Last seen: September 16, 2024 5:35 pm
Wow...just saw that the house sold recently! Crazy step up in value!
@sbrewingcompany you know you're replying to a post that's 15 years old, right?
@solarsphere who did you go with for installation?
A NEW RECORD? Answering a 20 year old post!!!!
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night... Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It just depends what mood I'm in and where I happen to be. Most often...
@tree-cat I'm sorry that you had difficulties with your transaction! You're right about the corruption in the VI. However, indifference is driven by...
My just goes on and on. You should write a summary and post it at the top. In a nutshell, what's your point or beef?
The link was removed, most likely by the moderator. But, I'd love to read your story. You can PM me the link!
If it were me, I'd use Paradise Freight for St. Croix and their sister company, St. Thomas Cargo for St. Thomas/St. John.
I couldn't take it anymore and dumped Liberty and their recent acquisition, Broadband VI. I was easily able to port my number to T-Mobile. Since I...
Liberty is absolutely the worst cell provider that I've ever encountered. The best thing you could do is dump them ASAP and move your business to T-...
@stcmike everyone in charge on STT was making bank with Epstein's money. If the girls weren't complaining, why stop de carnival. Once the sh*t hit the...
@nicholas-plummer there are always fix it uppers and hurricane pads. But, prices here have gone up considerably over the past few years.
You better speak with an attorney. The VI is a very litigious society. You should never assume someone else's insurance will cover your risk.
Welcome to living in the VI! No tings cheap. Get used to it.
@jaldeborgh that was my first though too because I dislike paying insurance premiums. But, if the insurance company discovers that the Jeep was used...
The rental market in the VI has changed dramatically over the past few years. Many of the long term rentals have been converted to short term driving ...
The value of the real estate is far beyond the value of the business as an ongoing concern. Readers are gone, advertisers have gone, skilled labor has...
Wow...that's so cheap! I'm with Guardian too.
@Scubadoo If you just changed the date from 2001 to 2023 and changed the names of the hurricanes these articles could have been written a few month...
New pipes or old pipes, I'm glad my water comes from the sky. I can trust myself to ensure its potable.
I had a very in-depth discussion with a senior insurance executive on-island recently. Apparently, this has happened at least twice before in the past...
I still pop in for a look most mornings. But, there's rarely anything to see anymore. It was so much more interesting when people were chatting about ...