Opening a Restaurant
I hope Udder Delight can survive - they will have to find a reliable, affordable source for ice cream to do it.
They're working on it right now. Fortunately with the demise of STT Dairies, more distributors are now bringing in ice cream so they have several options to look into. They're such nice people and stopping there on the way back from a Magens day is almost a necessity!
Give me Haggen Daaz (chocolate) Ice cream or give me death. No udder will do.

QUOTE "I know how to manage people"
Here is some SERIOUS advice.
Until you have lived in the USVI, and worked with the USVI people, and learn the USVI ways, and understand the USVI culture, and have paid your have no idea how challenging the USVI islands can be.... SERIOUSLY, you better get down here, live here, work here, and EXPERIENCE the realities of a place that chews people up and spits them out with no conscience.
Probability vs Possibility - Anything is possible, but you need to deal in Probability, and the odds are against you. You sound so naive about what you are planning and seem to have no idea of what this venture requires.
Good food, good service and good management is only the beginning.
READ the book "Don't Stop The Carnival" and understand that this offers you an EXACT account of what to expect.
What you are trying to do is needed, but you don't sound like you have done your homework - everyone wants to own a bar and grill in paradise.
Good Luck!
You sound so naive about what you are planning and seem to have no idea of what this venture requires.
What you are trying to do is needed, but you don't sound like you have done your homework...
The OP has stated "i'm still a few years out", "...i'm doing my research early".
Sounds to me like he is doing his homework, notice the emphasis on the gerund doing and not on the past tense done. He has also heeded the advice of posters on this board by admitting that it would be a good idea to work at a local restaurant for a couple of years to learn the nuances of the culture, get an understanding of managing the logistics of a restaurant on the island, and identify what opportunities/niche could be addressed.
I've been considering a move to the USVI, but haven't done so yet so I won't begin to pretend that I understand the culture there. Nevertheless, should I make the move one thing that would make it all the more pleasant is to have a wide selection of good restaurants to eat at. So I for one hope dazajj keeps doing his homework and goes for it.
@dazajj - I have to admit that I got a smile out of your comment "I've managed platoons of 50+ Soldiers as a PLT leader in the Army. I know how to manage people...". I honestly can't think of a better start than that (my biased view, I'll explain), but it is just the foundation of good leadership skills. Perhaps you can relate to my experience.
As a former PltSgt and a 1SG in the Army I too had the fortunate opportunity to lead soldiers, which is why I have a biased view (in the positive sense) of the military's ability to prepare leaders. For the last 20 years I've been living in Spain and because of my technical and language skills I’ve made numerous trips and worked extensively in many South American countries. In the same way that one cannot compare leading people in the American military culture to the leading people in the Spanish culture, one can’t compare the Spanish culture to the distinct cultures of the different countries in South America. Nevertheless, and even with the experience I had gained, I was still thrown off my game when I went to do some work in the Dominican Republic. Hey, it’s an island close to South America, they speak Spanish so it really can’t be all that different. Right? Wrong! After the first day realization that the culture was more Caribbean than Spanish or South American I sought some advice and made some changes to my approach to dealing with the people and situations.
The moral of the story: Always be prepared to encounter something different and unexpected, despite your experience and despite all the prior planning and preparation that you’ve conducted. I think this is the greatest lesson that I learned as a leader. In the words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, regarded as one of the great strategists of the latter 19th century, “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.” The process of planning is more important than the plan.
So I encourage you to keep researching and heeding the constructive/instructive advice of board participants who have gained valuable business and “life” experience in the USVI. As well, look for the grains of validity in those comments that appear to be negative towards you, your experience and/or your plans since I’m sure there are some good intentions there, although they may not always come across as such. As a military officer you have been given a great foundation in leadership. As a logistics officer you should already have a keen understanding of supply chain management which can be extremely important to successfully managing a restaurant on an island. Be all that you can be!

What the First shirt said. (tu)
Mosquitobaitt- you're obviously a very negative person, or maybe i said something to piss you off... regardless, as Dareo mentioned,
.......... i'm atleast a few years out! this is the planning phase... to the point where i;m starting to consider a different island, maybe St. Lucia.. i'm seeing that St. Thomas may have too many negatives to deal with, between WAPA and the criminal activity occuring in the island i'm not so sure if St. Thomas might be the place... but like i said, this is all initial research....
And i wasn't trying to come off as "i've been in the Army, managed Soldiers, i know what it takes.." i was just trying to say that, i have managed people, and i know what it's like to manage people. Yes, they weren't Islanders, and i do understand that people are different down there, but atleast i have the 'foundation' to build on.
Everyone starts out somewhere, some people have the money and decide they want to open a restaurant, and in 6 months they're open..
I have the money but i've decided to go to culinary school, work in a restaurant state side during and after school (2-3years), possibly move to the Island and work down there for about a year or so, and then finally open up a restaurant. MosquitoBait, i'm paying my dues and putting in the time to ensure my place will succeed. So the probabilitiies will not be against me! beilieve it or not, with the proper planning 9 times out of 10 you will succeed. I'm sorry if that hasn't been the case for you.
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