Odd apartment question
OK, OK, since I read the last thread about scorpions and tarantulas on the islands- I haven't stopped waking up in the middle of the night in a screaming fit.... Now, I know I am probably making WAY too much out of this- but when I was a kid I saw some horror movie that involved a sleeping woman with a tarantula crawling up her body...(your welcome for those of you who didn't have that visual) 🙂 Now, I can't get it out of my mind that that will be me some night! EEEKK!!!
So, in order to start sleeping regularly again, I thought I would purchase some mosquito netting (canopy for beds) to hang from the ceiling over my bed. I live in New England where most of the walls/ceilings are constructed out of dry wall. On the whole, can anyone answer if I would even be able to hang something like this from the ceiling of an apartment down there (landlord permitting)? I seem to recall most of the apartments I saw last time I was there where mostly concrete. If not, can anyone (short of sleeping in a conrcete vault) make any other suggestions?
Thanks to anyone who can bring sleep back into my life....
You would. I doubt anything untoward will crawl on you at night. I might get a mosquito netting because of the mosquitos and no-seeums - sometime, not all. My place is total cement and putting in the "hook" might be a small challenge, but doable.
Mosquito nets are sold here in a few places (probably for newbies who fear creepy crawlies as I don't know any longtimers who use them!) and they're actually very easy to hang as they all work from a center hook. You can buy the hook kit very cheaply at any hardware store and the kit usually comes with both the hardware for and the instructions on how to install the hook for both drywall and concrete.
I did install a mosquito net above my bed after hurricane Marilyn in 1995 when half of the house and a good portion of the roof was open to the bugs...
Sweet dreams, bluewater. "Off" lanterns work really well for your bedroom if needed for mossies and I really don't think you need to get your knickers in a twist about scorpions and spiders wending their way around your body (feeeeling creeeepy yet?) Maybe you've been watching too much of that travel commercial where the bugs are hammering at the mosquito net?
Chill out!
I think I was more worried about the centipedes than anything else, especially after I saw one scurry along the top of the baseboard and behind the dresser just as I was about to turn off the light!!! My first sighting and I gotta say... it was pretty freaky looking!!
Laugh all you guys want!! 🙂 But we'll just see who is the mosquito net envy of the island when a tarantula actually does crawl up someones body!! That news travels fast! Oh, and STT Resident- thanks for the descriptive "wending their way around your body"- hadn't actually thought of them "wending" but now I can! 🙂
Centipedes too hah? Great........
Seriously- thanks for your responses- I'm off to the store!
I have found being A+ in bloodtype, mosquitos love the positive bloodtype the best. I used a mosquito net for about a year, and they just didn't bother me too much after that. Just don't scratch!Now, I keep a mospuito net handy in the guest room for my visitors. Although, as for other insects and creepycrawlies, I would suggest getting your place sprayed once a month. We have done that for 3 yrs now, and it limits the mosquitos and other unwanteds from coming into the house. You can find inexpensive exterminators on the island, and it will also keep out the ants during the wet season.
Are you sure that the movie wasn't "Dr. No" with the ONLY Bond, James Bond- Sean Connery? James was sleeping and you could see this slight movement under the sheets... Then he wakes up and starts sweating, not moving a muscle while it crawls ever so slowly over him...
I agree with STT Resident. I don't know anyone who uses nets. They are a real hassle.

Watch out for the tarantulas. The ones out here jump pretty high. And you never know where their mouths have been...
Hey! Not funny! 🙂 Didn't you all read my post about my friend the tarantula that ran over my foot in the bathroom? Unfortunately he met with a shoe slinging husband and is a few inches under.
We found the mosquito netting to be a hassle and I really only had it for decoration. Honestly, all the creepy crawly's I have run into have stayed in corners or walls. Our house has been sprayed and they usually are found dead. I used to think that a mouse in the house was torture, now I just wish I could go a day without seeing an ant trail or something crawling towards my house.
Really, I used to be the yelling, screaming, tortured soul when I saw a speck of a spider or anything resembling an insect. Now, I can send a three inch cockroach packing in a blink of an eye. The island grows on you and you grow with it. Okay, now I need a drink.
Ummm..tarantulas can jump???

Pretty high, too. About a foot, mas o menos
thats just great....

Don't worry, I've heard you can leash train them. They also sell tiny electric shock collars to help in the training. Best of luck...
What you're all talking about are called wolf spiders. Often very large, very dark brown - almost black as they age - they live in deep holes underground and mostly have the good sense to stay away from mankind. No doubt a close cousin of the tarantula spider which has been given really bad press over the years via horror movies (and that James Bond movie!) it strikes and bites only when under attack. The bite of the wolf spider, as that of the tarantula, isn't (desite the hype about the latter) lethal. Uncomfortable and a bit painful, yes, but not lethal unless you happen to be allergic to it.
The wolf spider is basically a docile creature. Should one happen to come into your domicile, just take a plastic container or whatever and pop it over the spider, carefully slide a firm piece of cardboard or paper or whatever underneath the container, lift up the whole thing, cart it outside and let it go.
Critters are critters are critters but you are SO much bigger than they are so don't blame them if they get on the attack if you challenge them. They're not out to attack you but only to defend themselves with their limited rescources.
They actually do a lot of good in their own little way. Their laborious digging into the volcanic substrata (on STT anyway) loosens up the topsoil. For those of us who are into planting, that's a great plus. They also enjoy cockroaches at mealtimes which is another plus.
Honestly, Bluewater, I think you're gettng your knickers in a twist about nothing much at all!
I guess that's "VI Wolf Spider Not Tarantula 101" for the night.
Cheers dears!
STT Resident-
Thank you for the information-
My knickers aren't fully twisted about this- I just deal with tense/embarrassing- or anything otherwise emotionally taxing situations with humor- it helps to read other people experiences and laugh about them. Call it a drawback of email but I have had some good laughs over this.. And, you'll be happy to know, I have decided against the mosquito netting. 🙂
Thanks again for your info
Your post made me laugh b/c I too have grown accustomed to creepy crawlies. In fact, my city cats have gotten in touch with their inner jungle kitties and now have the horrible habit of regularly leaving lizard/gecko parts at our front door. 3 years ago this would have freaked me out to no end; now I just grab a paper towel and retrieve the remnants.
That said...
I am STILL freaked out by cockroaches! And here they have the 3" FLYING kind. Ugh. I'm still trying to determine if this is an acceptable price to pay for living in paradise...
Coming from Florida, the roaches, lizards, etc. have been no big deal but what about those segmented black wormy things that crunch when you step on them? They seem to love my bathroom and I hate having to wear shoes inside but can't stand to step on them ... ugh!
P.S. - I still occasionally drag out the old mosquito net. Some nights it's the only way to sleep.
Hello all those concerned about what critters you will be roomies with you when you move here. We added a new book just yesterday to the store called The Wild Life in an Island House. Its written by a lady from New York that moved to St. John about 15 years ago. She talks about all the critters she "shares" her house with from spiders and mosquitos to scorpions and frogs.
Might help get you ready. Here is the link:
Geez Islander, I thought when I hit this link I would find out about all the WILD parties and stuff going on in the islands! Can we get a book about that?
Hello Island Ed,
When you write one about the wild parties let me know! 😉
Well Islander,
In that case, maybe we should create a compilation of all the "Wild Life" stories from our board members... anonymously of course. I know I have met a few who admit to a little "wildness". Everyone can contribute to a mailbox you set up, or to my PM, and we can just edit it for length and ratings. Who knows, we may just have a best seller waiting to be written. Then maybe we can sell a video called "Wild On...", or didn't somebody already do that? Oh well, just a thought. LOL
Hmmmm Island Ed - sounds interesting indeed. Yes I have heard many a 'wild' story myself..... actually.... 🙂 well maybe I could write a few too. 😉
Great! Send them to my PM and I'll start compiling them... oh, and send pictures too!
If this is your phobia, and it is mine, what are the chances of having any kind of peace if I move to the islands?

If you can't get used to bugs-a-plenty, I'd have to say slim to none.
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