Noise Travels!
OK.... been listening to Hul Bay Hideaways music since early today.
The bass is pounding, the volume is so loud that , a bay and hillside away, I am still forced to listen to it. I shut tight all windows and doors are closed. It still reverberates and intrudes . If I wanted to listen and participate, I'd have gone down to do so .
Glad I don't live directly above.
It wouldn't be so bad if it all didn't sound the same, over and over.
Bubba, bump babba bump babba, bump thump, thump, more thump.
Doesn't matter what song they play....same ting.
Bubba bump,thump, thump on on and on.....
Sorry to sound like a grinch but it is frankly, annoying.
Luckily, it doesn't happen all that often.
On the other hand, I'm sure people there are enjoying it.
You could make a trip to the Hideaway and ask them to take it down a notch. They are very understanding people not like Larry was.
Ha! They probably can't even hear the phone.
Plus, I'm a bay and hillside away.
Thump thump babump bump....Thump, thump thump.
Ah well....
Y'all know how annoying it is when you're driving and the car behind you has it cranked so loud that there's no escape!
What's that song? All day long....Lionel Richie?
Ah well ....;Tis party time for dem.
Hope everyone gets home safe and had a wonderful Christmas.
You too Mike.
A point I will make is that I had become friends with a couple that purchased a cute cottage that was above Hull Bay and next door to Northside Bistro. Between the constant noise, daily, they sold out and relocated after 2 years. The cottage has been turned over 2X since then
Luckily, conditions have to be right before I'm impacted
Today just happens to be one of them. I just prefer listening to wind, rain, ocean waves, birds, frogs and crickets...or nothing at all.
Thump, babump, thump, more thump.
At least they have to shut down by 10.
Fingers crossed!
You are NOT a grinch! We bought a lovely home on the East Side of STX and haven't slept a full night because of dogs barking and loud music since we got here. Sorry, but this is not what we had hoped for and will be returning to the states as soon as we can. Hope it gets better, but don't count on it. It appears that there are just too many people who could care less about how their behavior affects their neighbors. So sad...
I hear a lot of the same pounding music coming from red right return

The music was not from Hull Bay Hideaway - but just up the hill at a private home that had a band -- I was at dinner and stayed over a few houses away from the party and the car traffic and music went on early into the morning - it was very loud and felt inconsiderate to me.
Thanks for the info, Exit Zero
I now feel bad for blaming Hull Bay Hideaway when they weren't the cause. I can only hear music from Hull Bay if wind is just right but usually can close windows to deaden the sound. Nothing worked last night and it went on, way past the time Hideaway normally stops their music. I can't imagine how loud it must've been had I been any closer. Glad that's not a ongoing occurrence as I love the quiet my location normally affords.
Sorry for your dilemma, Island Newbie.
That problem caused my friends to sell their cottage and move to FL.
When they bought a house in Port Lucie, they made several nighttime visits to check noise level in neighborhood before purchasing.
Have you made a police report?
There are laws about how late or long music can continue.
Probably won't help with the barking dogs tho.
I have dogs but they sleep inside and never bark at night, nor would I allow them to and go on and on, all day and night. I don't get how people can allow their animals to do so. It is a serious problem when one cannot have peace and quiet in their own home.
Good luck to you.
You are NOT a grinch! We bought a lovely home on the East Side of STX and haven't slept a full night because of dogs barking and loud music since we got here. Sorry, but this is not what we had hoped for and will be returning to the states as soon as we can. Hope it gets better, but don't count on it. It appears that there are just too many people who could care less about how their behavior affects their neighbors. So sad...
Just one reason a PMV for a month or two is recommended. The things you take for granted else where like peace and quiet don't exist here. There are however plenty of inconsiderate selfish morons to go around.
We bought a lovely home on the East Side of STX and haven't slept a full night because of dogs barking and loud music since we got here
I've noticed the music on weekends during the day coming from Cramer Park, where are you hearing it come from at night?
Title 19. Section 6 look at 2042 Section N.
As for the barking dogs, WE need to start talking to our neighbors. There are only a few houses on the entire east side that are responsible for 99% of the late-night barking.
So there really isn't anything in the ordinance to address animal noise except perhaps to claim exceeding the sound level limit for the daily period of operation which sounds like it applies to a business but it doesn't actually say that.
You know those people who have sound systems on the outside of their cars? I don't get that. If you want to hear your music, shouldn't you have speakers on the inside? And roll your windows up so the outside noises don't interfere? What makes these people think we want to hear their music? Same can be said about people who wear too much perfume, cologne, or oils. I have had to get rid of a Dr. because she wore patchouli oil. This concludes my early morning bitch 😀

What makes these people think we want to hear their music? D
What makes any musician or band think that?
I get your point. Guess my rant comes because I live right on one of the only major roads on St. John and I get treated to 'pop up' nightclub quite frequently. If you are playing loud music at a party or a bar you have a reasonable expectation that the people there want to hear it. Not so much when the party is your car which drives all over the place.
We bought a lovely home on the East Side of STX and haven't slept a full night because of dogs barking and loud music since we got here.
Whereabouts roughly are you located? I've gotten used to the barking dogs but my East End area is very quiet and civilized throughout the night. I can't recall a loud music incident at night (or day for that matter) in the ten years we've owned the house.
Are you near Canagata park?
No, near Tipperary. I wonder how the people who own these dogs, especially the little yappy ones, can sleep at night, not to mention the 6 am wake-up symphony. Maybe that's why they put them outside and close the windows. :-X
A lady on a travel forum the other week was bemoaning her recent vacation on St John. She loudly and quite rudely complained about everything from the rude locals, the horrible staff where she stayed (a very nice place which consistently receives excellent reviews) and her biggest and loudest gripe? The tree frogs. She couldn't understand how on earth management could allow such rowdy denizens to inhabit the property and disgusted that they couldn't eradicate them and their ghastly noise which kept her awake at night.
Highly ironic that she lives in Brooklyn NY ... such a wonderfully peaceful place.
I "get" being irritated by yapping/barking dogs at night and I also "get" being disturbed late into the night by loud music. I can only speak from my own experiences but have found that the gentle approach to owners of crappy canine night-barkers works, as does a gentle approach to neighbors who likewise play loud music or blast their TVs regularly. Most simply don't realize how disturbing the noise is until you nicely tell them.
A very occasional party with loud music (and particularly during the holidays)? Suck it up.
I'm not far from you...just over in Union Mt Washington. I've gotten used to the dogs barking at night and the 6 AM symphony. I can't complain about the dogs since I have a number of small yappy free range dogs. But we at least keep them in at night so as not to bother others. But at 6 AM...they're leading the chorus out on the road.
However, As far as loud music late into the night goes, we never have had that problem in our area.
Hang in there!
But we at least keep them in at night so as not to bother others. !
After three plus years in my current location on St Thomas (I'm a 31 year resident) I am finally being accepted by my neighbors and am truly enjoying it. So many wonderful little acts of kindness and friendship increase as time goes by.
Funny how that works but I'm not UN-used to it as I made major moves in my younger years and it was second nature for me to, "keep mouth shut and open ears" way before moving to the USVI.
One of my neighbors mentioned the other week that his ratty and rattly little SUV is a regular target for night-roaming cats who crawl in there and spray (un-neutered) or just pee. I assured him that my three are absolutely not out at night but are all safely tucked in by latest 9:30PM (curfew) and that they don't wander too far from the cottage and its deck at any time of the day or evening/early night. I've encountered some of the miscreants. My neighbor was thus assured that my furballs aren't the problem and seemed actually a bit astounded that they ARE such homebodies who so easily accommodate the curfew. He's subsequently started to meet themm so slowly better "gets" it!
I'm segueing off here but island newbies have to understand that moving here is just like moving to any new community anywhere. Open yo' ears and shut yo' mout' PLUS (and relevant to so many of the younger generation's dependency on communicating via mobile devices) get back to basics and REAL face to face communication.
The common theme these days is people bleating about wanting to avoid "confrontation". You create "confrontation" when you go in with barrels blazing. Quieten down, approach lightly and kindly.
I'm not far from you...just over in Union Mt Washington. I've gotten used to the dogs barking at night and the 6 AM symphony. I can't complain about the dogs since I have a number of small yappy free range dogs. But we at least keep them in at night so as not to bother others. But at 6 AM...they're leading the chorus out on the road.
However, As far as loud music late into the night goes, we never have had that problem in our area.
Hang in there!
Theres a great new dog being left outside in Union/Mount Washington area. Barking from 1am on .... all night. Immediately below me about 100 feet away.... This is nuts. No idea how people can sleep there with that dog yapping all night.
Theres a great new dog being left outside in Union/Mount Washington area. Barking from 1am on .... all night. Immediately below me about 100 feet away.... This is nuts. No idea how people can sleep there with that dog yapping all night.
So you're going to walk that 100', introduce yourself to the dog's owners and nicely approach them about the intrusion, right?
I know which barking dog quirion speaks of. But I've grown accustomed to dogs barking at night and sleep right through. I only hear it when I get up for a tinkle.
With regard to the dog, we're on a wait and see if it resolves itself, or at least lessens significantly. (That 100 ft. is literally a steep straight grade down through bush. To actually get to the house without a machete requires taking the road down and around part of the hill.)
If it doesn't, you bet our first move is to talk to the folks. 🙂 We've been a little lax about introducing ourselves properly anyway, so we need to get on that with or without dog. Are there any customs, protocols or the like for that here on the island? (For example, where I grew up in the Midwest you'd just come to the door at a non-dinner, earlyish hour, introduce yourself, swap tele numbers if they're interested, and excuse yourself promptly).
If the property is fenced, don't walk in through the gate. Stand back and call out, "Inside". Call it out if necessary a few times and someone will hear and come out. Then say, "Good Morning/Day/Afternoon/Night" and wait for the response. Then introduce yourself as a new neighbor and offer a handshake. After that it's just common sense - some friendly chat and ease into the dog problem. If it doesn't feel "right" to bring up the dog problem then and there, leave it for another time.
That's the basic and what's always worked for me. Always be a part of a solution. Good luck!
Theres a great new dog being left outside in Union/Mount Washington area. Barking from 1am on .... all night. Immediately below me about 100 feet away.... This is nuts. No idea how people can sleep there with that dog yapping all night.
So you're going to walk that 100', introduce yourself to the dog's owners and nicely approach them about the intrusion, right?
Theres a great new dog being left outside in Union/Mount Washington area. Barking from 1am on .... all night. Immediately below me about 100 feet away.... This is nuts. No idea how people can sleep there with that dog yapping all night.
So you're going to walk that 100', introduce yourself to the dog's owners and nicely approach them about the intrusion, right?
Which would be possible if they were actually home instead of leaving and leaving the dog outside all night while noone is there....
Now to setup and wait for when people are actually around.
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