but nonetheless, I will finish this book. I have not read "Life in the Left Lane:. I have read "Desiring Paradise". It was well written in the first person, but sometimes it went on and on about minor topics that eventually led me astray from this book.
agree with jim dandy....left lane fun and certainly interesting, but other, more detailed books such as the guide books listed in this forum are MUCH more helpful.
Hi, all.
Books I found interesting - "Crab Antics", Peter J. Wilson and "The Virgin Islands: a Caribbean Lilliput" (in which the author, Gordon Knight, seems to virtually predict the Fountain Valley Massacre or something much like it).
As many times as I have read Don't Stop the Carnival, I can agree with those who are at odds with Norman Paperman. I remember reading this and sympathizing with him about his troubles and problems adjusting to island life, but then I stop caring for him when he's chasing Iris again and again with his wife still in NY.
I mean if you're married, that's it, that's your pick...quit messing around with other women until you get divorced first. That was one thing that really had me conflicted with the book...he would lose an employee and I would think, "Aww this poor guy...wait this guys a cheater! Boo!"
Still really enjoy the book though, I would love to see that tarp scene in a movie.
Cory, aren't you Mr. Morals! haha I agree with you, but his wife knew what was up and still stayed with him. Therefore, they are both pitiful.
Seems to me the appropriate time to chase after Iris was when his wife was in NY....
Would anyone be interested in starting a book club on STT? I'd be in..
ok., this guy/author is a friend of mine so I thought I would mention that right up front.
There's a series of books, Lagoonieville (volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4) that are a hoot. All fun reads. They are written in such a way that, if you're like me and might have interruptions while reading, you can start/stop/start/stop easily without having to go back and re-read previous paragraphs or pages to get back in the story groove. He's not going to win any nobel prizes with these books but they are a hoot! Great stories. Perfect reads on vacation or anytime really. Central characters are from "Lagoonieville".........people in my circle that have read the books try to guess the "real" location and characters. Definitely STT but more specifically, I think its Benner Bay/Compass Point Marina.....but, what do I know....and my friend the author is not telling.

How can you get them, FlBI? I didn't see on the website.
His web site says they're available at Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. And, he mentioned they were also at Dockside. Pirates Ridge on Water Island had some but I think my friends bought all that Mark had.

Missed that. Thanks!
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