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Little help needed - St. Thomas to Virgin Gorda
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Have family in town and we went to take the ferry over to VG tomorrow. The Vi Now website shows a ferry from Red Hook to VG but I can't confirm this... I called Speedys and they also said that they were the only ferry that goes from STT to to VG. Speedys leaves from CA but I'd rather leave from Red Hook if possible. Any advice here? Thanks!
Posted : May 7, 2014 10:23 pm
As far as I know the Inter-Island ferry which runs from Red Hook to VG is on schedule and I've heard nothing about any delays or cancellations. Speedy's does the CA/VG run and Inter Island the STT/STJ/VG run. Try them again in the morning. Hope the weather brightens up for you but we so desperately needed the lovely rain!
Posted : May 7, 2014 11:28 pm
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