No collar, no tags, full of worms, wandering the street. Enough is enough.
Scremped has done his part. "Loaded the puppy into his car"???? You make it sound like he stole it from someones yard. Responsible pet owners don't let puppys run the streets. Enjoy your new buddy Scremped. If they want it back they should run an ad.
BTW He's adorable!!
"Responsible pet owners don't let puppys run the streets"
That's total crap, Skys. A puppy has never dug out from under a fence? A puppy has never escaped through an open door or gate?
The calls need to be made.
Call me Scrooge, but I would have taken the dog to the animal shelter.

Why wasn't this lecture (about finders putting ads in the paper (not free here), posters & pictures) being given about all the kittens that are being posted about?
I think Scremped did an excellent job, He stated where he found the puppy, gave a phone number where he could be contacted, posted pictures, made Vet arrangements. Good Job Scremped.
Why chastise someone doing a good deed. The puppy is not out in the elements risking being hit by a car or worse.
We don't know the circumstances here. Was the puppy abandoned? We don't know. If not, was the puppy away from home for days or just 10 minutes? We don't know. Was it totally lost or was it within 100 yds of its home? We don't know. Is someone crying themselves to sleep at night because they lost their baby?
Look, this is about doing the right thing. When a pet is lost, both the person that lost the pet and the person that found the pet both have to make efforts. They both need to be running ads, calling the shelters, and calling the vets' offices. What if the person that lost that dog is calling all of the vets but the person that found the dog isn't? What if they are calling the shelter but scremped isn't?
Scremped didn't find a litter of puppies. He found one puppy. Judging from the photos, he found a healthy, socialized puppy. That sounds like it may be someone's pet. That pot belly grows fast and not everyone understands that it comes from worms - scremped didn't.
Losing a pet is one of the most agonizing things an animal lover will ever face. The pain lasts a long time because we don't give up hope easily. There's no closure. We don't know what happened to our baby.
scremped, do the right thing. Make the calls. Put up a sign. Run an ad. If no one claims the puppy, then you'll know that you and Dude were meant to find each other. If someone does claim the puppy, even though you may have to give up your buddy, you'll know in your heart that you've done the right thing and reunited a puppy with its owner. Either way, you win.

How do you know he hasn't & why aren't you concerned about the kittens & there have been 2 posts lately about them?

Alternatively -- if Dude had been happy, he wouldn't have run away from home. 😀
I don't know that he hasn't, Trade. I hope he has. If not, I'm urging him to do so.
My sister lost her cat last Tuesday. She's in a lot of pain. It's not enough to get the animal to a safe place. An effort must be made to get it back to its owner.
I make no exception for cats. I love cats and dogs. I own both.
I agree with Linda J's last post. The right thing to do is to get them to the shelter. That's where an owner will look. The person that took them there can always adopt them if they are not claimed.
Aussie- Since you feel so strongly why don't you contact the Vet offices and let them know to contact scremped through this board if they know of anyone missing the little guy. And since there are pictures on the tread maybe you can make some posters and spend a few hours placing them around the island. But don't forget to take them down after a reasonable time, they can be unsightly after a while.
Well, if that was a smart a$$ response, I have a few choice words for you idgara71.
Actually, I will make the effort if scremped didn't/doesn't.
You know, it is a small island. Scremped gave his phone number and posted pictures, got the poor puppy off the street. If the owner wants the puppy back it should be easy to find. Let's not pick on the one doing the good deed lest next time he just drives on by. Scremped did a good thing. The next car might have killed the puppy. The puppy is off the street and safe. If you are so worried about the owner download the pictures and post them around yourself and run the expense of posting an ad in the paper.
Why in the world would scremped call ALL the Vets, buy and place posters, pay for ads, use his own time and his own money, etc etc. etc.
If the owner of the puppy truly LOST him, they would call the shelter. ANYBODY would know to call the shelter for a missing animal.
One phone call to the shelter is all that is needed. If nobody has called looking for him, then he was not "lost".
Why in the world would scremped call ALL the Vets, buy and place posters, pay for ads, use his own time and his own money, etc etc. etc.
If the owner of the puppy truly LOST him, they would call the shelter. ANYBODY would know to call the shelter for a missing animal.One phone call to the shelter is all that is needed. If nobody has called looking for him, then he was not "lost".
Here, Here! A person finding an animal has only to make one call to the local Shelter - that is what the shelter is there for.
Scremped - thank you for taking in the Dude, we need more people who are willing to do good deeds!
scremped hasn't weighed in here in a while. At this point, he may be thinking he made a mistake even posting here. He definitely did the right thing by picking up the puppy, but I agree with aussie. Someone may be really missing little Dude. It's not scremped responsibility to spend a bunch of money on posters, etc., but I am assuming and hoping he did call the shelter and vets' offices. BTW, a few posters and some time spent will definitely be less expensive than raising a dog, if money really is an issue.
I picked up a dog once and went straight to the shelter. The owner came running in in tears while I was still there. I also have had my dog run off, not because she was not happy, but because she's a dog and stuff happens. I am very grateful someone saw her on a neighbor's boat, so we got her back. Not long ago my cat wandered off. That was one of the sickest days of my life. I am a very responsible pet owner, but animals have minds of their own, and little puppies are very adventurous..
Finally a voice of reason….thanks for speaking up, Juanita.
At this point, I’m not addressing anything scremped may or may not have done. I’m addressing all the people that say “Why would someone that found a dog or cat put up a sign, call the shelter and call the vets etc”
I’m stunned by some of the responses on this thread. And some of you folks spouting this nonsense actually own pets? Unbelievable….
Put yourself in the shoes of someone whose pet doesn’t come home. Feel their pain? What would you do? Perhaps walk all around the neighborhood calling and calling? Of course you would. If you find a dog or a cat and decide to take it, put up a sign in the area where you found it. It may have been close to home. The owner may see the sign. Print the damn thing on your computer. Total cost…what? 2 cents? Replace it if it rains. What? Another 2 cents?
Call the shelter or, better yet, take the dog/cat to the shelter. That’s where an owner will look.
“One phone call to the shelter is all that is needed” That presumes that the person that finds the dog/cat also has the good sense to call or go to the shelter. Total cost to call the shelter? $0 You could call the shelter and every vet on St Thomas in less than half an hour.
Run an ad. Many papers offer “found” pet ads as a free public service. If the Daily News charges to run an ad and you can’t afford to do it, then take the dog/cat to the shelter. The Humane Society will run the ad. They are running such an ad right now.
When you lose a pet, fear eats you up. What if it’s lost and can’t find its way home? What if it’s injured and lying in the woods somewhere? If you can’t understand this…if you don’t understand what your responsibilities are when you find a dog or a cat….if you’re not willing to assume those responsibilities,,,then do those of us who love our pets a favor and KEEP YOUR FREAKING HANDS OFF OF OUR PETS! Your intention to do good may be causing great harm. Maybe the next person that happens along will do the right thing.
It’s time to weigh in, scremped.
I forgot to say that my sister's cat found his way home this morning after 5 days of being missing. He has an injury to one of his legs but is otherwise healthy and eating. He was rushed to the vet.
It was a joyous reunion!

I think more were upset at the tone you took. You make a lot of assumptions.

Off to Barktoberfest in a few!
When Idgara made what I thought was a reasonable suggestion, given your obvious level of passion, you were abusive.
If you feel strongly, why not copy the pictures and send them to the Animal Shelter or make a few calls yourself?
You "own" a cat? Have you told the cat that?
As they say dogs have people. Cats have minions.
Everyone enjoy Barktoberfest today!
Trade and Linda J
Point taken. My tone should have been more level. I started with a gentle bump but then got angry with what may have been well-intentioned but misguided statements.
I make no assumptions. I simply allow for all possibilities.
Linda J, I read idgara71's last sentence as an attempt to be a smarta$$.
scremped put the puppy in his car. It is his responsibility to notify the shelter. If he hasn't weighed in by tomorrow morning, I will absolutely make the calls and email a photo to the vets and shelter. It's the right thing to do.
Legally, I own the cat. The reality is quite different 😀
Barktoberfest was always my favorite "holiday" on St. Thomas. You guys enjoy!
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