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paralegal jobs on STX

Posts: 33
Eminent Member
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My husband has a job on STX starting in August and I am hoping to find a job (either part time or full time) once we are there. Does anyone have any information about working as a paralegal on the island? I have many years of experience in the estate and trusts area, especially in probate and estate/gift taxes. Are jobs such as this available? Any info would be very helpful.

Posted : April 4, 2007 5:50 pm
Posts: 83
Trusted Member

Hi Meg C,

I have a friend who got a job as a paralegal here on STX shortly after her move. You will have to look once you are physically here. I don't think that you'll have much luck long distance procuring a paralegal job but you should do just fine once you are here. Just like goods for sale, people with skills, experience and a good work ethic are in demand and the island has a limited supply.

Posted : April 5, 2007 1:50 am
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