List of private schools
We are moving in August. I am a teacher (Elementary) and am sending out resumes but I am having trouble finding correct websites and information about some of the schools.
Here is a list I have, please add any you can think of:
AZ Academy
Country day
Good Hope
Manor School
Randolph Lockhart Christian
The Manor School
St. Croix Montessori
St. Mary's Catholic
These are the schools I can't find websites for but have been told that they exist:
Church of God Academy
Glynn Christian Academy
Rattan Montessori
St. Patrick's School
School of the Good Shephard.
Any help you can give would be appreciated. I know it is a tough job market but gotta try.
Torres Teach
Free Will and St. Joseph's
Lots of people leaving island , you never know. Are you interested in public school system? I know a few teachers are leaving island and/or retiring from public schools and those schools could use some good teachers.
Yes I will be applying to public too--
I see you have Rattan Montessori on there. It is a great school, but only ever has 2-3 teachers at most. Just an FYI.
You can also try I'Qra(spelling might be off) Academy. I had a friend who taught there and liked it.
Also Stone House Preschool (a lifeways affiliate)
I am an elementary school teacher and a former employee of one of the private schools on STX (I only left because of a professional opportunity in the states, otherwise I would have stayed). My experience was great for the most part, but there are some things you may want to know in advance about working on island as an educator. What's your background in terms of location and student/community demographic? Have you worked outside the continental U.S. before?
I'd definitely focus on Good Hope, Country Day and AZ. The Stone House director is're dealing with the really little ones there, however. I don't know a ton about the public schools, but it sounds like Pearl B. Larsen (more toward the East End) is the best in terms of public elementary.
A couple of the schools on your list I'd shy away sounds like you're pretty on top of things, but I'd be happy to give you more specifics on what I know if you want to PM me.
Good luck!!
Oh, another item to consider. The VI pays some of the LOWEST starting salaries in the US(i'm a former teacher in both public and private here on the island). The private schools like to require a lot of extras from their teachers, and the public has a lot of issues with materials, buildings, and class size vs support for the teacher. NOT that that would make me not teach in the system again - enjoy teaching 🙂
usvichic- it is funny what you say about the salaries. According to the VI DOE website starting salary is $32,000 for a new teacher with a bachelors, (I have a masters).
That is the same as what it is here in N. Florida but as we go up the scale I would be a step 9- I would be making almost $5,000 more in the VI than here. Now I know they had a pay cut recently so I do not know if the chart is accurate on their website or not but just saying.
Hmm, maybe they raised the minimum starting salary then, when I started it was 28 with a bachelors and that was higher than it had been. There has also been 8% cut from the salaries, so I would hazard a guess that the site is not current. BUT that being said, I am not currently working in system, so double check.

I don't think the website is accurate.
There was an 8% decrease in pay this year.
No pay raises.
Another 8% mandatory take out for GERS.
Plus, of course, your personal expenses that are unbelievable for teaching here.
If you've read my previous posts, I even have to provide the toilet paper for my students.
Just FYI...
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