Firearms ownership
Hello everybody,
I have a question regarding something that it is very important to me and might be the deciding point if we move to USVI or not. I have been struggling wit asking this because I do not want to upset anyone and also do not want to get flamed for asking.... Basically, I own several firearms (rifles and handguns) and also have a concealed carry permit. Is there anyone here that can shed some light on if the laws allows rifles and handgun ownership or if you are allowed to carry concealed.... Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Here is an article with references to gun laws.
Have all the guns you want but IMO if guns, or having "things", is your deciding factor on whether to move to the VI you may not be a good fit.
You have to show cause / reason for a conceal carry permit. Such as making bank deposits or carrying cash from work.

And that carry permit is only good during daytime hours, as I understand.
There's a thread on this subject on the forum somewhere. Don't have time to look this morning.
you can own firearms. in your home. most people do not get carry conceal permits because down here you can only usually have cc if you own a business , there might be a few other reasons. you need character references etc....not sure of the whole process
if you need to ship your guns down you need to do it through a shooting range like dj shooting range. getting a permit can take a while. so you will be without for however long that takes.
i understand if that would be a deciding factor. i have a feeling if there were more cc's allowed we might have less bad guys around.
but there is a thread somewhere about it that might have more detail. do a search and make sure to change the dates.
good luck
Only the police and criminals are permitted to own firearms in the VI. If that's your main concern, move to Florida. You can walk into a Walmart and after a 3 day waiting period you have your gun. You can also get a CCW (concealed weapon carry permit) providing of course you have no criminal record. Easy Peasy.
Kinda ass backwards IMHO.
Thanks guys. I will look more into it. If owning a business is the deciding factor of obtaining a CCW, that wil be fine with me because that is what I intend to do. I am planning on opening a business when I relocate. As far as moving to Florida.... Well that is where I live and I do not have a criminal record since I already have a CCW in Florida.... Once I have my CCW here in Florida, I do not need to wait 3 days to pick a gun that I purchased, I just have to pay for the phone call to prove that my CCW is valid. That takes about 5 minutes.... Anyway, I am a Lifetime NRA member so I will check with them on this subject. Sparta, I am a little bit confused by your answer... Please forgive me if I am wrong here but I hope that you find really mean that if I have a passion for something all my life, I will have to divest my self of it so I can move somewhere place else... Please tell me what " a good fit" means... I have no criminal record, I am a family man, a veteran, a pet owner that cares more for his pets than for himself and I am planning to purchase a home and open a business when I move there (probably employ 6-8 people)... So what else will I have to do to fit into the island society?? I really didn't get that! I am sorry and apologize if this might sound harsh but I am puzzled now.
My statement was less to do about guns than "things" in general. If the ability to have ANY "thing" is a deciding factor about moving anywhere (not just VI) I think you may want to reconsider. My point is this... Things are just things. My move here was easier because I didn't bring "things" with me. I hold no value in "things", be it furniture or guns. I actually left behind 3 guns..
Concealed Permit:
May issue to Residents only.
A firearm may be lawfully had, possessed, borne, transported or carried in the Virgin Islands by the following persons, provided a license for such purpose has been issued by the Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of this chapter:
1. An officer or employee of the Government of the Virgin Islands in cases where such license, in the judgment of the Commissioner, should be issued to such officer or employee by reason of the duties of his position;
2. An agent, messenger or other employee of a common carrier, bank or business firm, whose duties require him to protect money, valuables or other property in the discharge of his duties; And provided, That the employer of such person shall have justified to the satisfaction of the Commissioner the need for the issuance of the license;
3. A person having a bona fide residence or place of business within the Virgin Islands, who established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he has good reason to fear death or great injury to his person or property, or who establishes any other proper reason for carrying a firearm, and the circumstances of the case, established by affidavit of the applicant and of at least two credible persons, demonstrate the need for such license;
4. A person licensed to and actively engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing or dealing in firearms in the Virgin Islands, or the agents or representatives of any such person, having necessity to handle or use firearms in the usual or ordinary course of business;
5. With respect to a rifle or a shotgun a person possessing a valid and current Virgin Islands hunting license.has in his possession a firearm.
Issuing Authority:
Permit Valid For:
Permit valid for three (3) years.
The initial fee for a license under section 454 of this chapter shall be $75.00. The license may be renewed every three (3) years for a fee of $150.00.
1. Every application for a license to have and possess a firearm shall be made under oath and on forms which the Commissioner shall prepare for such purpose. For the purposes of the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, the applicant shall furnish all information as may be required of him by the Commissioner.
2. The truth of such circumstances and facts
3. Applicant is a resident of the Virgin Islands, including with respect to shotguns or rifles a minor not under 16 years of age, or a nonresident who holds a current and valid license to hunt in the Virgin Islands, or an alien bonded under applicable Federal and Virgin Islands statutes for employment with a person, firm, corporation or other business entity duly licensed in the Virgin Islands to carry on the business of providing security, guard, patrol and private detective services; Provided, however, That in the case of any such bonded alien the license shall be issued to the business entity by which he is employed
4. Applicant is a person of good moral character
5. Applicant’s fingerprints have been duly taken and/or checked with the records of the Department or other appropriate sources
6. No proper reason exists to deny such application
In the VI, it really doesn't matter what the regulations or law says. If the Commissioner doesn't want you to have a permit, you won't get one. The Commissioner has said publicly that he approves permits based on his personal bias.

In the VI, it really doesn't matter what the regulations or law says. If the Commissioner doesn't want you to have a permit, you won't get one. The Commissioner has said publicly that he approves permits based on his personal bias.
They refused my mother but allowed my father, both who ran a business (6AM to midnight operation) and had to make large deposits,. Said since my dad had a license then she didn't need one also.

Just wait until you are the victim of a violent crime. That is one of the qualifying conditions for getting a concealed carry permit here.
Get mugged, get a gun.
Kinda like closing the barn door after the horse is gone!
You might not be one that cares about "things" but others do...and is perfectly fine. I have been colecting firearms for the past 30 years, I have a very large collection of firearms, some are irreplaceable. Not just tree guns to be left behind. To be hones here, if I had to choose between my firearms collection and STX... STX doesn't stand a chance... I live in Florida so it isn't the cold weather that I am running from, I used to live on Clearwater Beach and left there to move more into a country atmosphere... Now we were considering even a more laid back type of lifestyle but not at the expense of leaving everything behind... Not the guns, not my car, not my dogs... Again, I should have that choice to leave behind what I want and bring what I want. That is my choice just like it was yours to not bring much. The topic of the discussion was about the laws and if I could bring my firearms or not... I didn't ask if bringing them with me will discualify me from being welcome or eligible to move to the USVI... If you were to read my initial post, I was kind of hesitant to even ask because I know that there was someone that was going to flame me just because I mentioned guns. I have read quite a bit about the crime rate in the islands and some luck of police efficiency. I will like to have the option of protecting my self and my family if necessary. I do it here in Florida and will do it anywhere. If I can't do that, then it will be no sense for me to move... My life and my family's safety is worth more than anything in the world. For 12 years, I put my life on the line to protect other people's life and freedom, I will do that my family also. What is just things to you, it means the word to me and vice versa.
Have a great evening!
Once again.. I never once said ANYTHING about guns or gun ownership. My point was and still is if you can't part with THINGS any move, including to the VI, may not be for you. It seems you posted and wanted a negative gun comment so you can proudly proclaim your rights and blah blah blah. I have seen people come here and leave already because they missed their things. We have had possible employees back out because they couldn't let go of things (not gun but model trains and motorcycles). Shipping things is expensive. If money is no option, have at it. If you are already having hesitations about how your things and how that will work out and knowing that many things you are accostomed to are not available here I was just trying to say be cautious about the move. I'm not saying you would or would not be welcome anywhere because of your gun collection. I'm sorry you misinterpreted my words.
I have been trying to be as polite as possible but you seem to want to get into a pissing contest here... I never mentioned of how much will it cost to bring my "things" there... You don't know me or my financial situation. Once again, read the first post it had everything to do with what the laws are... Not how you feel about my guns, my cars and any of the other "things" that you are referring to.. For your information, if I decide to move, there will be 4 Jeeps coming with me, 6 paddle boards and at least 2 Jet Skis... So adding few firearms will be no big deal... If you wish to pick a argument with me, be my guest, I can stand my ground. So sad that so many people here have been so helpful and nice and you seem to act like someone that owns the island and want to decide who belongs to the islands and who doesn't, based on their freedom of what they will like to have or not... I got enough information from people willing to help in this matter so there is really no need for you to comment on this subject anymore.. I had enough of you Governor!
Don't argue.
I agree with speedy "I have a feeling if there were more cc's allowed we might have less bad guys around."
I am not a huge gun person although I had a CC in Az in my 20s and my I believe my 45 saved my life / bad situation once - never fired at a person - just placed on the hood of my truck one night after some creeper stalker dude making me very nervous.
I am ALL for responsible gun owners - here or not.
Just follow the rules and if it's important to you go for it.
Just wanted to add that when you are issued a firearms license here, the licence is specific to an individual gun. Each license states the make and model number of the firearm you are permitted to possess. You will have to fill out an application for each gun you want to have licensed.
In practice, VIPD will generally allow you one firearm only with your home protection license (usually a shotgun only) and if you get a carry permit you are also allowed one firearm on the license (usually a single pistol in caliber smaller than .45). In rare cases VIPD will allow an additional pistol to be permitted as a back-up. For non-LEO, three firearms is pretty much the maximum that will be licensed to an individual. Changing these out requires going through the application process all over again. You will be required to have a safe bolted to the floor of your residence to provide safe storage as well. When you purchase ammunition you will be required to present your firearms license for caliber verification.
There is a mandatory minimum sentence of five years here for possession of an unlicensed firearm, so it's better to avoid trying to sneak one in.
One work around that you might look into if you want to keep/bring your collection would be to get your FFL and open a side business, but the costs associated (I think you are required to maintain a storefront) might be higher than it is worth, and could potentially take years to get in place.
Another option is to have an FFL in the states ship your firearms here to the local range where they can be stored and used on site without a license, but cannot be removed from the building.
Basically it is nearly impossible to maintain a decent firearms collection here. If this is a deal breaker for you, it is better to know in advance. I moved here from a place where the unspoken rule was one gun per room in the house, and one gun per vehicle, minimum. It took quite a while to adjust to living here in that regard. Owning lots of machetes just isn't the same.

One thing that it takes to live here is the right attitude. Some people have the right attitude, some do not.
Thank you so much... That sheds lots of light on what is going on and what to look for. Based on that alone, this might be a deal breaker for me. Now that I know all of this, I might have to really think about making this move. Besides my family, my firearms are the love of my life and I am not sure if I will be able to part with it. You all have been great so I thank you all for your willing to help and friendliness.
Just wanted to add that when you are issued a firearms license here, the licence is specific to an individual gun. Each license states the make and model number of the firearm you are permitted to possess. You will have to fill out an application for each gun you want to have licensed.
In practice, VIPD will generally allow you one firearm only with your home protection license (usually a shotgun only) and if you get a carry permit you are also allowed one firearm on the license (usually a single pistol in caliber smaller than .45). In rare cases VIPD will allow an additional pistol to be permitted as a back-up. For non-LEO, three firearms is pretty much the maximum that will be licensed to an individual. Changing these out requires going through the application process all over again. You will be required to have a safe bolted to the floor of your residence to provide safe storage as well. When you purchase ammunition you will be required to present your firearms license for caliber verification.
There is a mandatory minimum sentence of five years here for possession of an unlicensed firearm, so it's better to avoid trying to sneak one in.One work around that you might look into if you want to keep/bring your collection would be to get your FFL and open a side business, but the costs associated (I think you are required to maintain a storefront) might be higher than it is worth, and could potentially take years to get in place.
Another option is to have an FFL in the states ship your firearms here to the local range where they can be stored and used on site without a license, but cannot be removed from the building.Basically it is nearly impossible to maintain a decent firearms collection here. If this is a deal breaker for you, it is better to know in advance. I moved here from a place where the unspoken rule was one gun per room in the house, and one gun per vehicle, minimum. It took quite a while to adjust to living here in that regard. Owning lots of machetes just isn't the same.
Whew. Reading comprehension is lacking on your part. I am nobody here Ghost Rider, especially anyone who deems who is fit to live here. I am just stating my observations about people and their material things.I don't give a crap if you want to bring a dozen bazookas. Having a large gun collection.. Like a large model train collection, or a large motorcycle collection is difficult here. Guns more so based on current laws. Have fun with the loves of your life.
GR:I am sorry that this board devolves so quickly at times. One of the big reasons people leave the VI is that their expectations are not met. The culture here is so very different from that of Florida (or any other state), that it is hard to explain how that will affect a newcomer. There are a lot of backwards and upside down laws and one has to adjust or go nuts...
Here's a helpful link:
Haven't read all of it, but truly hope it has sensible, sane, "safer" regulations on gun ownership than some of our mainland states.
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