My garden is sprouting!!
No thats not code for anthing 😉 Just went out to take a peek of my new 8x4 ft raised bed garden and I have carrots, cabbage, iceberg and red leaf lettuce coming up after only planting 3 days ago! Silly to post that I know but after living in Arizona where pretty much nothing grows I'm really excited! I planted 22 different veggies and herbs. 😀
Can't wait for my yellow strawberries, watermelon and cilantro!
Cover your planting beds. Every thing likes to eat all you have planted. Bats, iguanas will be the easiest to keep out with shade cloth or bird netting. Copper band around the top edge will keep slugs out. Look on line for natural or organic bug defences. Good luck I am a few months from getting my raised beds built, but am very much looking forward to my own home grown produce.
Congrats! Enjoy 🙂
Ps. We have had really good luck with cherry tomatoes if you want to give them a try!
Ohhh I could go for some watermelon, AandA...
yellow strawberries? sounds interesting post photos when they get bigger
Thanks Doug! Great info on the copper! I do see snails around the house, I would have never guessed to use copper. I have te entire garden section staked off with 1x1s and surrounded with bird netting. When things get a but bigger I will cover to top too. Have to figure out how to rig that to where I can stand under it.
I noticed that my baby bok choy is coming up too. I love bok choy.
Here's what I planted:
Crimson bunching onion
Orangelo watermelon - super sweet orange
White Onion
Chinese Chives
Lemon Basil
Yellow wonder strawberries
Tobasco peppers - we like spicy food
Pepper Tam Jalepenos
Straight neck squash - yellow
Little gem lettuce
Baby bok choy
Chadwick's rodan lettuce
Emerald giant bell peppers
Giant cabbage
Corno do toro giallo yellow peppers
Moneymaker tomatos
Cherry tomatos (riesentraube)
I brought all these and about 40 more packs of seeds with me from AZ bought from bakers creek heirloom seeds. IDK if they ship here but if you called I'm sure they would. I'm still in awe of the fact that these are all sprouting so fast. I will keep a watch for the birds, bugs and the iggys. Unfortunatly we also have bush rats I guess? The neighbor told us and I saw one yesterday. I hope they don't eat through the netting.
Here's a pic of my set up. I went the easy route and purchased a cedar pre made raised bed at Home Depot because by the time I bought drills and saws and lumber it would have been more than the pre fab one.
yellow strawberries? sounds interesting post photos when they get bigger
These are the yellows.
I actually grew these in AZ under a big tree, and with lots of water. The fruit is weird and taste like a sweet tart which I loved. I only got a handful before summer in AZ but they're different and good.
Check our local PBS station's program "Home Grown." They will help you increase your garden success if you give them a call. They sometimes have free starter plants of local produce, and I think they've also given away seeds. They'll give you lots of ideas on protecting your budding garden.
Thanks! I've watched their YouTube vids. Will get in touch, need all the help I can get and want to be successful.
The V.I. Dept of Agriculture has a live radio show on Saturday mornings from 7-8 am on 970 AM WSTX. It's very informative; you can also call in and ask questions.
there is one heirloom seed catalog that ships here, the cover is usually a shot of the owner maybe dressed in overalls.
I've had good luck ordering seeds from Renee's Garden online Renee's Garden.
Recently I bought seeds from Home Depot and I'm currently growing sweet corn, tomatoes (Manitoba and cherry), zucchini, watermelon (Sugar Baby), basil and hot peppers. Most are growing in containers, with the exception of the corn, which is in the front flowerbed with the Kale and basil that have both been growing for 2 years now. I've got a pepper plant that's been growing in the topsy-turvey for 2 years. I've had really good luck growing tomatoes in the topsy-turvey over the past few years.
I've set up a drip-line connected to an automatic timer ... saves me a bunch of time watering, and really conserves on the H20, too. 🙂
Happy gardening to all, there's nothing like home-grown fruits and veggies ... YUMMMMMMMMM! I'll be picking basil and making some pesto sauce today.
You should try to come over to STX next weekend for the Ag fair! It's a huge event, lots of fun and interesting stuff to learn about local agriculture!
I keep a big planter for tossing all my compost in. I have it filled with soil, so when I toss anything with a seed in there, it grows! I call it my magic garden. The only problem: I'm not always sure what is coming up, but I know it's something I use in my cooking...
Love it!!!
i'm curious, how much was the cedar pre made raised bed?it looks very nice. i'm asuming they would also sell them in stx but have not seen them in the home depot here.maybe i'm not looking in the right place. thanks and good luck with the garden.
It was $90 and was outside in the area with the bird net and the weed block out. On STT at least.
Oh man, Stxem, I REALLLLYYY want to! If there was a car ferry running we would head over for the weekend. Ugh I don't know, maybe we will, my BF has a 4 day weekend because he been working so much. I just don't know if I can spend the $ on sea plane tickets right now.
There is a ferry running for Agfest, I believe it is $85 pp

There has never been a car Ferry STT to STX that I know of.

There has never been a car Ferry STT to STX that I know of.
You are lucky to sometimes even have a people ferry running between STX and STT. Also second Exit Zero - there never has been a car ferry.
Yea didn't realize that. Just a passenger ferry, my bad. With me not working yet I've got to wrangle in my spending so I doubt we will make it. 🙁 This isn't Mango Malee right? Thats in July i thought, we missed it by a week on our PMV last year. We will definatly be going to that this year. Anyone have any leads on graphic design jobs? 😉
No, it's not mango melee, and its's much much bigger than MM (5x the size at least, over 3 days). Mango melee is fun, but there is so much more going on at the Ag fair. It's the 2nd biggest event on island behind festival.
We have an Ag Fair annually in STT as well.
I can't remember the exact dates but after the summer I think.
Sure somebody else here has a better memory than mine.
There's an ad in the paper for a position at one of the sign shops. Don't have paper right now, but it's been running for a while.
MS I had an interview there. I was more than qualified but they wanted someone who has been on island longer. Bummed.
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