Healthcare Jobs/Recommendations
Hello Everyone,
My gf and I are considering re-locating to either STT or STJ. My gf is a nurse and I am physical therapist so we have been looking at any and all job resources possible on both islands. Ideally, we would like to live on STJ, but it seems like more job options would be on STT. I was curious if anyone had salaries ranges and/or resources to check available jobs in these 2 fields. Also, how is the work commute between STJ and STT-are there reliable bus services between Red Hook and Roy Lester Schneider Hospital? I know the Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center has a variety of services, but difficult to tell from the website if they have employment openings or not, or even if they offer PT services. We are exhaustively researching all topics with help to this site as we know the importance of this!
Any info helps! Thanks in advance!
the ferry boat between the two islands seems to be reliable? there are safari taxis for a dollar, dont know the route the take
good luck and have fun
Commuting between STT and STJ gets very old very fast. The safaris will eventually get you from Red Hook to the hospital but they're not a dependable method of transportation and they don't run after dark.
Has your girlfriend considered a travel nurse stint here? The wages are good and there's usually a housing stipend while a 3-6 month stay will give you a chance to find your way around and see if island living will suit you. Once you're physically here you'll find it much easier to find work. Good luck!
I agree with OT, the last time I was in St. Thomas and had to make a trip to the hospital the nurses that I came into contact with which was three, were all travelling nurses.

The traveling nurse option is certainly one your gf should explore - it would be an easy transition for her at a much better pay rate and perks as mentioned -- commuting from STJ is a logistic nightmare and expensive - the $2 safari ride from Red Hook to the STT hospital is fairly efficient but time consuming and will get old very quickly on a daily basis and will add hours to an already long daily commute - they don't operate after dusk and it can be a tough fit for a nurses schedule.
Contact the Myrah Keating Smith facility on STJ -- 693-8900 about nursing possibilities there if you must live on STJ. I don't know if they participate or benefit from the traveling nurse program.
Thank you everyone for all the info! My gf has begun contacting various travel agencies to assess the nursing needs on either Island. The more we talk with experienced Islanders-it seems as though living on STJ and working on STT may be difficult, which makes us SAD! As far as PT goes it seems like there is only 1 clinic on STJ in Cruz Bay(I am curious if there is a need for more PT given only 1 location for this service...?). I can see how the commute can get expensive with no monthly/yearly ferry passes...
Best locations to live on STT seem to be North side/east end...?
Thanks again everyone!
There was a job posting for a PT listed in the classified recently, Island Therapies.
Other possibilities-Sea View home health and Beeston Rehab. all on STX.
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