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Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Because it's going to a different country. How can you guys not see that being detrimental to OUR country? It directly takes money out of our economy, to never return. I think this is one reason that our money is crap and we have to keep printing more which just makes the value less. Perhaps not the main contributor but a huge issue.

If you're able to work legally in the US and you send your earnings outside of our country then you should be taxed on that. If it's double, so be it. there's nothing wrong with working in the US and sending funds back to family or friends but there should be some sort of tax so that the rest of the country that does work here and contribute to the economy doesn't suffer either.

Posted : September 27, 2016 4:43 pm
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

Because it's going to a different country. How can you guys not see that being detrimental to OUR country? It directly takes money out of our economy, to never return. I think this is one reason that our money is crap and we have to keep printing more which just makes the value less. Perhaps not the main contributor but a huge issue.

If you're able to work legally in the US and you send your earnings outside of our country then you should be taxed on that. If it's double, so be it. there's nothing wrong with working in the US and sending funds back to family or friends but there should be some sort of tax so that the rest of the country that does work here and contribute to the economy doesn't suffer either.

And we should make sure those dirty foreigners dont spend any money here either


Posted : September 27, 2016 4:55 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

If you're able to work legally in the US and you send your earnings outside of our country then you should be taxed on that. If it's double, so be it. there's nothing wrong with working in the US and sending funds back to family or friends but there should be some sort of tax so that the rest of the country that does work here and contribute to the economy doesn't suffer either.

If sending money out of the VI is to be taxed, then that would apply to internet purchases, bank payments, etc. - to be fair, you would have to tax ALL money earned in the VI that leaves.

I buy my airline tickets on line. Now I have to pay the VI a tax to buy a ticket to leave here?
Since the VI gets no benefit from my purchase, it should be taxable according to your logic.

Posted : September 27, 2016 4:55 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Maybe I'm confused. I read that as monetary exports leaving the territory, not the country. Is it "exports" as in international? I couldn't find anything on her web site. but I could have missed it. I knew there was a push to federally tax money being sent to foreign countries, like Cuba and Mexico, for the same reason. I'm still against it. But it would make more sense.

I also took "monetary" to mean sending cash, not making purchases. But agree that that is money not benefiting the territory either, so what's the difference?

Oh, and I make some of my money off of foreigners and spend it here. Does that mean I'd get a tax credit? 🙂

Posted : September 27, 2016 6:24 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Taxing internet purchases is coming... recently read that too.

As far as making money on tourists IMO that's different. They're not sending income to other countries. They're spending the money they make abroad. Here with no taxes it's different but when I travel abroad which is often, I spend money which is also taxed where I spend it.... so we pay tax and then again pay taxes on stuff when we travel.

Just MO.

To be honest it all may be a moot point since we have officials that's just line their pockets and hire family for overpaid needless jobs. Gaining 2million in tax revenue... how much will we actually be "gaining" lol. But I think is worth looking into. Again enforcement is a whole different story as usual. I feel that there's a lot of good ideas on how to get us out of the monumental hole we're in but how to implement and enforce all these things is the main hurdle.

Posted : September 27, 2016 6:34 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Oh, and I make some of my money off of foreigners and spend it here. Does that mean I'd get a tax credit? 🙂

Nope. That you have to pay an income tax on.

Posted : September 27, 2016 6:38 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

This may be another effort to get "outsiders" to pay the bills. However, a local fee on money orders might be a way of taxing the prevalent cash economy, too.

Anyone know if the VI has ever considered a sales tax?

Oh, and I make some of my money off of foreigners and spend it here. Does that mean I'd get a tax credit? 🙂

Nope. That you have to pay an income tax on.

Posted : September 27, 2016 6:45 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Regardless of what they do, I will still be able to send money off island to the mainland or overseas without the GVI knowing about it. They just don't have the knowledge or wherewithal to enforce a law like that.

One simple example is using PayPal to send money to my daughter. How would they possibly know it isn't for a purchase of goods or to pay a debt? It's way beyond their ability to handle. Are they going to legally order PayPal to send the GVI a notice of any money transfers out of the VI?

Posted : September 27, 2016 7:10 pm
Posts: 1885
Noble Member
Topic starter

Regardless of what they do, I will still be able to send money off island to the mainland or overseas without the GVI knowing about it. They just don't have the knowledge or wherewithal to enforce a law like that.

One simple example is using PayPal to send money to my daughter. How would they possibly know it isn't for a purchase of goods or to pay a debt? It's way beyond their ability to handle. Are they going to legally order PayPal to send the GVI a notice of any money transfers out of the VI?

They aren't targeting people like you who are technologically savvy enough to do just that. I believe the proposal was a per transaction fee of around $5? Ill have to look again. This is definitely a response to people getting paid under the table in cash.

Also your marijuana tax revenues suggestions do not include the fees and taxes assessed to tourists who partake in the industry.

Posted : September 27, 2016 8:08 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

Hey I've got a great idea. Maybe the government could enforce the tax laws down the line and collect all that is owed.
Instead they just take more from those that are paying already.

Posted : September 27, 2016 10:32 pm
Posts: 1885
Noble Member
Topic starter

Hey I've got a great idea. Maybe the government could enforce the tax laws down the line and collect all that is owed.
Instead they just take more from those that are paying already.

Apparently your reading comprehension is lacking. The tax/fee for sending monies out of territory via western union, monogram et al.. is a response to monies being earned under the table and not being taxed.

Posted : September 27, 2016 10:41 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Pot & Casinos.
Sounds like another recipe for disaster.

I"m with STXsailor, Keep STX low key, that's it's attraction.

Posted : September 27, 2016 10:47 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Oh, and I make some of my money off of foreigners and spend it here. Does that mean I'd get a tax credit? 🙂

Nope. That you have to pay an income tax on.

LOL! And I do. I facetiously meant that in reference to the reasoning that money going off island makes us suffer. So, since I am helping to ease the suffering by bringing money in, shouldn't I get rewarded?

Posted : September 27, 2016 10:52 pm
Posts: 2437
Noble Member

"It is ironic that Atlantic City, once a bustling seaside resort, home to the Miss America Pageant and the inspiration for the iconic “Monopoly” game, finds itself in the economic doldrums today. Such an unprecedented economic catastrophe was unimaginable just a few years back."

Perhaps also ironic is this statement was true years before Atlantic City adopted gambling as well which is why it was adopted in the first place. Now they've come full circle. The gambling was only a temporary patch, apparently not for for the long term. Especially with gambling competition now from neighboring states, the buss loads of little old ladies no longer have to drive all the way to the coast to play the slots.

As the article goes on to say, gambling can be part of the formula but there's got to be more than that.

Posted : September 27, 2016 11:07 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

Ruh Ro...
Heres the five year plan...

Among the proposed new taxes are measures that would increase the price on a 2-liter bottle of Coke by a dollar, on a bottle of Heineken by 50 cents, and on a carton of cigarettes by $20.

Additional proposals in the financial plan for increasing revenues includes:

• A new 10 percent excise tax on rum, wines and brandies upon entry into the territory.

• Increasing the Marine Terminal User Tax – which cruise ship passengers pay – from $1 per person to $5 per person beginning in Fiscal Year 2019

• A new 5 percent internet gross receipts tax. The tax would apply to items Virgin Islands residents purchase over the internet from sellers who are not located in the territory, like Amazon.

• A $20 per carton “sin tax” on cigarettes, which amounts to an additional $2 per pack.

• A U.S. and foreign beer tax that would increase the tax on domestic beer brought into the territory by $10 peer case, which amounts to 42 cents per bottle, and on foreign beer by $12 per case, or 50 cents per bottle.

• A “sugar tax” of one and a half cents per ounce on carbonated beverages.

• A Fuel tax. The plan call for recapturing the 14 cents per gallon fuel tax.

• Two property tax initiatives. Review tax credits and raise property tax floor to $360, inclusive of tax credits.

• Expiring Economic Development Commission benefits. Companies with expiring EDC benefits would start paying corporate and gross receipts taxes.

To add insult to injury, the Mapp administration Austerity measures includes:
• The executive branch wants to include “limiting budgeted vacancies” for personnel. (In other words, have justification for not hiring 1000 new employees as promised.)

• The executive branch also wants to start charging the public a charge-back fee for paying for government services with a credit or debit card. (In other words, they want V.I. residents to walk around with cash in one of the World’s highest crime rate location or pay a fee for trying to ensure your safety by not carrying cash.)

Posted : September 27, 2016 11:13 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

Hey I've got a great idea. Maybe the government could enforce the tax laws down the line and collect all that is owed.
Instead they just take more from those that are paying already.

Apparently your reading comprehension is lacking. The tax/fee for sending monies out of territory via western union, monogram et al.. is a response to monies being earned under the table and not being taxed.

Apparently that isn't what I was referring too. Did you skip a pill?

Posted : September 27, 2016 11:25 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Glad I'm moving.
We're going to hell in a hand basket.

Let's not reduce wasteful government spending.
Let's raise fees and taxes on an already overburdened population.
The cruise ship tourists will just wait to make their cigarette and liquor purchases in St. Marrten, our biggest competition in the Caribbean aside from Cuba.

Meanwhile, we're still paying for Mapp's luxury life and a whole lot more, besides.

Posted : September 28, 2016 1:06 am
Posts: 2
New Member

Thank you for your comment. Part of being an electorate is to study your candidate and it is evident you didn't do much studying on my positions and merely who I am. I'm a free thinker. I'm an unconventional thinker and I love my home. I am not bound by political favors, nor am I anyone's puppet. Please don't insult my intelligence or ability to think freely. Feel free to visit my page or website or even stop me in passing and I am more than happy to have a meaningful conversation with you.

Kind regards,
-Janelle K Sarauw

Posted : September 28, 2016 1:15 am
Posts: 2
New Member

Correction: I ran as an independent last time and I'm running as an independent this time. I don't jump from party to party for votes. The party field is crowded. The independents are not that crowded. I'm not offended by your comment, but I feel compelled to correct you.

Posted : September 28, 2016 1:18 am
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

Thanks for the correction. There are always so many people running it's hard to remember them all.

Posted : September 28, 2016 2:38 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Regardless of what they do, I will still be able to send money off island to the mainland or overseas without the GVI knowing about it. They just don't have the knowledge or wherewithal to enforce a law like that.

One simple example is using PayPal to send money to my daughter. How would they possibly know it isn't for a purchase of goods or to pay a debt? It's way beyond their ability to handle. Are they going to legally order PayPal to send the GVI a notice of any money transfers out of the VI?

Also your marijuana tax revenues suggestions do not include the fees and taxes assessed to tourists who partake in the industry.

Yes, it does.

Posted : September 28, 2016 7:50 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Hey I've got a great idea. Maybe the government could enforce the tax laws down the line and collect all that is owed.
Instead they just take more from those that are paying already.

Apparently your reading comprehension is lacking. The tax/fee for sending monies out of territory via western union, monogram et al.. is a response to monies being earned under the table and not being taxed.

How do they know how the money is earned? They don't.

Posted : September 28, 2016 7:51 am
Posts: 1885
Noble Member
Topic starter

Hey I've got a great idea. Maybe the government could enforce the tax laws down the line and collect all that is owed.
Instead they just take more from those that are paying already.

Apparently your reading comprehension is lacking. The tax/fee for sending monies out of territory via western union, monogram et al.. is a response to monies being earned under the table and not being taxed.

How do they know how the money is earned? They don't.

I will agree they can't know 100% but people sending cash down island often typically aren't paying income tax. I have seen it. I know anecdotes aren't evidence but it is a keep money here

Posted : September 28, 2016 8:37 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Hey I've got a great idea. Maybe the government could enforce the tax laws down the line and collect all that is owed.
Instead they just take more from those that are paying already.

Apparently your reading comprehension is lacking. The tax/fee for sending monies out of territory via western union, monogram et al.. is a response to monies being earned under the table and not being taxed.

How do they know how the money is earned? They don't.

I will agree they can't know 100% but people sending cash down island often typically aren't paying income tax. I have seen it. I know anecdotes aren't evidence but it is a keep money here

So the money places accept checks or credit cards in order to send money off island?

Will there be a list of which islands will be taxed?

I sent money this week to a priest in the Philippines using Xoom. How would they ever know I did it and tax it?

Posted : September 28, 2016 9:11 am
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

Correction: I ran as an independent last time and I'm running as an independent this time. I don't jump from party to party for votes. The party field is crowded. The independents are not that crowded. I'm not offended by your comment, but I feel compelled to correct you.

Can you please show the math to substantiate your figures for government revenue from MJ sales?

Thank you.

Posted : September 28, 2016 11:21 am
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