Mahogany Run
Does anyone have info on Mahogany Run? is it nice, clean, safe?

Yes, it is. I don't think you can have dogs there but cats are OK. Are you thinking of buying or renting?

Mahogany Run is a large property. There are several different condo communities, the main one being Mahogany Run Condos plus a few smaller complexes. There are also single-family homes. There are a lot of dogs in the private homes and at least one of the smaller condo communities allows dogs. The main Mahogany Run condos allow cats but not dogs.
I think that Mahogany Run is a great place to live. There are usually some condos and a few homes available to rent long or short term. There is usually a fairly good selection of condos and a smattering of homes for sale. There are still (I think) some unimproved lots available for building.
The views from the "downisland" side are spectacular but even if you don't have that view it's still a nice place to live. Yes-- it's nice, clean, and safe.
Hello Trade,
I would be renting, I do have two poodles but I would have them stay with my daughter. One we have had for 13 years and he is as young and active as a pup, but he is a big time hunter and the first thing he would do would tangle with a big lizard. The other is a few years old and about 6 pounds. When he was a puppy, a dragon fly buzzed him and ever since he has been afraid of his own shadow, so I don't think either would be a good fit for the island. They grew up with my kids, so I don't think the change would be difficult. I would miss them though.
I am looking for a two bedroom, fully furnished, with an awesome view!
You'd be surprised how adaptable dogs are--especially when with their owners! My family has moved transatlantically several times with dogs and cats and they have always adjusted their new surroundings. My dog and I travel from STX to Miami and up to New York several times a year and he loves it! I have another young dog who hasn't traveled yet but I am training him to be calm and comfortable in a confined space of a traveling bag so he can travel too (even though he has some serious psych problems like fear and submissiveness from a previous abusive owner) ! If you love your dogs and want to stay with them, it is very easy to bring them down! 🙂 The island is very hospitable to dogs! Good vets, great climate, dog-friendly beaches and restaurants (at least on STX) 🙂
I would agree that STX is a hospitable place for dogs in general, but the flea/tick problem is terrible. One of my dogs is allergic to Frontline/Advantage etc, so I was constantly bathing/grooming/picking at him. It drove both of us crazy!

Won't you be working at the Reef? You might check out the Bakkeroe area near there or Frenchman's Bay.
There are natural products available to help with the flea/tick problem. They aren't quite as effective, but they do help. Just do some googling, and you will find lots of info. I don't have a specific product in mind.
Hubby found a great remedy. He gave our rottie a peroxide rinse. Poured peroxide in a big tub of water and rinsed her in it. Killed the fleas instantly.

How much peroxide to how much water?

A bleached Blonde Rottweiler singing 'There may be bugs on some of you mugs , but there ain't no bugs on me' comes to mind.
I've now found Diatomaceous Earth that works for the fleas, but still nothing for ticks.
hi from southwest florida, for my mutt here i take her to the salt water beach a couple times a week with me. she is a ten year old indoor out door 60 lb sheperd, wolf &black lab mix and has no flee or tick problems. don't forget heartworm treatment, i use heartgard. with any luck we will be moving to STX in october.
Google vinegar, put a cup in your final rinse, kills fleas and makes them smell good and their coat shiney, also do a 50/50 spray bottle of vinegar and water and give them a daily touch-up, you can even put a small amount in their drinking water, like i said, I found many uses for vinegar when it comes to our pets.
I have to agree with the vinegar suggestion. 4 Tbsp per gallon of the dog's drinking water keeps the fleas away.
Bakkeroe? condos or apartments? nice/
I would be working out of the reef and I know I do not want to be sitting in a ton of traffic. One of the workers told me about Mahogany Run, she lives there and likes it.
Bakkeroe is an area, not a condo or apartment complex. That is where the Marriott is located. Depending on the time of day, when you leave the Marriott going to Mahogany Run, it can be the worst traffic on island, really brutal for about a half mile. I know...doesn't sound like much, but it can take a half hour or more. Then, it only clears up a little, again depending on which route you take, but at 5:00 there just isn't an easy way to Mahogany Run from the Marriott.
To avoid as much traffic as possible during regular rush hours, when you leave the Marriott you want to go east: Bakkeroe, Frenchmens Bay, Bolongo and on to the east end and Red Hook. Actually it would be a long drive, but you could probably get to Mahogany Run, via the east end route, faster than going the more direct route.
Of course, working in a hotel, you may not have traditional business hours. If that's the case, it's not bad.

I agree with Juanita about basing your living location on your work location. A brutal drive can really eat away at your overall quality of life.
Bakkeroe is a gem of an area. Many homes have a wonderful view over the harbor, Hassel Island, downtown, etc. It's really nice to watch the ships come and go.
Mahogany Run to Frenchman's Reef could be a really aggravating and long drive if you had to do it in high traffic hours. As Juanita suggested, the long way around may ultimately save time. I wonder if the multitude of large new construction projects (condos, etc) that are planned for the east end will make that route worse in the near future, though.
LOL, Husband doesn't use any formula. He just dumped a half a bottle of peroxide in a huge container of water. One of big huge plastic storage containers they sell at Walmart or Kmart. It didn't bleach her out either. I also like the vinegar idea.
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