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I'm about to make the move....

Posts: 6
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Whatsup everyone,

I'm a 21yr. old male living in Orlando, Florida and i'm about to embark on a new adventure. I'm currently in the process of selling everything I own so I can relocate to the islands(As for which one, I was thinking St. Croix to just start out)...

I need a place to live and a job, just a 1 room kind of place...i'm a simple kind of man and can survive on very little money.

Anyone have any tips for me?

Posted : September 22, 2011 9:55 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

well, you might have considered a pre move visit to see if it is actually something you would like. st croix is more laid back that stt. stt has the most tourist and tourist industry jobs. not sure what your line of work is or how much money you have saved up. should be somewhat easy to find a job at a restaurant or if you like stx the casino is always looking for help

Posted : September 23, 2011 12:26 am
Posts: 6
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well, you might have considered a pre move visit to see if it is actually something you would like. st croix is more laid back that stt. stt has the most tourist and tourist industry jobs. not sure what your line of work is or how much money you have saved up. should be somewhat easy to find a job at a restaurant or if you like stx the casino is always looking for help

Stx I heard was cheaper and is more my style because like you said its more laid back and thats what i'm looking for. I've never had a job yet, i just went to college for a little while after highschool and most recently ive been selling stuff on ebay...I have enough saved up so that i'll be able to last a few months(for rent and what not) until I find a job.

i'm glad the casino is an option...do you know anyone that works there?

Posted : September 23, 2011 3:10 am
Posts: 3919
Famed Member

If you have enough money - $5,000 - $10,000 - you should be fine. I might sugggest that you try to get some sort of resstaurant job now, where you are. The experience will be very helpful here because many entry jobs are in hospitality.

Bring only your clothes and other personal effects and keep enough money aside to get back, just in case.

Good luck.

Posted : September 23, 2011 9:26 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

i work there but not on the floor. i like my job but to be honest i would rather live in the states again.

Posted : September 23, 2011 10:55 am
Posts: 1313
Noble Member

I've never had a job yet, i just went to college for a little while after highschool and most recently ive been selling stuff on ebay.

Hi Cory,

May I advise? Seriously consider completing your college education and securing a degree before making other decisions at this time in your life. A college education is the best investment you can make for yourself, can never be taken away from you, and can open doors in this highly competitive job market wherever you choose to reside. You will not regret it. Trust me.
All the best to you,


Posted : September 23, 2011 12:15 pm
Posts: 6
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If you have enough money - $5,000 - $10,000 - you should be fine. I might sugggest that you try to get some sort of resstaurant job now, where you are. The experience will be very helpful here because many entry jobs are in hospitality.

Bring only your clothes and other personal effects and keep enough money aside to get back, just in case.

Good luck.

I figured as much as well, i'll be good on the money aspect of things. Thanks for your advice Linda!

Posted : September 23, 2011 7:37 pm
Posts: 6
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i work there but not on the floor. i like my job but to be honest i would rather live in the states again.

I see, why do you say that?

Posted : September 23, 2011 7:40 pm
Posts: 6
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I've never had a job yet, i just went to college for a little while after highschool and most recently ive been selling stuff on ebay.

Hi Cory,

May I advise? Seriously consider completing your college education and securing a degree before making other decisions at this time in your life. A college education is the best investment you can make for yourself, can never be taken away from you, and can open doors in this highly competitive job market wherever you choose to reside. You will not regret it. Trust me.
All the best to you,


Thanks for your advice too!

At this point in my life I want to try something different and not just do the same damn thing everyone else does. School is just not something I want to do anymore at this point and not to mention that the cost of schooling now days if ridiculous as well. I may end up going back to school in the future, but right now its just not for me.



Posted : September 23, 2011 7:44 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

cory, things are just so much cheaper in the states. and i dont like not being able to easily see family and friends back there

Posted : September 23, 2011 7:51 pm
Posts: 70
Trusted Member

Hi Cory! I know exactly how you feel. I am moving to STX the beginning of next year. I have 2 degrees and I am waiting tables because there aren't any corporate jobs here. (the unemployment rate here is higher than the national average.) I figure- since I'm working like crazy here- why don't I go down there and work like crazy?! The cost of rent is about the same (I live downtown) and at least the weather is a lot nicer and there is a beach for when I do have the (very) occasional day off. I'm also tired of the pace of the big city and people don't even consider Nashville a big city. So I get where you are coming from, for sure.

Just a word of advice- I would def get a waiting job where you are first. Especially if you haven't waited tables before. There are big pros and cons to corporate vs. non corporate establishments. And I know it's not rocket science by any means, but it def isn't for some people. I would hate for you to get down there and be miserable because you don't like serving and you get stuck doing that. After doing this on and off for 10 years+ there are still days I get pretty frustrated because of rude people (customers and co-workers alike). It is what it is- I just smile and go on about my business.. The hours are flexible but can sometimes run late and it's easy to fall into what the industry refers to as "vampire hours." Sleep all day- work all night.

Just some friendly advice. Hope I didn't ramble too much. If you want any advice or have any questions feel free to PM me. :@)

Posted : September 23, 2011 8:52 pm
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