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Need a vehicle

Posts: 1885
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Hello again all. I've been scouring craigslist and island trader for weeks trying to find a vehicle for my family when they get here. I have been renting a car until they get here with money from house sale. Well they get here a week from today and renting is not going to cut it much longer. I just want to know if anyone knows of any vehicles or if they see any on STT to let me please know. I really don't want to spend more than $5000 but I will for right vehicle. Would prefer SUV/Crossover type. Backseat is mandatory with baby. Not adverse to jeep or truck even buy the road I'm on makes higher clearance vehicle necessary. Thanks again


Oh. The only other requirement is stopping and starting when it's supposed to

Posted : September 14, 2014 8:33 pm
Posts: 3554
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Which island?

Posted : September 14, 2014 8:41 pm
Posts: 681
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I have a car on STX for sale. A Subaru Outback "island car". I just bought it from some nice folks on the 24/7 FB page a few weeks ago when I thought I'd be living here. Runs fine. Sunk a bunch of money into it for repairs just last week. But now that I have to leave because I'm dying I need to get rid of it and I need the money back to get off the island.

I can send you more details about the car if you like if you're interested and on STX. Just PM me.

If anyone else on STX needs a car let me know.



Posted : September 14, 2014 8:48 pm
Posts: 1885
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It was in my message but should have put in title STT

Posted : September 14, 2014 8:51 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Which island?

... I just want to know if anyone knows of any vehicles or if they see any on STT to let me please know. ...

Posted : September 14, 2014 8:53 pm
Posts: 3554
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Look in parking lots at Plaza, KMart, etc. You can't rely on craigslist and Island Trader.

Posted : September 14, 2014 9:32 pm
Posts: 1885
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I have put many miles on this rental looking around as well. Drove the whole northside basically. I'll check Tutu tomorrow. This wouldnt be so difficult if the vehicle was just for me but I'll be driving a baby in it so I guess I'm more particular

Posted : September 14, 2014 9:37 pm
Posts: 887
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It's only about $250 to ship a vehicle from STX to STT so if you are interested in something on STX it's not out of the question.

Posted : September 14, 2014 9:41 pm
Posts: 1885
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I wouldn't rule out a vehicle on stx but my work schedule makes it tough to get there to see car and no way I could buy sight unseen

Posted : September 14, 2014 9:48 pm
Posts: 3554
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It's easier to check parking lots. Check Havensight and Yacht Haven Grande tomorrow after 9.

Jazz concert Tue night Havensight. Drive by.

Lots of people are looking for the same thing so you need to really work it.

Posted : September 14, 2014 11:47 pm
Posts: 1885
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You mean someone isn't going to just deliver me a vehicle? Ok fine that sarcasm may be unwarranted but I've put much legwork into finding a car. My work schedule makes it tough to look very much during the week. All I was asking was if someone knew something. I understand I'm not the only guy on island looking but I was trying to expand options here

Posted : September 15, 2014 12:20 am
Posts: 3554
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I wasn't trying to be sarcastic - just wanted to make sure you realized how competitive that market is.

I know someone who was selling a vehicle, but I can't remember what kind it is. I will check with him tomorrow for more details.

I have another friend who was looking for the same thing you are, and it was tough for her, too. I don't know that she found it yet, either.

Geez, maybe I shouldn't even bother to help.

Posted : September 15, 2014 1:08 am
Posts: 1885
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If I came across pissy I apologize.wasn't my intention. I do understand the market here. Been looking for a month. Well it's crunch time and was only trying to open another possible avenue. That's all

Posted : September 15, 2014 1:18 am
Posts: 3554
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He changed his mind about selling it.

Posted : September 15, 2014 1:28 am
Posts: 1885
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Thank you for asking

Posted : September 15, 2014 1:38 am
Posts: 3554
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Did you see this one?

Posted : September 15, 2014 8:28 am
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

You may try checking the message boards at Red Hook Mail Services, East End Secretarial Services both located upstairs at Red Hook Plaza, ck. bulletin boards at The St. Thomas Yacht Club, one at Mandahl Market near Mahogany Run, E&M on Hull Bay Road and Hull Bay Hideaway, as well as Daily News and the Island Trader.Good Luck.

Posted : September 15, 2014 11:23 am
Posts: 75
Trusted Member

I looked and looked for 3 weeks before I found something. I tried Craigs and drove all over the place looking for signs in windows. I can't remember how many numbers and e mails. Apparently a lot of sellers have defective voice mail etc. I got 9 calls after I found a car.

Posted : September 15, 2014 2:11 pm
Posts: 8
Active Member

This on is on STX but as mentioned earlier, not expensive to ship to STT. Sounds like a good excuse to spend a weekend on STX checking out a few options since no luck so far on STT.

Toyota Rav4

Posted : September 15, 2014 4:26 pm
Posts: 8871
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dont you find it interesting that when people do not bring their vehicle, it takes them forever to find one they like enough to buy

Posted : September 15, 2014 6:09 pm
Posts: 3554
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The used vehicle market has changed these last few years. I think the rental car agencies are turning their inventory over more frequently, so fewer older jeeps. They used to be plentiful and good prices, but older ones now scarce.

Posted : September 15, 2014 6:20 pm
Posts: 1885
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dont you find it interesting that when people do not bring their vehicle, it takes them forever to find one they like enough to buy

Well I would have loved to bring my truck but my lender wouldn't allow it and my wife's car was barely worth the shipping costs. Was tiny. And wouldn't have worked. But thanks anyways.

Posted : September 15, 2014 7:23 pm
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

not trying to be smart, was just an observation from seeing many people over the years go through the same thing.

Posted : September 15, 2014 9:03 pm
Posts: 12366
Illustrious Member

Why didn't you just pay off the lender with the proceeds of the sale of house?
A good, reliable, road-worthy vehicle costs much more here than in the states to get what you need for your family. A beater is not going to cut it.

Posted : September 15, 2014 9:43 pm
Posts: 3554
Famed Member

I aaked some of my friends to be on lookout. One has a mechanic boyfriend.

I will be out and about tomorrow and will pay attention. If I see something interesting will post. I cover a lot of ground when I'm out and about.

Posted : September 15, 2014 9:48 pm
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