I use to run a fog truck Neil and it didn't have much impact. Basically it only covers an area about 150' each side of the fogger. So unless your roads are less then 300' apart there would not be adequate coverage. Aerial fogging does much better. But then you have so many fussing about the chemical exposure.
Yes bats can leave a mess. But what I was thinking is the bat houses could be concentrated in lesser populated areas.
Another aid is the larva treatment in wet areas and of course eliminating any standing water as well.
Bat poop removal trick.
Apply a small piece of wet paper towel to the location. Let it soak and "hydrate" for about 10 minutes. Voila.......comes right off.
The poop wasn't so hard to blast off the concrete, but the stain it left behind was something else.
my concern is now dengue. isn't it true that only one bite can cause dengue? haven't heard of any out breaks so far but usually follows high mosquito season.
and just think we could be singing.....let it snow let it snow let it snow8-)
My new "BFF"!
I feel like an 80's version of Johnnie Mac volleying at the net at Wimbledon.
Found it hidden under the sink of my rental!

My son just recovered from Dengue. He was so ill. High fever, chills and aching body and bones. It lasted about two weeks. They breed in any wet place, even your drains. I've seen them come out of the little water holes at the top of the WC. We either cover all the drains with a plastic container or pour a few drops of bleach down the drain.
It was said before but it is important to get rid of all standing water. Look in your gutters, check the screen on your cistern overflow.
Soon the trades will start and it will get dry so it won't be as bad, but do take precautions.
I love my Jolt!
DixieChick, yes, all it takes is one bite. Once the skeeter bites an infected person, the virus settles into that skeeter's system and then can be transmitted to everyone else she ever chomps on for the rest of her life. More info from the WHO site (
Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans through the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes generally acquire the virus while feeding on the blood of an infected person. After virus incubation for eight to 10 days, an infected mosquito is capable, during probing and blood feeding, of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life. Infected female mosquitoes may also transmit the virus to their offspring by transovarial (via the eggs) transmission, but the role of this in sustaining transmission of the virus to humans has not yet been defined.
Infected humans are the main carriers and multipliers of the virus, serving as a source of the virus for uninfected mosquitoes. The virus circulates in the blood of infected humans for two to seven days, at approximately the same time that they have a fever; Aedes mosquitoes may acquire the virus when they feed on an individual during this period. Some studies have shown that monkeys in some parts of the world play a similar role in transmission.
I heard there's something you can get from the "no-see-ums" too - or is it one in the same?
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