Hello and please help with relocation issues
We are thinking about making the big move to your little island. How's the job market, pay, housing, transportation, shopping, phones, internet,and most of all the locals. To bring our car or to by there, car or moped...... I know when I first moved down to FL over 20 years ago, Floridians were not too welcoming. Of course now that has changed as we (Northern s) out number the natives. If course areas such as Miami are falling apart with illegals. How's the medical care?
What ever else we need to know, PLEASE let us know, I'm not one for surprises when I'm moving my life over to a little island floating in the middle of a huge ocean. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the change, but I don't want to move from bad to worse.
Thank you all for your input. I'm enjoying this board. If the island is filled with people such as yourselves, looks like we are going to do just fine.
Anne and Steve
Edgewater, FL
Which little island?
Not sure, leaning towards St Thomas.
We are thinking about making the big move to your little island. How's the job market, pay, housing, transportation, shopping, phones, internet,and most of all the locals. To bring our car or to by there, car or moped......
I would search the board for these individualy. All have been asked and answered before. I have not made the move yet, so I can not answer any of these. As for the rest of your comment I think is a little offensive. I would not plan on out numbering the locals here any time soon. I know that is not what you are implying but just that you told that story about Florida might upset people.
And of course if any of your questions have not been answered adequately in pass post I would break it up so you start a new thread for each question.
I am a former St Johnian , here in Kissimmee
and I am moving back soon wanna talk ?
Yes, Irieusvi... that would be great. Thanks
I meant nothing offensive by that at all, just stating facts is all. What about utilities, I meant to ask about that previously. Water, electric and so on. Cost. etc.,
Thanks again
anne: Spend some time looking through this board. For example, on the navigation bar above, under "The Move" is a section called "What to expect" which contains first hand stories about moving to the VI. "Island Life" will give you some more info. This will give you a broad overview of life in the VI.
Just one small comment on your post: The USVI has a much more porous border than Arizona, Texas, etc, All of our shoreline is prime drop off territory for smugglers who leave from St Martin. There are many illegals here, only you don't hear about it so much.
As to whether you are moving from bad to worse; if you cannot stand the thought of having a hurricane (or a bad rainstorm) interfere with your life by taking away your power, internet, TV and/or phone service (land and cell), you might not be a happy camper in the VI.
St. Thomas does have more opportunity. What do you do? Many that remark on this site can lead you to job opportunities. Very few will hire unless you are here to interview...based on skills and need.
Thank you so much! It's not so much worried about the hurricanes, I guess it's are the homes and apt. complexes sturdy, built differently?
Another main concern is work. I've been an Admin. Asst. Bookkeeper and an Office Manager for over 20 years. Will I find work and how is the pay scale? I've also enjoyed tending bar.
I've been searching is forum and I am finding it very helpful. I also like to hear from the locals as sometimes advertising has a way of fluffing it up a bit. Like the do up North with Florida living.. LOL
Hope you enjoy your weekend and thanks again for your helpful information.
Greetings from Sunny Florida.

Anne and Steve, [Not sure, leaning towards St Thomas.]
My situation is different from yours, but I'll share a few comments.
When I decided finally to retire, it was between Florida and VI. After visits to both, I ruled out Florida (too crowded, too flat), but which island?
At first, I thought St Thomas. After visiting both St Thomas and St Croix, both several times, I chose St Croix.
Same population spread over a much larger land. Fewer cars. Great beaches, snorkeling, swimming, and diving.
As to the people, I've had hundreds of encounters and not one bad one. Drivers stop for pedestrians and for other cars. People are friendly and helpful. Just remember, always start every encounter with a greeting: "Good morning!" "Good afternoon!" "Good night!"
Good luck!
Edward on St Croix
Have you done a PMV? If not your move may be the best thing for you.
A PMV? Sorry, you lost me 🙁
Pre-Move Visit - typically when you look for work, check out areas to determine where you may want to live, grocery shop, wait in line at the bank, DMV, etc. so you can see what living here is like - not just vacationing here.

And be sure to pick up a copy of: "Don't stop the Carnival'" by Herman Wouk. Read it in ernest for that may give you an insight of island life in paradise. Like bild said, come for a PMV first before making the big plunge. Plan on spending at least a couple of weeks. Driving around, shopping, doing normal things you would do in FL. Just keep your wits about you and don't do anything here you wouldn't do there. "Soon Come"...
All of your questions can be answered by surfing the web. The Daily News is on line as well as other periodicals. Do your own research. Jobs are in the classifieds as well as the government's department of labor listings. You will get an idea on rentals. Electricity is about 38 cents/KW. Water also is expensive. In St. Thomas gasoline is higher than most places in the states. Hospital is adequate. We have more lawyers per capita than any place in the US.
Murder in per capita is also one of the highest.
I love St. Croix and would not trade it for any place in the Caribbean or the US.
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