Please recommend safe neighborhoods
I am not familiar with the neighborhoods in STT. I will be moving there soon for work. Can you please recommend neighborhoods?
Very much appreciated.
North side and east end are good. Places to stay away from estate Thomas, Bovani, smith bay, tutu, down town, wintberg, solberg. Just naming places I see in the crime reports of newspapers.
Freachman's Bay is quiet. Not too far from Downtown.
Nazareth just out side RedHook.
IWater Point in the 7 figure range.
It's impossible to classify any area as being intrinsically unsafe. In virtually every estate there are small "pockets" to avoid but they're easy to spot. If you categorically avoid, for instance, "Smith Bay", you're eliminating a vast estate comprising scores of beautiful neighborhoods (including most of the East end of the island)! Once you get here and see the lay of the land you'll have a much more realistic feel for how things are set up here. Good luck with the new job!
North side and east end are good. Places to stay away from estate Thomas, Bovani, smith bay, tutu, down town, wintberg, solberg. Just naming places I see in the crime reports of newspapers.
I lived in Estate Thomas NQ atop Raphune Hill for 10 years in a beautiful safe area of lovely homes; lived in Estate Smith Bay for many years in a few different places which were beautiful and safe; and presently live in Estate Wintberg which is wonderfully quiet and safe. As noted previously you can't generalize and lump together all areas of all estates.
North side and east end are good. Places to stay away from estate Thomas, Bovani, smith bay, tutu, down town, wintberg, solberg. Just naming places I see in the crime reports of newspapers.
I lived in Estate Thomas NQ atop Raphune Hill for 10 years in a beautiful safe area of lovely homes; lived in Estate Smith Bay for many years in a few different places which were beautiful and safe; and presently live in Estate Wintberg which is wonderfully quiet and safe. As noted previously you can't generalize and lump together all areas of all estates.
Old Tart - if you read my comment I said I see those names in the newspaper on a regular basis in the crime section. I am entitled to voice my opinion I am pretty sure that is the point of this site. Did I do something wrong to you- you seem to like to disagree with everything I put on this site which is your right but relax a little!! I enjoy this site but honestly its like you are trying to push people from coming back here
Old Tart - if you read my comment I said I see those names in the newspaper on a regular basis in the crime section. I am entitled to voice my opinion I am pretty sure that is the point of this site. Did I do something wrong to you- you seem to like to disagree with everything I put on this site which is your right but relax a little!! I enjoy this site but honestly its like you are trying to push people from coming back here
Disregarding the editorializing which isn't relevant or necessary, I think my point was perfectly clear (as twice stated), viz: "As noted previously you can't generalize and lump together all areas of all estates.. Sorry if that's not clear but I've no idea how else to phrase the response.
Sorry Islandlovin. I have to agree with OT.
Many areas are targeted by crime. Incidents happen in prestigious Peterborg locations as well as the nice expensive areas in Nazareth so it is really meaningless to generalize neighborhoods. My rental home in Mandahl Peak/Wintberg Heights area has never been subject to any incident of crime since it was built in 1963. Luckily, neither has where I now make my home in Dorothea for the past 9 years.
Crime can happen anywhere, even Water Point. Just be aware and be safe.
If concerned or have been a target of a crime, help organize a neighborhood crime watch with the assistance of our VIPD.

I think calling an Estate designation a neighborhood is the problem here - there are many different areas that share an Estate address - so it makes it hard to generalize about it because of the size of each Estate designation is so different - as mentioned, Smith Bay is huge and very diverse, Solberg has so many different neighborhoods and goes from just above town to MT Top, --- I see Peterborg in the crime reports often and just read of a special operation to combat burglary in that Estate but I wouldn't call it a bad neighborhood, it just has a larger percentage of rental villas that are sometimes empty for weeks and presents an opportunity for tief'in.
The OP was very vague about their needs in a neighborhood - maybe if they plan to be without a car and have a job on Main St,some of the beautiful Danish homes with Apts. downtown would be a good fit for them and a place like the gated enclave of Water Point , far from work and services, would be a bad fit.
There are wonderful neighborhoods all over St Thomas and it is hard to describe by Estate name or other designation what the OP needs are. They didn't say they were worried about crime , or closeness to work, or price or size of the home needed, whether they like condo life, beachfront living, mountain views or flat driveways so what kind of 'recommendation' is really expected.?
The estate designations are just lines on map left over from days of Colonial plantations. For example, "Smith Bay Estate" encompasses a large sector including Sapphire and Emerald Hills as well as the "village/area" commonly referred to as "Smith Bay". Not to discount the hard work of the Smith Bay community action group, or offend any of the hard working merchants who have legitimate business operations or any of the decent families, or faith based groups, but Smith Bay (proper) is know for it's crime problem. The Smith Bay Community Action Group is an organization of citizen hero's who are giving sweat and soul to gain government support and local involvement to foster positive change.
The original poster asked for recommendations of safe neighborhoods. So, lovin's" post providing advice about statistically high violent crime sectors/estates makes good sense. If someone is transferring jobs to STT and is desiring a safe neighborhood, then recommending the "neighborhood" of Smith Bay or Tutu (housing projects) just doesn't make sense. Checking out the accommodation, and adjacent neighborhood before signing a contract is also good advice. Crime does occur in good nieghborhoods and falsely believing that living at an expensive address will keep you safe is unrealistic. Maintaing good relations with your neighobors is improtant.
It's NOT my intent to "bash" a particular neighborhood. Merely provide the type of advice I would hope to receive if I were transferring my family to say San Fransisco or Miami and wanting locals to reccomend a safe neighborhood. Take Care and have fun 4th of July!!!
This confusion is exactly the reason we urge people to come on-island and check out the areas themselves. It is hard to give even general advice regarding where to live. One home may sound great on paper and not suit at all. Another home that you wouldn't even consider in theory might be perfect when you get there. Plus, personal preference is so, well, personal. While on STX, we lived out in the country, about a mile south of Cane Bay. It was perfect for us, but some of our friends wondered how we could stand being to far out and isolated and so far from stores etc. They also wondered about our safety. Get advice, but come and explore for yourself.
We lived in La Grande Princess in a great big private beautiful house on a hill - pool and all - La Grande Princess is always in the news for serious crime as it contains 5 Corners et al - nothing like our neighborhood...but 10 minutes down the road!!!! OT is absolutely right - the generalization is just too crude by estates or even neighborhoods - the sublime is mixed in with the ridiculous.
True. However there are some "neighborhoods" which cross the "safety" line. For example, I would not recommend looking for apartments inside the JFK housing community.
I suppose if someone were transferring on island (because of a new job) they would want to narrow down the long list of rentals. Not everyone has the benefit of a multi-week PMV. If your timeline is short, they you'd be wise to pre-select some properties. Hence, the request for safe neihborhood recommendations is valid. I'm sure there are more than just the few offered above. Can anyone add to the list for stt?
I doubt very seriously that the majority of people that consider relocating to the VI entertain thoughts of rentals in the low cost housing communities/projects for which there is a long list of islanders for whenever something there becomes available.
What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. Much depends on one's likes and dislikes, budget and convenience to place of work, etc. and on a small island, (STT/STJ) the commutes aren't as they are stateside. STX is considerably larger and takes much longer to get from one end to the other. Different people will want different things and they will find the areas that suit them best, once they arrive as there is a large rental market especially during the summer, from which to choose.
Again, no neighborhood, whatever the location, can you say without a doubt/100% certainty is going to be immune from any type of crime.
You may be lucky and never have an incident and then you can unlucky.
true, we live in christiansted and our cars have been burglerized many times but never any serious crimes, while our neighbor on the street below was shot. we also hear shots frequently. i feel safe but do not feel our cars are safe.
it seems that some on this message board take up alot of room typing and not wanting to give any information, which is sad because 5-6 years ago this was a wonderful place to visit to be informed. now the veterans seem tired of answering or helping but seem to have gotten better at bickering. people need specifics not generalizations. if you can help, please do, if not, pleas refrain from answering... just a thought.
As far as "safe areas" go - THERE ARE NO SPECIFICS. That is the entire point of most of these posts.
imonmyway, what was not specific?

The East End is safe. There is Seven Hills, tipparary, Seiera Verde, Cotton Valley, Catherines Hope, Teague Bay, about 10 miles to town and nice breezes and beaches.
The East End is safe. There is Seven Hills, tipparary, Seiera Verde, Cotton Valley, Catherines Hope, Teague Bay, about 10 miles to town and nice breezes and beaches.
To clarify, Bombi is referring to STX. The OP is interested in STT.
yggdrasill2005: Maybe the people for whom you're going to be working can find you a temporary place to stay until you find your way around, get to know the island and decide where you'd like to live depending on your personal preferences and its accessibility to your workplace. Most people who come here without a job find a short term place and do exactly that but you have the advantage of already having a position lined up so ask them to assist you temporarily. If they're not able or willing to give you a hand, give us a rough idea of where you'll be working, whether you'll have transportation (which you'll need anyway as getting around without your own vehicle is a real pain) and we can offer you some suggestions for something temporary until you get a little settled. All the best.

STX, yes, pardon my brain fade.

Specifically, I was at a house this week almost at the top of Mafolie Hill RD. on the western side of the road across from Louisenhoj Castle - beautiful neighborhood and a stunning harbour view - the address was in Estate Hospital Ground - I would have never guessed that was the case - Hospital Ground is rarely mentioned as a desirable safe area - it just shows me the vast variable areas encompassed by an Estate designation.
The best answer to the OP was to come and check the place out during a pre move visit(PMV), There are so many variables as to where to live. I have always recommended in the past, to rent from someone temporarily while searching for your job. Once you get the job, then you may want to find a place close to work, so to minimize your commute. By this time you will have also learned from fellow coworkers, and folk you may have met in passing, the best places to live, as well as finding a place.
Always stay aware of your surroundings. I was in the business of monthly rentals for newbies and still do some once in a while. As long as they follow my suggestions, they usually do well.
I have lived in town my whole life and would never tell someone not to. I have neighbors that have lived elswhere on island in nice neighborhoods and now say they love living here. Of course there are areas of town I wouldn't recommend as well, as many areas around the island. however it's a very hard question to answer for a person inquiring without any knowledge of the island. It just isn't possible. A safe neighborhood is how safe you make it. Just be careful.
Specifically, I was at a house this week almost at the top of Mafolie Hill RD. on the western side of the road across from Louisenhoj Castle - beautiful neighborhood and a stunning harbour view - the address was in Estate Hospital Ground - I would have never guessed that was the case - Hospital Ground is rarely mentioned as a desirable safe area - it just shows me the vast variable areas encompassed by an Estate designation.
A good chunk of Skyline Drive is technically Hospital Ground. People would give me the O_o look when I told them my address but the place where I lived was on Skyline, it was immaculate, spacious, safe, and expensive.
The general perception is that Contant, Altona/Welgunst, Backstreets, Estate Thomas, Hospital Ground, Sugar Estate, Bovoni, Tutu, Smith Bay, and Anna's Retreat are not likely to be what you're looking for. But like I any many others in this thread have already pointed out, just because a place is located in one of these Estates doesn't mean it can't be safe or nice - mostly everything is a mixed bag. Look at Peterborg for example, widely considered to be a really nice area, high priced with stunning views on the North Side and you couldn't pay me to live there, you really just have to grab a map and a rental and start scouting around.
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