Hibiscus Beach Reso...
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Hibiscus Beach Resort

Posts: 162
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Does anyone have info on its present status? I've heard there was exterior re-painting on the buildings and a sale of restaurant equipment.


Posted : July 14, 2015 10:31 am
Posts: 2534
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Yes, they had a few sales selling off the restaurant and maintenance equipment, down to the shovels and glasses. Also all of the interior room furnishings.

Posted : July 14, 2015 10:33 am
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Interesting! Thanks, Alana33

Posted : July 14, 2015 11:52 pm
Posts: 206
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We stayed at the Hibiscus years ago. I guess that we won't be welcome there anymore. I have stayed several times at Sand Castles were the attitude is "Live and let live."

Posted : July 17, 2015 4:22 pm
Posts: 12366
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Why wouldn't you be welcome?
They can't discriminate against straight people.

Posted : July 17, 2015 4:37 pm
Posts: 206
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The female Gov. of New Mexico was denied service by her regular hair dresser, a gay rights advocate, for her political stand on gay marriage and has not had any consequences. .

Posted : July 17, 2015 5:25 pm
Posts: 12366
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I doubt very seriously that's going to happen here.

Posted : July 17, 2015 6:17 pm
Posts: 132
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I'm sure they'll be glad for any business they get.

Posted : July 17, 2015 7:29 pm
Posts: 1885
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Sounds like someone wants to complain about the poor persecuted religious folk. It's a shame. I remember not so long ago where there was a church on every corner... Today? Oh wait, it's the same.

Posted : July 17, 2015 9:19 pm
Posts: 8871
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i have at least 3 by me

Posted : July 18, 2015 8:56 am
Posts: 483
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I wish them the best. That area is one of my favorite walking beaches.

Posted : July 18, 2015 11:21 am
Posts: 162
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Last year this time there lived a vicious dog named "Stoly" who would suddenly rocket out of the sea grapes and bark like crazy if you walked up the beach toward Cruzan Princess Condos. To get by you had to retreat into the water and throw rocks to make him back down.


Posted : July 18, 2015 11:14 pm
Posts: 483
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What???? I know Stoly!!! Viscious? HAaahahahahahaha!!!! The dog belongs to the couple with the house next door to Hibiscus and has never harmed anyone Im aware of. He is a little territorial of the area but I dont think he would bite.They inherited the dog from the previous Hibiscus manager. The dog has been around that area for years and thinks he owns that beach.
BTW...The new Hibiscus owners have done a great job cleaning up that area.

Posted : July 19, 2015 3:20 pm
Posts: 162
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Oh well - it must have been my aftershave! Glad to hear about the clean-up.


Posted : July 19, 2015 8:17 pm
Posts: 850
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What???? I know Stoly!!! Viscious? HAaahahahahahaha!!!! The dog belongs to the couple with the house next door to Hibiscus and has never harmed anyone Im aware of. He is a little territorial of the area but I dont think he would bite.They inherited the dog from the previous Hibiscus manager. The dog has been around that area for years and thinks he owns that beach.
BTW...The new Hibiscus owners have done a great job cleaning up that area.

I fail to see the humor. No dog should be allowed to intimidate passersby like that. It's the penchant of many islanders to encourage aggressiveness in their dogs, or not take responsibility when aggressiveness shows up (as in the territorial behavior described). Anyone who doesn't know Stoly has every right to assume the worst. That's unacceptable for any beach, let alone one in a resort area. That you don't think he would bite is not comforting. The owner of the dog who shredded my dog's belly didn't think his dog would bite either.

Posted : July 20, 2015 12:11 am
Posts: 162
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My run-in with poor old Stoly was last summer and somebody where I stayed had the same experience and had warned the rest of us to be careful. Stoly may be a nice dog underneath but he sure put up a convincing show as a guardian. Don't know the current situation.


Posted : July 20, 2015 9:20 am
Posts: 483
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I have walked that beach for years and have never had a problem with the dog and for the most part enjoy seeing him. Hes somewhat a fixture on that beach. Hes a little Australian Shepard,Not your typical pit mix island dog. He will bark for a bit then greet you. but yeah, I suppose for some people, thats not OK. Dogs should be leashed or at least supervised by the owner when out. He pretty much sticks around his house. All dogs, no matter how friendly have the potential to bite. If you are not familiar with him, I could understand the threat.

Posted : July 20, 2015 10:43 am
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