Just found a puppy...
Afternoon all,
Was on my way to work when I came over a hill and there was a puppy standing in the road. It's Sorgenfri Rd. on St. Thomas (just west of the West Caret Bay area).
He's a tiny thing, looks like a tiny St. Bernard or something. And he doesn't look abandoned as he has both a healthy coat and quite the pot belly. No tags though.
I was very worried he was going to get ran over, so I took him with me to work. I don't have a camera here or I would take and upload pics for you. I can do that later this evening though.
Please call me at work 776-9696 if you have lost a puppy in that area or know someone who has.
thank god you stopped.....bless you
Poor little guy! I hope you can find his family.
the "pot belly" might be worms...they make the belly distended. just a caution in case you have other pets.
So this is the little devil, ha ha. Recognize him? If so PM me for my private number.
He's a great puppy. I can't fathom that he would be one of the abandoned dogs.
That belly is definitely distended, but he sure is a cutie!
So what should I do about the belly? Sorry folks the last time there was a puppy in my life I was 14 and didn't pay the bills in the house.
imho what you have there is a belly full of worms.
You can self-deworm but what I would do is run him by the vet; it is one of the places people call if they have lost their puppy and I'm sure you'll get a lot of helpful info and a de-worming.
Good luck!
try Dr. Williamson (down by Frenchmans Bay and Antilles school area), I found a stray dog that had been hit or kicked and he saw him for free and gave us free anti-inflamatory meds.
Can someone recommend a vet, and give me a ball park price on the cost of worming or whatever they do.
There's a reason I don't have a dog as it is, I am a poor poor man (money wise that is).
call Dr. Williamson 775-3240. I am going there today to pick up my neighbors dog. I wonder if Humane Society gives reduced cost vet visits, I know in the states they did.
De-worming medication isn't too expensive (at least in the US) but if you bring him to a vet they will probably do an overall health check which usually costs here around $45 or so. I would suggest calling the SPCA and seeing if they have a vet you can bring him to for a reduced cost. You are a good person for taking home this poor puppy! I hope you find him a home!!
its quite common for puppies to have worms. keep us informed on the little guy. he sure is a cutie and will becomea great friend to you for saving his/her life.
deworming is cheap. but please becareful about self worming.....did that to a cat once and over medicated. ended up costing me alot more cause cat had to be flushed out.....learned my lesson.....pills from a vet from now on.
what did you name him???
Be very, very careful - give that cute little face a name and you have a DOG!
Oh trust me no self worming here. I am not the self (fixing thing) type at all.
I called Dr. Williamson's office. They told me I can bring in the puppy tomorrow for a little check up.
I've been calling him Dude.
Hey Dude! I like it....sure its a boy? LOL. I have been very happy with Dr. Williamson, he is actually off island now but has another Dr. filling in. I was there today picking up my neighbors dog she rescued from an abusive house. The resident cat there, Reggie, is the most affectionate people cat ever!
Its been awhile since I had to have my dog wormed but you may want to ask about when he goes poopy, as in what to expect :-o.
Good Luck with Dude he is a great find!
I am glad you stopped. really. A lot of people wouldn't, which I can't understand. What a heartbreaker face!
if i could have a pet at my place, id take him in.
scremped~ How did Dude make out at the vets? Are you planning on keeping him?
Don't lose sight of the fact that there may be someone out there agonizing over the loss of their puppy. I hope you're doing everything possible to reunite that puppy with its owner - ad in the paper, photo at all the vet's offices, call the animal shelter, and put a sign along the road where you picked it up. Perhaps it was abandoned - perhaps it wasn't.
Aussie, you are totally right. I think we all assumed that Dude was abandoned.
If the puppy does belong to someone they should also be advertising for it's return.
Agreed, but that's only half of where the responsibility lies.
Sorry, but I disagree. Why should someone feel compelled to spend money adverising a found dog? The responsibility to look for this dog rests with the owner. IMO Scremped has gone above and beyond already.
I could not disagree more with you, Linda J.
Scremped assumed that responsibility the second he/she put that puppy is his/her car. You can not just take someone else's dog from the side of the road. How could you sleep at night if you didn't make every effort to make sure that was not someone's beloved pet? Many papers offer free advertising for found pets. How much does it cost to contact all the vets and shelters? What would it cost to put up a sign in the vicinity of where you loaded the puppy into your car? You're dead wrong on this one Linda J.
If every effort is made to make sure that someone's not looking for and mourning the loss of that puppy, then and only then, scremped may have found a new buddy and can have a clean conscious.
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