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Coming for PMV in August and still have questions and probably will until we've lived there (STT) a couple years and then probably have more. LOL My husband and i live in rural Southern Ohio, we recycle plastic bottles (water, dish and laundry soap),aluminum cans, but we also have a burn barrel that we burn paper and boxes. I know STT has a landfill but what about recycling and burn barrels.Thank you for all the info i have found on this site...

Posted : May 22, 2014 4:20 pm
Posts: 141
Estimable Member

I live in NE Ohio and doing a PMV first week in June. Not making the move for about 5 years though. Will be cool to have a fellow Ohioan on STT. I would think there would be recycling but doubt a burn barrel is allowed.

Posted : May 22, 2014 4:34 pm
Posts: 2534
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Recycling? What is that? Riding a bicycle twice? Never heard of recycling in the VI.

Posted : May 22, 2014 4:42 pm
Posts: 39
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And you do NOT want to start any kind of fire, contained or otherwise.

Posted : May 22, 2014 5:17 pm
Posts: 8873
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i see contained in barrel fires a lot

Posted : May 22, 2014 8:57 pm
Posts: 12365
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You may have to check with DPNR to see if permit is required for this.
Certain times of year when we have very liitle rain and islands are brown and dry, they will not issue any permits nor is it wise to burn anything during these dry spells.

Posted : May 22, 2014 11:04 pm
Posts: 2294
Noble Member

We recycle cans. Down in sub base. We never buy Tupperware, we reuse cottage cheese and butter containers. We don't use plastic bags, plastic wrap or ziplock baggies. I try to not buy plastic if I can avoid it. We do burn our paper, like bills and sensitive documents in a small metal bin. We dot burn anything else.

Posted : May 23, 2014 12:13 am
Posts: 213
Estimable Member

Sorry to be ignorant, but what exactly is a burn barrel? You put all your garbage in a oil drum and light it on fire?

Posted : May 24, 2014 8:04 pm
Posts: 12365
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Hopefully NOT!

Posted : May 24, 2014 9:18 pm
Posts: 1937
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Hopefully NOT!

why not?

Posted : May 25, 2014 4:41 am
Posts: 8873
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i would assume so. my grandfather had burn barrels in pa and that is what he did, nothing wrong as long as it is not toxic, also burn yard debris

Posted : May 25, 2014 8:59 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Hopefully NOT!

why not?

Only because when it's very dry and you burn things you run the risk of flying sparks and setting something else on fire, unintenionally, especially those that don't know exactly what they are doing. STX seems to have a lot more bush fires than STT. Just be careful if you do.

Posted : May 25, 2014 3:09 pm
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That was what i meant by burn barrel, we always stay with the barrel until the fire dies down and we have a lid that go on after. We live in rural Ohio, and I know I sound like a real hick, but what ever we can keep out of the landfill the better...

Posted : May 27, 2014 5:22 pm
Posts: 2534
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And burning that adds carbon to the atmosphere is better?

Posted : May 27, 2014 5:59 pm
Posts: 1937
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Only because when it's very dry and you burn things you run the risk of flying sparks and setting something else on fire, unintenionally, especially those that don't know exactly what they are doing. STX seems to have a lot more bush fires than STT. Just be careful if you do.

I guess that's for the east end guys, nice and wet out west 😉

I burn every day to keep mosq.s down, usually just a nice smolder to keep a good bit of smoke up

And burning that adds carbon to the atmosphere is better?

more carbon = more plants,, ABSOLUTELY better!

do you know the 2014 ppm measurement of c02? do you know the point at which photosynthesis almost stops (c02 PPM measurement) ever compare those two numbers and think we need a LOT more c02 in the air?

Do you own research on "global warming" it's actually very desirable for living things... also, did you know that PPM stands for Parts Per MILLION? as in, we are currently at 401:1,000,000 c02 measurement... and photosynthesis in plants STOPS at 200ppm.... I'd be much more comfortable at 600ppm c02...

anyway, it's not the c02 that is dangerous, it's the particulates that burning carbon fuels puts out that's at issue (when not properly filtered) this can bring on global COOLING... which basically means death on a large scale.

I could go on, but most people have their minds so made up on this topic there's no point in giving out data and facts, opinions are much more important.

Posted : May 27, 2014 11:31 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Only because when it's very dry and you burn things you run the risk of flying sparks and setting something else on fire, unintenionally, especially those that don't know exactly what they are doing. STX seems to have a lot more bush fires than STT. Just be careful if you do.

I guess that's for the east end guys, nice and wet out west 😉

I burn every day to keep mosq.s down, usually just a nice smolder to keep a good bit of smoke up

And burning that adds carbon to the atmosphere is better?

more carbon = more plants,, ABSOLUTELY better!

do you know the 2014 ppm measurement of c02? do you know the point at which photosynthesis almost stops (c02 PPM measurement) ever compare those two numbers and think we need a LOT more c02 in the air?

Do you own research on "global warming" it's actually very desirable for living things... also, did you know that PPM stands for Parts Per MILLION? as in, we are currently at 401:1,000,000 c02 measurement... and photosynthesis in plants STOPS at 200ppm.... I'd be much more comfortable at 600ppm c02...

anyway, it's not the c02 that is dangerous, it's the particulates that burning carbon fuels puts out that's at issue (when not properly filtered) this can bring on global COOLING... which basically means death on a large scale.

I could go on, but most people have their minds so made up on this topic there's no point in giving out data and facts, opinions are much more important.

Very well said Fluoride.

Posted : May 28, 2014 11:57 am
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Great link to educate.

Posted : May 28, 2014 3:23 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

The house I was living in was badly trashed during hurricane Marilyn in '95 and I lost reams of paperwork - books, journals, saved letters, etc., some of extremely sentimental value.

In the following weeks of major clean-up, I set up an iron fire container in my parking lot and for three days tearfully and dispiritedly fed the fire with the remnants of a life. On the third day I was throwing the final load into the container and a DPW vehicle drove up the driveway. The very grumpy uniform got out of his SUV and, with barely an acknowledgement of my cheerful "Good Morning", barked, "What you doin?"

Well everybody was being sorely tested so I cheerfully responded, "Pretty much burning up a lifetime of memories".

"You can't light no fire!"

"Oh, sorry, didn't know that but I'm just about done, I was very careful about containing it and that was the last pile".

"You need a PERmit ta burn a FIYAH!"

"Oh, OK, where do I get one?"

"Down the office down there", he said, ;pointing down to Lockhart Gardens where some government offices and the Grand Union supermarket were now just a pile of twisted rubble.

"Oh. Well I don't think there's an office down there any more", I responded most politely.

He turned round and got back in his car, throwing over his shoulder a parting, "Well you need a PERmit so put de fiyah OUT NOW!" And off drove Cheerful Charlie ...

Posted : May 28, 2014 3:38 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member


English is GREAT... when I read that page All I see is this:
"may cause"
"can create"
"could contain'
" can react"
"possible release"
"can absorb"
But then, I'm pretty adept at reading fear porn and emotionally manipulative articles like this one for what they are.
There is not a single piece of actual data in that entire page... who ever wrote that needs to LEARN TO QUANTIFY, the language used is far to ambiguous to even bother absorbing, with out data behind those statements the whole article is pretty worthless.
the ONE exception is this statement:

Dioxins are released when items containing even trace amounts of chlorine are burned. One burn barrel can produce as much or more than a full-scale municipal waste combustor burning 200 tons a day (EPA).

and even that is misleading.. since chlorine evaporates so quickly it's almost never an issue in any burn situation.

Posted : May 28, 2014 7:03 pm
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May or may not need a permit. if not dry and can be contained in metal barrel and be very careful some people on STT do burn paper, and Sub Base does recycle cans, but not plastic.

Posted : May 28, 2014 7:41 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

... chlorine evaporates so quickly it's almost never an issue in any burn situation.

I've never had even the slightest desire to put chlorine on or in my bum but this I'm pleased to know if ever the issue should arise.

Posted : May 28, 2014 7:45 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

... chlorine evaporates so quickly it's almost never an issue in any burn situation.

I've never had even the slightest desire to put chlorine on or in my bum but this I'm pleased to know if ever the issue should arise.

Ahh... good to know? so many jokes in this... I guess they are all disarmed by your self proclaimed "oldtart" name.

I guess rn together could be seen as m, but it wasn't in this case; maybe some magnifying glasses would help, my mom wears some quite stylish ones from Plaza.(tu)

Posted : May 28, 2014 8:24 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

I guess rn together could be seen as m, but it wasn't in this case; maybe some magnifying glasses would help, my mom wears some quite stylish ones from Plaza.(tu)

A little levity is often so rarely appreciated on forums but it's nonetheless rather enjoyable to see someone trying to (as my mother would say) "teach your grandmother how to suck eggs". My CUL glasses work quite well and I keep several pairs laying around as they seem to have an annoying habit of disappearing while perched on my nose.

Posted : May 28, 2014 9:39 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

Does chlorine keep your bum algae free?

Posted : May 28, 2014 10:16 pm
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