East End St Croix
Planning on moving to St. Croix and working in Christiansted and living on the east end. We are hoping to buy a car once we get out there. Do you feel that is a long ways to drive and is the east end considerably safer? Also what are the drinking and driving laws? Thanks all for the help!
We usually recommend that you live and work on the same side of C'sted. During morning and evening "rush hours" riving through down is a hassle.
Depending on where you are on the East end, you can be 7-12 miles from Christiansted. Public transit doesn't come out here. You need transport ffrom day 1.
Its illegal to be drunk while driving, but you can have an open container in your car. I know people to have lost their licenses.... thank god nothing more serious from DUI accidents.
Is the East End safer than what? There is a perception that the east end is safe - but there is plenty of crime anywhere and everywhere.
Is it easy to find a cheaper car pretty fast? We are planning on renting a car the first few days and hoping to purchase one right away.
Find a dependable mechanic to check car out before you buy.
Lots of cars for sale, usually. Check the STX Island Trader. (ya'll do have that?) or local classifieds in daily papers.
i know of someone who has a car for sale for 2000. a chevy cavalier-needs to sell fast. pm me if you are interested.
i can get you contact info
If you live in the west and drive east to Christainsted, you'll have the sun in your eye on both directions or your drive.
Drinking and driving in commonplace and accepted here but not drunk driving.
Find a dependable mechanic to check car out before you buy.
Lots of cars for sale, usually. Check the STX Island Trader. (ya'll do have that?) or local classifieds in daily papers.
And the classified section on this site and craigslistvi.
Drinking and driving is illegal and a terrible idea even if you don't get caught. There was a head-on collision on the east end recently in front of Coakley beach where the kids involved were very lucky they didn't die. I believe one or more of them are now paralyzed.
I haven't seen where you've made a pre-move visit to STX? I think it's important to spend some time here and check out different parts of the island. The "vibe" is definitely different East to West, and different people have different opinions all over the map on which area is the best. You'll need to decide for yourself where you want to be, and don't just rely upon opinions that one area is more "safe" than another. Traffic is definitely a concern if you have to go through Christiansted for work, at least until they get the bypass finished!
We are coming out for a 6 month "move" so I suppose that is a bit of a longer pre-move visit than most people do but will really give us a solid idea. We have been traveling for the last 6 months in South East Asia so we have become very open to all ways of life. I read there was not many drinking and driving laws (which there were none in many areas of Thailand) which made me wonder if drinking and driving was a problem in the area. Thank you all so much for the information.
Did you guys all do a pre move visit, if so how long was your PMV?
My husband spent a year visiting islands all over the Caribbean before narrowing down to St. Croix, and then another year before he decided on our exact house, and we do live out East. It works for us. I moved down here a bit over a year ago to be with him in preparation for our marriage, so I didn't do a PMV, but he effectively did one for me, ha ha! 🙂
After going all over STX, I am very happy where we're at. But I know people in Fsted who would never live in Csted and vice versa, and those that live North Shore or Center Isle who wouldn't live on either end. It's really a personal choice which vibe is right for you.
Drinking and driving is worst on Saturday night. I stay off the roads then - as I did when I lived in Texas. The VIPD does periodically do periods when they crack down on DUIs (I think one is going on now?) and they stage random stops. In some ways it isn't as dangerous here since there aren't as many vehicles on the roads and there are more curves, etc, making people drive slower, but then people will drift over the line - even when they're sober! Drive alert!
One saving grace regarding drinking and driving is our very low traffic speeds. The roads are narrow and curvy, so traffic is usually going 35 or less.
One saving grace regarding drinking and driving is our very low traffic speeds. The roads are narrow and curvy, so traffic is usually going 35 or less.
Yes, unfortunately they tend to drift over the center line as a result of the curves. I find it happens all times of day, with both drunk and sober drivers. I always hug the inside of every curve to give an extra foot or so when I meet that guy inevitably coming around the other direction halfway over the line.
There are many drunk driving arrests, at least on Stt.
After your arrest you have to go to alcohol/drug counseling as one of your court mandates. I don't know if that is just for 1st time offenders, repeat offenders, or both.
It is a misperceived conception that just because you are driving slow while drunk, you are safe and won't get caught. Wrong!
Drunk driving is a selfish act. Call a taxi or a sober friend to give you a ride, so you don't put others at danger.
Alana - ST Croix doesn't seem to use the Trader nearly as much as STT does.
With that... I just saw an entire listing of cars for sale from Centerline Car rental
Also Check craigslist and the classifieds board here.
Also post what you are looking for in the classified.
Having grown up on the east end and now living center isle...... I would stay away from the east end.
1) I garden, the east is DRY, 2)if I forget something at the store it is a heck of a lot closer to live center isle and have to go back out for that thing I forgot. 3) after a hurricane, east end if one of the last places to get turned back on.
You can drink and drive but not drive drunk.
Safer is relative. Never had any problems in either section - then again I don't leave my doors unlocked and I have a barky dog.
Well, just to again mention the "vibe" thing and it's up to you where it works best for you to live...
We live out East. It is drier, yes, but we have a huge garden and grow a lot of our own fruits and vegetables - and we have a cistern, no well water. The only thing to drop dead on us so far have been mango trees.
There's a lot of places handy to buy something if you forgot it at the store. There are corner shops at Ziggy's and Bluewater Terrace and across from Duggan's (I'm forgetting the name). Schooner Bay and Gannett Hardware and Gallows Bay hardware and Better Butcher and Jaccar and the rest of the Gallows Bay shops are about 10 minutes away.
Totally agree on the after a hurricane comment, but during normal storms, etc., it seems a lot more common to hear my friends in Csted being without power than us. But outages happen all over. 🙂
Good night,
Since all properites are unique, ask questions when renting or purchasing!
We live on east end, work (and have worked) between east end and Gallows Bay areas. We have a large cistern and solar hot water and gas appli's and generator with auto transfer switch so haven't had any problems with services. Generator of course helps but also factor in fuel costs. We also have gardens and fruit trees 🙂
Didn't have any trouble or delays with traffic when going or coming from work.
To save time and fuel, usually do main bulk shopping (grocery and household) once a month for canned and boxed and dried and household items. Making 2 or 3 stops all in one day. But it also depends on your family needs and lifestyles, scheduels.
As mentioned in previous reply(s) there are several close by convenient stores out east end and we are glad to keep them in business for last minute items and produce and fuel(s).
I will say planning and timing are a must and we are a household of 2 adults, but have lots of stateside visitors.
Best of luck and enjoy your new adventure!
Like donefarming, I do all my household shopping once a week, and then we also hit Farmer's Markets for vegetables once or twice a week. I find this works really well, since by making lists and shopping for what is needed on my lists, I manage my time and our money more effectively, and use less gas. My husband always takes the South Shore Road into town, and there's virtually no traffic. I prefer to go into Csted when I drive (I think I like seeing all the people) and it's generally not bad until you get to the backup that happens during the day around Sunny Isle.
I think my last piece of advice echoes what others have said, which is once you find an area you're considering, visit different times of day, different times of week. If you enjoy a cocktail, visit the corner bar (there's one in every neighborhood) and talk to that area's locals. There are social events all over the island, poke around on Facebook and on the St. Croix Lime, and see what happens in different areas. Out East Ziggy's has events once a month or so that are quite fun and get everyone together - like they're doing an Oktoberfest on Oct. 6. But you'll find stuff everywhere. Just take your time, and you'll find where you like! 🙂
And no matter where you choose - welcome!
Agree with JulieKay!
Ziggy's east end is great and I hear the new owners at the (old Topside Rest. east end) have lots of great ideas also!
Have fun exploring and enjoy your new adventure!
You will find that STX residents are passionate about where they live. East loves east, west loves west, north shore folks are crazy for the north shore (that would be me). You really have to come and see which suites you best.
Just to be clear, drinking and driving is NOT illegal in the USVI.
I can't wait to see what the new restaurant taking the place of Topsiders is like! I'm told they're modeling it in a bit of a "Rowdy Joes" style - I hope the food is good! 🙂
It's called Castaways.
I heard that today too. I'm hoping for good food!
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